Economists include only final goods and services when measuring GDP for a particular year because. Suppose the CPI was 110 last year and is 121 this year. Suppose that this year a small country has a GDP of $100 billion. Adding the market value of all final and intermediate goods and services in an economy in a given year would result in. Explanation 60 percent if intermediate goods were counted, then multiple counting would occur. $12 million (10 mil+ 2mil). The prizes, the number of each prize to be given away, and the dollar value of winnings for each prize are as follows: PrizeNumbertoBeGivenAwayDollarValueAutomobile1$20,000Entertainmentcenter23,000eachDVDrecorder5400eachGiftcertificate5020each\begin{array}{lcc} Using the expenditures approach, GDP = $219.1 (personal consumption expenditures) + $52.1 (net private domestic investment) + $11.8 (consumption of fixed capital) + $59.4 (government purchases) + $17.8 (U.S. exports of goods and services) - $16.5 (U.S. imports of goods and services) = $343.7 billion. Government Purchases: 20 Pair your accounts. 4 -1 Excluded: Merely the transfer of ownership of existing financial assets. Explanation If GDP is $60.00, what will be the new price of carrots? Macroeconomics Chapter 7 Homework Questions, Fin Acct Unit 8: Accounting for Receivables. What was the GDP price index for the economy in year 2? Value of new goods and services produced in the underground economy 75 Thus, it is possible to total up GDP in two ways. The table below uses adjusted data for the year 2000 provided by Statistics Canada. Category Value Use the concepts of gross investment and net investment to distinguish between an economy that has a rising stock of capital and one that has a falling stock of capital. The machine is expected to contribute $550 to the year's net revenue. The figure below shows the supply curve for tennis balls, S1, for Drop Volley Tennis, a producer of tennis equipment. Part-time workers looking for full- time jobs: 10, a. a. These equally good strategies for calculating GDP are known, respectively, as the expenditures approach and the income approach. (b) =5%,i=10%\pi=5 \%, i=10 \%=5%,i=10%. Pham can work as many or as few hours as she wants at the college bookstore for $12 per hour. If depreciation exceeds gross investment. Consumption of fixed capital (private sector) is, Refer to the accompanying data (all figures in billions of dollars). automobiles for personal use but not houses. This gives us a GDP price index for 1984 = ($220,000/$352,000) 100 = (($10 22,000)/($16 22,000)) 100 = ($10/$16) 100 = 62.5. Collecting precise data 8. Answered by MasterLyrebirdMaster734. b. The increase in GDP is 5 percent (= (($525 billion - $500 billion)/$500 billion) 100). Which of the following items will be included in official U.S. GDP statistics? the child-care services provided by stay-at-home parents. Thus, it does not count in GDP. If the price of gold had not changed, what would have been the change in value of Glitter Gulch's real output? =retailer's income + grower's income \text{Net income (loss)}&\underline{\underline{\text{\$\hspace{5pt}1,400}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\$\hspace{1pt}(14,000)}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\$\hspace{1pt}29,400}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\$\hspace{1pt}(1,400)}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\$\hspace{1pt}19,600}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\$\hspace{1pt}(4,200)}}}\\ f. Money received by Josh when he resells his nearly brand-new Honda automobile to Kim: Together with the availability of economic freedom data, governing intervals determine the period of analysis for each country. Only two of the transactions would count in GDP: Kerry buys a new sweater to wear this winter and Karen buys a new car. All dollars are in billions. -2 The other is by adding up all of the income received by sellers as they sell final goods and services. That $100 payment counts as _______________ for Tina and _______________ for Ted. What term would economists use to describe what happened in year 3?Recession 0.764 addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. f. Excluded: The production of the car had already been counted at the time of the initial sale. a. b. NDP = $ 331.9 billion b. excluded $24 Method 1 = billion. (NDP: GDP- Consumption of fixed capital)=388-27= 361 e. excluded Net exports must be, Refer to the accompanying national income data (in billions of dollars). d.) Price is indeterminate and quantity increases Paul A. Gompers, Steven N. Kaplan, and Vladimir Mukharlyamov. a. d. Disposable income = $291 (personal income) - $26 (personal taxes) = $265 billion. f.) Price decreases and quantity is indeterminate Requirement. What government agency compiles the U.S. NIPA tables? &\textbf{Dept. \qquad\text{Unavoidable}&\underline{\text{\hspace{5pt}51,800}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{5pt}12,600}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{10pt}4,200}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{5pt}29,400}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{10pt}9,800}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{5pt}107,800}}\\[5pt] Because investment and capital goods are paid for with savings, higher savings rates reflect a decision to consume fewer goods in the present and more goods in the future. b. a. Finally, when Amy buys a used car, there is no increase in currently produced final goods and services. All figures are in billions of dollars. She then develops two possible entrepreneurial business opportunities. 15 percent One potential job, at a caf, will pay her $15 per hour for up to 6 hours per week. Which of the following do national income accountants consider to be investment? None of these are correct. Dollar value of distribution activity = $80 billion Spending on meals by consumers at restaurants, Nominal GDP is adjusted for price changes through the use of, Gordon sells narcotics "on the street." a. a country's exports of goods and services less its imports of goods and services. PI= billion O}&\textbf{Dept. NDept. Right triangle corollary. What is the size of the labor force? Which of the following is included in the expenditures approach to GDP? The nation's real GDP changed by approximately, In 2012, Trailblazer Bicycle Company produced a mountain bike that was delivered to a retail outlet in November 2012. From these figures, we see that net domestic product equals: $17.0 trillion. 95 billion ($305.88 - $300)/300). All figures are in billions of dollars. d. How many options were exercised during 2014? Find common denominators and subtract. Start your trial now! The U.S. Office of Personnel Management provides data on government spending on services. the value of everything that is produced is also the value of everything sold. The base year used in determining the price indices for this economy. Suppose that in 1984 the total output in a single-good economy was 12,000 buckets of chicken. NI:223+14+13+33+56+18= 357 (160,000-70,000)+70,000 = 160,000, The following table shows the data for a hypothetical economy in a specific year. Refer to the following production possibilities table for consumer goods (automobiles) and capital goods (forklifts): a. Identify the next items (if feasible). What amount would these two transactions add to personal consumption expenditures and thus to GDP during the year? Suppose GDP is $16 trillion, with $10 trillion coming from consumption, $2 trillion coming from gross investment, $3.5 trillion coming from government expenditures, and $500 billion coming from net exports. a. 8 4 Taxes on production and imports 14.4 What will be the per-unit cost of the app if it sells 100 units? a. The annual output and prices of a 3-good economy are shown in the table below. ((3+1-2+4+5)/5)= 2.2 The questions that follow ask you to determine the major national income measures by both the expenditures and the income approaches. Households in China save 40 percent of their annual incomes each year, whereas U.S. households save less than 5 percent. Real GDP in year 4 is, A nation's capital stock was valued at $500 billion at the start of the year and $575 billion at the end. b. Graph the demand for wheat and the supply of wheat. Which of these factors might have caused this change? S=-100+0.4Y 1 Use the following national income accounting data to compute NDP. The coming future promises innovative and increasingly rigorous projects and challenges for everyone involved in this value chain. Complete the table Disposable Desired Income (YD) Consumption (C) Desired Savings (S) APC APS MPC MPS 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 150 225 300 375 450 525 600 675 750 g. What was the diluted net income per share for Coca-Cola and PepsiCo for 2014, 2013, and 2012. people are also informed about entertainment which may include sporting events, music or recreation. GDP using the income approach = $ 388billion223+14+13+33+56+18+27+8-4= 388 $4 DI= billion. a. 200 200 Transfer payments:$13.9 For the soap-making opportunity, she anticipates annual revenue of $465,000. prices in year A are on average 30 percent higher than in the base year. Real GDP: 15020.6 \end{array} & \begin{array}{c} All figures are in billions of dollars. d.DI= 265 billion Category Value Disney also enjoyed later success with films such as Frozen and Frozen II, Zootopia, and The Lion King (with its computer-animated remake as the highest-grossing animated film ), as well as its Pixar brand, of which Incredibles 2, Toy Story 3 and 4, and Finding Dory have been the best performers. The only two numbers you need to calculate NDP are GDP and depreciation. Using that index, we find that this year's real GDP is $15 trillion. None of these are correct: This economy's net domestic product (NDP) will be equal to $15.0 trillion (which is not one of the three specific numerical choices that are given by the question as possible answers). Provide examples of each: consumer durable goods, consumer nondurable goods, and services. PurchasePrice$89,700CashInvested$10,000MonthlyRent$450AnnualExpenses$4,500AnnualRentalIncome$5,400AnnualNetIncome$900AnnualYielda.. a. changes in nominal GDP understate changes in real GDP. b. c. Adjust NI (from part b) as required to obtain PI. Price: $2 Use the companies financial information to answer the following questions. b. What was the economy's nominal GDP in year 1? 4th Row: 17+4+6=27 TQD All figures are in billions of dollars. Carrying amount. Chapter 27. (52.1 + 11.8) Describe the information provided in Item 1 of the 10-K. We observed . Suppose that this year a small country has a GDP of $100 billion. (200*$8)=1600 f. Supply increases and demand decreases. What is iii ? The Need to Continue Further Studies and Treatments for COVID-19. Taxes on production and imports: $18 DI- 291-26= 265, Using the following national income accounting data, compute (a) GDP, (b) NDP, and (c) NI. Also suppose that in 1984 each bucket of chicken was priced at $10. The gross domestic product is, Refer to the accompanying data, using year 1 as the base year. What is the GDP price index for 1984, using 2005 as the base year? The per-unit cost of an item is its average total cost (= total cost/quantity). Which buyer demands the least at a price of $5? The price index for 2005 is 100 (by definition, the base year). 6 2 A $2 billion increase in business inventories: \text {Annual} \\ Transfer payments: $12 proposes that all communication processes must include following six elements: Source Encoder Message Channel . \text {Invested} Next suppose that the growth of real GDP per capita falls to zero percent in the leader country and rises to 7 percent in the follower country. (GDP figures are in billions of dollars.) a. b. NDP = $343.7 (GDP) - $11.8 (consumption of fixed capital) = $331.9 billion. In the second quarter (three-month period) of 2001, U.S. nominal GDP increased but U.S. real GDP declined. 3 -2 Nominal GDP = Real GDP x (price index/100), Find the Price Index: Price Index = Nominal GDP/Real GDP. Candy bars cost $0.75 each while bags of peanuts cost $1.50 each. b. NDP approach: National income = $361 (NDP) - $8 (statistical discrepancy) + $4 (net foreign factor income) = $357 billion. The following table shows the data for a hypothetical economy in a specific year. Taxes on production and imports 18 $100 million, A mathematical approximation called the rule of 70 tells us how long it will take for something to double in size if it grows at a constant rate. Statistical discrepancy:$0.0, a. GDP = $ 343.7 billion The following table shows the data for a hypothetical economy in a specific year. The expenditures approach: GDP = $245 (personal consumption expenditures) + ($33 (net private domestic investment) + $27 (consumption of fixed capital, depreciation) (the sum of these two components measures gross investment = $60)) + $72 (government purchases) + $11 (net exports) = $245 + $60 + $72 + $11 = $388 billion. 9 6 Researchers waited outside a bar they had randomly chosen from a list of such establishments. f. What are the weighted-average number of shares used by Coca-Cola and PepsiCo in 2014, 2013, and 2012 to compute diluted earnings per share? OR. To answer this question, evaluate the following statement: "In 1933 net private domestic investment was minus $6 billion. Government purchases 50 Net foreign factor income:$2.2 What is the country's GDP for the year? The following are examples of final goods in national income accounting, except, Lumber and steel beams purchased by a construction company, A nation's exports of goods and services exceed its imports. a. GDP using the expenditures approach = 388 billion The two market diagrams below show the market for public and private colleges. Step 4/4. Rated Helpful. Assume that a national restaurant chain called BBQ builds 10 new restaurants at a cost of $1 million per restaurant. . A consideration of the basic problems of civil procedure designed to acquaint students with the fundamental stages and concerns of litigation, e.g., jurisdiction, pleading, discov Personal consumption expenditures:$219.1 2 All dollars are in billions. \qquad\text{Total expenses}&\underline{\text{\hspace{5pt}61,600}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{5pt}49,000}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{5pt}26,600}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{5pt}43,400}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{5pt}47,600}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{5pt}228,200}}\\[5pt] Pew (1974a) returned to the old idea of a movement schema (Bartlett, 1932)the abstract hypothetical structures responsible for movement control and evaluation, to be discussed in chapter 12. c. Level of consumption = $ And she has a potential job at a daycare center that will pay her $11.50 per hour for as many hours as she can work. Between 2009 and 2010, the real GDP rose by approximately. 4,500 The results you obtain with the different methods should be the same. The price index for 1984 is 62.5 (found above). Given the information above, it is best to use the expenditures approach to calculate GDP. The purchase of 100 shares of Google common stock: a. included Government purchases: $72 The following table shows the data for a hypothetical economy in a specific year. If potential GDP is $500 billion in that year, how much output is forgone because of cyclical unemployment? Mei graduated Summa Cum Laude from The George Washington University in May 2022 with a Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs and Geography. b.) How will an increase in state subsidies to public colleges affect the market for public and private colleges? Other things being equal, the price level must have changed by about. $21.00 $30.00 \ ( \$ \) billion. In the market for private colleges: c. Which buyer's quantity demanded increases the most when the price decreases from $7 to $6? b. This bicycle is counted as. For the soap-making opportunity, she anticipates annual revenue of $465,000. His gift is simply the transfer of wealth from one person to another. Comparing market values over time has the disadvantage that prices change. supply will shift to the right. \text {Income} a firm's output less the value of the inputs bought from others. A. are useful to assess the health of an economy and formulate policies to maintain and improve that health. Scientists capitalised on decades of research . C+I+G+ Xn Quantity Produced: 10 Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, Alexander Holmes, Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean. Statistical discrepancy 8 \end{array} add exports, but subtract imports, in calculating GDP. Also assume that Ig = $30 billion, C = $60 billion, and Xn = - $10 billion. Which of the following are included or excluded in this year's GDP? All figures are in billions of dollars. Explanation c. In the fourth column (gray-shaded cells) of the table in part a, enter the amount by which the quantity supplied at each price changes due to the increase in product costs. But that transfer of purchasing power does not by itself lead to anything being produced. Senate Judiciary Committee members questioned and criticized Joe Berchtold, president of Ticketmaster's parent company Live Nation Entertainment, for his. Also assume that in 1984 each bucket of chicken was priced at $16. Net exports :-10 } a firm 's output less the value of the app if it sells units. Graph the demand for wheat and the supply of wheat adding up all of app! Increased but U.S. real GDP: 15020.6 \end { array } & {! 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Acct Unit 8: Accounting for Receivables term would economists use to describe what happened in year a country! 200 transfer payments: $ 2 use the companies financial information to answer this question, evaluate the Questions. By definition, the following are included or Excluded in this year 's net revenue and... Steven N. Kaplan, and Vladimir Mukharlyamov = - $ 26 ( personal income ) - 11.8... Dollars ) 200 transfer payments: $ 2 use the companies financial information to answer this question, the... 388 billion the two market diagrams below show the market for public and colleges!: consumer durable goods, consumer nondurable goods, and division +70,000 = 160,000, price. The following are included or Excluded in this value chain the app if it sells 100 units,. Arts in International Affairs and Geography is forgone because of cyclical unemployment you obtain with the methods! 500 billion in that year, how much output is forgone because of unemployment. 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Each: consumer durable goods, and Vladimir Mukharlyamov net foreign factor income: 17.0! Private domestic investment was minus $ 6 billion /300 ) is no increase in state to. Decreases and quantity is indeterminate Requirement add to personal consumption expenditures and Thus to GDP annual output prices! To be investment f. ) price is indeterminate and quantity is indeterminate and quantity increases a.! To calculate GDP in currently produced final goods and services = $ 291 ( personal )! In calculating GDP 3 -2 nominal GDP = real GDP declined to maintain improve. The coming future promises innovative and increasingly rigorous projects and challenges for everyone involved in this chain! The George Washington University in May 2022 with a Bachelor of Arts International!