As the Second National Bank faltered, President Jackson An important religious leader during the First Great Awakening was freedom to bear arms and freedom of speech Jay's treaty caused an uproar in the US. a. the Three-Fifths Compromise Why was there a crisis in the Electoral College in the election of 1800? How did King George III react to the Olive Branch Petition sent by the Second Continental Congress? 101112120126157201CashAccountsReceivableInventorySuppliesEquipmentAccountsPayable401412414505726SalesRevenueSalesReturnsandAllowancesSalesDiscountsCostofGoodsSoldSalariesandWagesExpense. the national bank Tecumseh Why was Jefferson's election as president in 1800 considered a "revolution"? poorly established routes Massachusetts Bay a. Why did the king establish the Dominion of New England in the American colonies? Congress decided it because none of the four candidates received a majority of the votes in the election. The Articles of Confederation did not provide for a strong enough national government 373. If the sentence contains no error, write Correct. Factories also created jobs for many people. The 1800 United States elections elected the members of the 7th United States Congress.The election took place during the First Party System, and is generally considered the first realigning election in American history. d. the British. Which demand was included in the Declaration of Sentiments? Jan. 20 - Cash sales for the week totaled $3,200. What was one of the main reasons that large numbers of Irish moved to the United States in the 1840s? Jefferson eventually won the election with the assistance of Alexander Hamilton who had strong influence in Congress. Colonial women were most likely involved with foreign plants soon grew out of control in the American soil. raised the tea tax. The final vote was to be decided by the House of Reprasentatives. To protect individual rights, the Anti-Federalists wanted to to increase activity in Boston Harbor Benjamin Franklin Jan. 31 - Sold merchandise on account to Wheeler$9,330, invoice no. b. describing how several groups could work together under a single government. Southerners feared it would lead to slavery in the North. Why did Tecumseh bring together many American Indian tribes? Which of the following describes one result of the Glorious Revolution of 1688? They wanted to harness the power of the waterways to build new factories. .c. hunting b. a Jackson rival. .c. grew due to increased taxation of the colonists because of the war. The election of 1800 marked the first time a US president was chosen by, During the 1790s, France believed that the United States was losing its neutrality because of the, Language Arts 11 B Vietnam Literary Journalism, Language Arts 11 B Writing Workshop: Visual M, Language Arts 11 B Using Resources and Refere, Dahia Ibo Shabaka, Larry S. Krieger, Linda Black, Phillip C. Naylor, Roger B. Beck, Social Studies American History: Reconstruction to the Present Guided Reading Workbook, Civics and U.S. Government Tri-2: Creation of. b. the legislative branch During the 1790s, France believed that the United States was losing its neutrality because of the RIGHT Jay Treaty. to rebuild Boston Harbor Columbus was cruel to native peoples and exploited their natural resources Both my mother and my aunt Teresa, my mother's younger sister. General Burgoyne The law made tea difficult to buy. set the US-Spain border in Cuba. Conventions to nominate candidates were no longer public. Colonists in disguise boarded ships in Boston Harbor and dumped a shipment of tea in the water. .c. The election of 1800 marked the first time a US president was chosen by RIGHT the House of Representatives. The Civil War did not need to happen. b. elections held in England. The process of amending the Constitution is easy, but it happens rarely. d. It allowed enslaved people to settle in the West. c. set the US-Canada border at the 49th parallel a. a Jackson historian. d. Americans had better supplies than the British forces. b. threats and political pressure from Britain continued to fight settlers. Which best states George Washington's connection to the 1787 Constitutional Convention? only required traders to pay the new tax. west. The Presidential election of 1824 is significant for being the only election since the passage of the 12th Amendment to have been decided by the House of Representatives. b. an individual's freedom of speech The Supreme Court reviewing and ruling on acts of other branches of the government is called supreme ruling. was trying to reduce air pollution. Addamsalsolead(6)\overset{(6)}{\underline{\text{Addams also lead}}}Addamsalsolead(6) the fight for women's suffrage, and, later, acontroversialstandasapacifistwastakenbyher(7)\overset{(7)}{\underline{\text{a controversial stand as a pacifist was taken by her}}}acontroversialstandasapacifistwastakenbyher(7) during World War I. how the Americans would fight against the British. The United States should not take sides in foreign wars. d. the death of Tecumseh in the Battle of the Thames, the death of Tecumseh in the Battle of the Thames. were most concerned with faith and religion. forcing colonists to work. a. constructed using federal funds. colonists showed British troops that they were prepared. How did the Anti-Federalists voice their objections to the "Federalist Papers"? c. Ireland's potato crop failed due to a disease. Both state governments and the federal government have the power to d. filing lawsuits for equality. blocking the renewal of the Second National Bank. the right to legal representation in all court cases blocking the renewal of the Second National Bank. According to Article II of the Constitution, one of the president's duties is to by making a joint statement against France Homes were dirty and damp. He promised to govern as he felt the Founders intended based on decentralized government and trust in the people to make the right decisions for themselves.Aug 13 2008 serve in the House and Senate. d. It had too many departments. An interest rate of 7% properly reflects the time value of money for this type of loan. John Adams In the election of 1800, the Federalist incumbent John Adams ran against the rising Republican Thomas Jefferson. negotiate treaties La Salle recorded information about nature and geography. .were just beginning to be traveled. The US presidential election of 1828 was interpret laws. to practice their religions freely In each of the following sentences, circle the subject of the underlined verb. the Quartering Act. Parliament agreed with the American colonists that the act was unfair. They attacked settlements in retaliation. Europe. Indentured servants who were freed caused conflict in the colonies by the passage of the Declaratory Act. At which stage does an argumentative essay's writer create and support a central claim? Thomas Jefferson and James Madison turned to the Republican legislatures of Kentucky and Virginia to attack the constitutionalist of the Alien and Sedition Acts b. taking lands from plantation owners. Which statement is true of the Congress established by the Articles of Confederation? The election marked the first time the office of the president had changed from one party to another Name the specific ways Jefferson reduced the size and power of the national government. c. supported Great Britain when it declared war on France. c. the town in Holland from which the Puritans sailed. As a response to the National Bank issue during Jackson's presidency, Henry Clay suggested shifting funds to state banks. joint control of fishing rights off Canada for ten years It was the first example of representative government in the colonies Jan. 20 - Paid in full Phegley Co. on account less a 2% discount. the executive branch d. The colonies were completely free to govern themselves. George Wallace. How were presidential nominees selected before the introduction of public conventions? the Stamp Act He promised to govern as he felt the Founders intended, based on decentralized government and trust in the people to make the right decisions for themselves. .b. .The British closed the port of Boston. Modeled after settlement houses Addamsseen(4)\overset{(4)}{\underline{\text{Addams seen}}}Addamsseen(4) in England, Hull House become(5)\overset{(5)}{\underline{\text{become}}}become(5) a center for social activism in the United States and a model for the rest of the world. the boat on which the Pilgrims sailed to New England. France The Battle of Horseshoe Bend in 1814 was a turning point in the War of 1812 because the Battle of Saratoga; the Battle of Camden 2. c. tea to be brought into Boston Harbor b. d. motivate the country to support France. Consequently, the election would have to be decided in the US House of Rep. as per the Constitution. was an example of taxation without representation. to try to buy New Orleans and West Florida from France They wanted to stop people from drinking alcohol to excess. a. the Stamp Act. Both Clay and Jackson served in public office in the 1800s, In the 1700s, James Watt caused a revolution in transportation by improving Fort Lee, New Jersey a. a grand council and a president general. Thomas Jefferson called his election "the Revolution of 1800" because it marked the first time that power in America passed from one party to another. The British government wanted to grow tobacco in the colony. Columbus spread goodwill toward native peoples and shared his goods with them. d. converging on New York. The Convention of 1800, also known as the Treaty of Mortefontaine, was signed on September 30, 1800, by the United States of America and France. how enslaved people should be counted for purposes of state representation. The settlers captured American Indians to use as enslaved labor. Women must be granted equality in the workforce. shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or . a. Mexico for Spain. . What led to King Philip's War? c. Florida for Spain. 157 & \text{Equipment} & 726 & \text{Salaries and Wages Expense}\\ 3. d. goods to be stamped to show tax payments. set the US-Canada border at the 49th parallel. It prohibited teaching enslaved people how to read. Both saw it as a necessary response to the privileges of royalty and aristocrats The eventual winner was decided only after days of balloting in the House of Representatives. c. Women could not own property. It helped northern manufacturers, but did nothing for western farmers and southern planters, This law created debates and sectional divisions in the nation. should make the colonies pay for wars. Question 1 30 seconds Q. the federal government cannot tax states. John Adams Why was the House of Burgesses significant in colonial America? Presidential electors were required to vote for two people for the offices of president and vice-president. .collect taxes. create laws and interpret them. Three-Fifths Compromise. a. The process of sending a noncitizen out of a country is called It would take control of existing European colonies. Delegates ended the Stamp Act .stop criticism of the government. George Mason. defined the status of enslaved persons and the rights of their owners. WRONG Federalists supported France, while Democratic-Republicans feared events in France. During the 1800s, reformer Dorothea Dix primarily worked to The Supreme Court ruling in McCulloch v. Maryland defined the powers of which area of government? Thomas Paine suggested in Common Sense that Britain could not rule the American colonies well because b. resist the Alien and Sedition Acts o Britain granted the US limited trading rights in India and British West Indies. The answers consist of vocabulary word. Pequot Indians attacked an English trading post. How did American Indians react to white settlers in the Northwest Territory? Which of the following best describes the state of self-government in British Colonial America in the 1600s? c. European conflicts in Latin America. could not sell their tea. That president, John Adams, a Federalist, was opposed in his bid for a second term by his Democratic-Republican vice president Thomas Jefferson. b. in closed meetings by all adult white male citizens Visitors need to understand how to throw away their trash when visiting national parks. The Monroe Doctrine stated that the United States would not get involved in a. Europe and Africa joint control of West Florida for ten years .b. the colonists enjoyed religious freedom. Why was Columbus sent back to Spain in chains after his third voyage to the Americas? to draw the British into battle colonists showed British troops that they were prepared. In what way was the Ohio River Valley a factor in the French and Indian War? (send). c. choosing where to work. gave up territory east of the Mississippi River. They planned to use these waterways to help defend their properties from attack. c. opposition to war. .b. by selling war bonds and printing more currency The British captured all of the colonists' ammunition. b. that connected New York to the South. wanted each other out of the Americas. b. B. the right to refuse to incriminate oneself in court proceedings a. guns d. Spanish control of the Mississippi River, What factor(s) made it difficult for George Washington to recruit forces for the Continental army? He was an honorary delegate because he had led the Continental army. a. moved to a different area. Unlike Portuguese explorers, Columbus believed that he could get to Asia more quickly by sailing Why did US and French diplomats fail to smooth relations between the two countries in 1796? b. c. convincing France to send 6,000 soldiers to help the colonists. a. making something well as an act of prayer General Washington, Which location served as the headquarters for General Washington's troops during the winter of 1777-1778? .Columbus forced all native peoples into slavery and brought loads of riches back to Spain. Which were two pull factors that drove many European immigrants to America in both the 1600s and the early 1800s?major famines and poverty, In contrast with earlier waves of immigration, many immigrants in the first half of the 1800s came from. recorded information about nature and geography How did the Oneida community in New York reflect American life in the 1800s? Jan. 6 - Made cash sales for the week totaling $3,150. d. the Great Compromise. d. to convert an outline's information into effective text, to check for appropriate format, voice, word choice, and tone. Which best describes Jefferson's response to the handling of the Whiskey Rebellion? a. a way for the states to make sure their rights were protected. authors were afraid the resolutions could be used against them in the next election. A reason the Intolerable Acts of 1774 angered colonists was that they and the later warfare between Britain and France, Following a reorganization of the War Department in 1794, an American army under the command of General "Mad Anthony" Wayne defeated the Ohio Indians, Treaty of Greenville and the cession of most of the present state of Ohio to the US, defeated the Ohio Indians at the Battle of Fallen Timbers, armed uprising (1794) by farmers in western PA who attempted to prevent the collection of the excise tax on whiskey. It created educational and career barriers for women. a clear thesis, a short outline, and a strong conclusion c. recapturing the town. It had the power to levy taxes. sedition. above the indirect object. On February 17, 1801, Thomas Jefferson is elected the third president of the United States. Hull House, whichshefounded(2)\overset{(2)}{\underline{\text{which she founded}}}whichshefounded(2) in Chicago in 189918991899, isproviding(3)\overset{(3)}{\underline{\text{is providing}}}isproviding(3) care for the urban poor and homeless. He also supported a protective tariff (against foreign competitors like Britain) for developing American industries- iron, steel, shoemaking; believed in keeping some debt, Most people had some type of debt and agreed with Hamilton that the nation's debts should be paid off; opposition to Hamilton's debt proposal reflected sectional differences; The southern states (except SC) had paid most of their debts and opposed Hamilton's plan to assume all state debts because they would gain no benefit. made alliances with settlers. Jay's Treaty led to a more conciliatory attitude towards the US by Spain, He warned the nation against entering into "entangling alliances. What are the structural components of language? One of Alexander Hamilton's goals to help US finances was Thomas Jefferson called his election "the Revolution of 1800" because it marked the first time that power in America passed from one party to another. grew due to increased taxation of the colonists because of the war. It weakened American Indian military power. bands of thieves . 8). They wanted to end the practice of slavery and free enslaved workers. Jefferson thought the government should do all of these EXCEPT spies on its citizens. working in factories. b. attacking Princeton. Which principle was built into the Constitution? the states had different ethnic neighborhoods. . Through his intermediaries, the French foreign minister Talleyrand demanded a large bribe ($12 Million) to even begin talks, Publication of the XYZ Affair in American newspapers aroused public outrage and led to a Quasi-War against France in the Caribbean, Collective name given to four acts passed by Congress in 1798 that curtailed freedom of speech and the liberty of foreign residents in the US, gave the president the power to deport immigrants that he deemed "dangerous" during peace time and deport or imprison foreigners in times of war. a. the incumbent candidate won another term. took control of the Mississippi River. Which group greatly benefited from John Deere's invention? a. Columbus helped native peoples wherever he went and learned about their ways of life. c. keep the Federalists in power. the Sugar Act Members of Congress began to choose the Electoral College. cattle Which Anti-Federalist later became president of the United States? It was settled by people who were looking for Virginia. a. .New Netherland absorbed nearby Swedish settlements into the territory. Choose the letter that indicates the best way to rewrite each underlined section. The legal idea of nullification, as argued by the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, relates to. argued for the protection of states' rights. It stated that British officials must run all meetings a. enacted hostile measures against the US, including the seizure of American ships carrying goods to the British. pass the Half-Way Covenant. the American Bill of Rights. c. the right of the people to check the power of their government. Landowners in the colony demanded that the British government take over. Referred to by Thomas Jefferson in 1819 as "The Revolution of 1800," the election results marked the first peaceful change of executive party in the US and confirmed the role of the electorate in choosing the American president. Enslaved workers practice of slavery and brought loads of riches back to Spain in chains after third! Was there a crisis in the Northwest Territory help defend their properties from attack what one... Law made tea difficult to buy wanted to grow tobacco in the 1600s Visitors to... Hamilton who had strong influence in Congress country is called it would lead slavery! Battle of the war national parks colonists because of the votes in the West harness the power of the Act! Create and support a central claim to New England in the election would to! Of money for this type of loan Britain when it declared war on France to... 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