Thanks and God bless you. Resist the Devil Gods perfect battle plan for Deliverance, There is only one way to receive Eternal Salvation and the Holy Spirit. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places, Ephesians 6:12. Immediately the pant landed, there was pandemonium in the room; everything turned upside down. Praise the Lord. I plead the blood of Jesus over my place of birth. He always listens and always responds! 48. (LogOut/ No two battle situations are ever alike. A prayer of protection. Help all your people bought with the precious blood of Christ. I enter the Holy of Holies by the blood of Jesus. These verses are specifically telling us that all of the signs and wonders that were done by the early apostles were done by the power of the Holy Spirit. My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It sets people free from bondage. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. I confess the Holy Spirit guides and leads me. Notice in this verse we have Gods power over all the power of our enemies, not just against some or part of their powers. I was told of a man, who saw the flood raging towards his house andhe came out and pleaded the Blood of Jesus. I confess that I am a child of God, that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Hi & God bless you and thank you dear pastor for making your teachings possible for us, thanks so much for for the years prayers time & effort of your dedication to our Lord God Almighty to be victorious in spiritual warfare!!! The second weapon of spiritual warfare is the power of the Holy Spirit. Mr. devil, see the blood of Jesus. Enduring in faith placing our total trust in God that will sustain us to the appointed time. There are a million and one things that could come against anyone of us at any time. Pleading the Blood of Jesus For Protection. All my blessings, hindered by invisible barriers, receive fire and locate me now, in the name of Jesus. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. Door-opening power to open every door that has been closed against good things in the life of a person. FIRST we must understand that the BLOOD OF JESUS does many things! Many have been poisoned physically or spiritually. Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see beyond the visible to the invisible, in the name of Jesus. His death on the cross had completed and fulfilled what His Father had started in the Old Testament with the sacrifice of these animals. El gilbor is powerful! Deliverance Now what are the Scriptural grounds that will give us the legal right to be able to use the blood of Jesus when taking on any attacks that may come our way? Do you know that there is power and life in blood generally? He did his consultation and he found out that there was a strange thing in the room. When Pleading the Blood on the basics, you can choose to either say the prayer out loud or silently to yourself, which ever way you would be more comfortable with. If you are a regular with the Joseph Plan PLEASE contact us today. Web3. Pleading the Blood of Jesus on your finances will help protect you from all of the scammers and con artists who are out there trying to scam and steal all of your hard earned money. My WhatsApp number is 07054116205 and hotline 08143310934. Regular prayers to overcome the satanic onslaught . A Prayer for Spiritual Warfare. Web13. The Biblical Spiritual Warfare Manual is the textbook for the Spiritual Warfare Training Course offered by The Joseph Plan. WebBlood. Secondly-In order for this prayer to be effective the believer must be in a position of surrender or submission to God and His ways. You have to flee. It could be marriage, finances, business, etc. I plead the blood of Jesus upon my siblings (mention their names). WebO Lord, convert every curse in my family, town, village and environment to blessing, in the name of Jesus. I hold the blood of Jesus against evil diversion. If the blood of animals and human beings could make an impact, how much more, the Blood of Jesus, the Son of God? Examine yourself and seek righteousness. It is totally supported by those who are blessed by it. I stand against every domestic power challenging Gods grace in my life. Great prayers Any one of these could come under demonic or human attack at any time. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. Every power assigned to follow me, to destroy me, die in the Name of Jesus. Do you know that youre saved? Continue the good work! My finances are redeemed by the blood of the lamb. All of these powerful testimonies have one major thing in common and this is where many Christians are really missing out on being able to get delivered from some of their bad predicaments and that one common denominator is that all of these people had to be taught how to go on the offensive against whatever adversity had just come their way. Let the power in the blood clean my spiritual vision and wash my spiritual pipe that I may be receiving of the Lord unhindered. While studying for this post I found this excellent article on The Blood of Jesus Prayer. It is primarily a defensive prayer. The Passover is a type and an example of the protection that JESUSs BLOOD offers us when we apply it on ourselves and family. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Thank you Father. I will first show you how to Plead the Blood of Jesus for basic protection. These are what I call the basics. 21. Please read, study and pray before attempting to use this prayer for offensive purposes. You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thank God for the holy spirit. FIRST, there are 2 main pre-requisites to declaring HIS BLOOD: 1) ONE must be completely surrendered, submitted and humbled before HIM. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Father Lord, I thank you that the blood of Jesus has the power to overcome my present situations. Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. Let the power of the blood of Jesus be released on my behalf and let it speak against every stubborn mountain I my life. O Lord, let every tongue professing evil upon my life and destiny be cut off in Jesus name. And I say, let the blood quicken all that is dead within me. 10. 47. And when I say entire life, I mean literally everything in your life. However, before God sets all of this up to occur, He tells His own people to shed the blood of a blemish-free lamb and to put that shed blood on the door posts and lintels of their houses. Storm cloud after storm cloud keeps coming after them beating them down to a pulp. God can see into the future and knows exactly what is going to happen to you you cannot. I plead the blood of Jesus upon my body-from the top of my head to the sole of my feet. Jesus, the Son of God, was a man of fasting and prayer (Matthew 4:2). Jesus chose you, saves you, gives you an eternal inheritance of blessings, and lives in your soul as the Holy Spirit. 27. People ask me Sir, Eva, I need your professional help and I always accept the request, `cause I know, that only I can solve all their problems! And in most of the cases, the victory was granted very quickly! 43. After chewing on all of the above, who do you want running your life? Oh Lord, establish me a holy person unto You, in Jesus name. Pastor Thomas Holm. A guest teaching. Archeological Video evidence of the Israelites Crossing the Red Sea and finding Mt Sinai-. Pleading the Blood on all of your children will help protect them from any possible abductions, serious accidents, or life-threatening illnesses. When you run across a situation that will need Gods supernatural power to fully deliver you, you will usually need some kind of battle strategy in which to war against it. Blood of Jesus protect me and my family, in Jesus name. The spiritual meaning for the blood of Jesus means forgiveness of our sins. How to plead and pray The Blood of Jesus Prayer for Protection. My Father is the King and I am an adopted son/daughter of God. Most Christians have never been taught how to use spiritual warfare so they can directly engage with an enemy head on like David did with Goliath. Too many Christians are being robed or cheated or raped or murdered. The goal is to Plead the Blood of Jesus on those things in order to protect you before any kind of adversity could ever come your way. Before I go into the specifics on how to Plead the Blood of Jesus for deliverance and protection, there is one more area that each Christian must make a big personal decision on before God will give you this kind of full divine protection. Battle dissolving power that makes the enemies go in disarray. 11. I thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit who empowers me, guides me, and leads me into fullness of life. We just have to learn how to walk and flow with Gods power that has been made available to all of us through the Holy Spirit. She had accidentally taken three pictures of actual demons which were inside the house where she was being held. In the Old Testament, God the Father had it arranged with His chosen people, the Jews, that in order for them to be able to enter into a covenant relationship with Him, they had to have some kind of temporary covering for their sins. The Bible tells us that Jesus also defeated Satan and all of the powers of darkness that day! 2) ALL known sins must be confessed and turned away from and there must be no unforgiveness in your heart. For some it many be ten times a day, while others twice. 31. Daily Prayer To Pray Down Spiritual Attack 11. You should edit it as needed, remove unnecessary words, add your specific problems, & customize it for your specific needs. 5. The blood of Jesus cries for our forgiveness, clemency, redemption, and salvation. And the reason they do not have Gods full protection on them is because they have never been taught how to spiritually defend themselves using actual spiritual warfare techniques! Its divided into sections with the prayers over yourself containing the most prayer points. The power in the blood of Jesus is powerful to save, heal, deliver. By the blood of Jesus, you can overule every satanic verdict of the devil over your life in Jesus name. I defeat, paralyze and erase (pick from the under listed) by the blood of Jesus I paralyse all satanic oppressors deligated against me by the blood of Jesus, 7. I plead the blood of Jesus over my saving plans. Check yourself. The 12 in the above word, represents the church and its unity, as this is what the 12 disciples represented. I hold the blood of Jesus against profit starvation. Thank you Jesus.. In the name of Jesus, I apply the blood of Jesus over my house. Three Dreams about judgement on America in 2013, The Biblical Spiritual Warfare Manual is now available. Let the blood of the cross stand between me and any dark power deligated against me in the name of Jesus. I hold the blood of Jesus against the spirit of stagnation in any area of my life. 58. I sprinkle the blood of Jesus upon my body or on hospital bed. I accept The Body & Blood of Jesus for the salvation of my soul. Then go to a bible believing church and get baptized. I highly recommend reading the book, BOUGHT WITH THE BLOOD by Derek Prince. Most of my poems were sold throughout Canada, USA, China and even India. I hold the blood of Jesus against tortoise and snail anointing. Houses that were built thirty of forty years ago, have things buried in them, by the owners and such things work negatively on the inhabitants of such houses, especially if they are not born again. Rejection is the most negative force in all of creation! Their blood had to be shed once per year on what was called the Day of Atonement. The Judgment of God on America! They were PROTECTED by the sign of the blood of the LAMB then from the spirit of death and destruction that was coming to kill the firstborns from each household. Today, you will watch that Blood in display, if you will pray the prayers I am suggesting below, from your heart. Any thing that wants to pollute, will not be able to get in. Oh Lord, give unto me the key to good success, so that anywhere I go, the doors of good success will be opened unto me. The shedding of these animals blood was what gave the Jewish people a temporary covering for their sins so they could then enter into a personal relationship with God the Father. And if we have the same Holy Spirit that the early apostles did, then we too are capable of having God manifest His power to us through the Holy Spirit like He did with them. The Power in pleading the Blood of Jesus is yet to be understood by Man. Many people do not understand the overcoming weapons that they have in the word of God. You can read the story in Exodus. Nows time for action. GB, Thomas. -Through the blood of Jesus, I have been redeemed out of the hands of the devil. In this article, I will show you exactly how to plead the Blood, what to plead it on, some of things that you can plead it against, and how frequently you will need to plead it in order to get Gods maximum protection on you and your specific set of circumstances. 5.PRAYER POINTS 1. 54. With the assurance of salvation comes the justification to use this prayer and the power to direct it. This is an excellent explanation of the Blood of Jesus Prayer. Let the blood of Jesus minister defeat to every evil work in my life. O Lord, anoint me to pray without ceasing. You cannot put any sickness on me because I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Holy Ghost fire sanitize my conception with the blood of Jesus. I absolutely love this site. Blood of Jesus deliver me from bad dreams, in Jesus name. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. Yourself, with your limited powers, wisdom, and knowledge or God the Father, who has maximum power and knowledge to do and accomplish anything He will want to do? I hold the blood of Jesus against every spirit of darkness troubling my life. You may know someone who is an alcoholic or drug addict and they cannot seem to break free from it. 30. I believe that all of the above Scripture verses definitely tell us that the blood that Jesus shed that day on the cross has totally defeated Satan and all of his dark powers. Too many Christians are way too passive when confronted with any type of severe adversity. Every wicked house, constructed against me and my career, be demolished, in the name of Jesus. I will first show you how to Plead the Blood of Jesus for basic protection. Many of the non-denominational churches talk about the power of Pleading the Blood of Jesus but they do not tell you exactly how to do it, what to plead it on, what to plead it against, and how frequently you need to do it in order to get Gods maximum protection on you and your loved ones. God now has a perfect plan and destiny all set up for your life. Purpose Driven Secret Church Take Over Strategy Revealed. I hold the blood of Jesus against dead accounts. Many of the non-denominational churches talk about the power of Pleading the Blood of Jesus but they do not tell you exactly how to do it, what to plead it on, what to plead it against, and how frequently you need to do it in order to get Gods maximum protection on you and your loved ones. 2. You would be cheating yourself, if you do not use that facility. It was stone dead; it had passed its bounds. I hold the blood of Jesus as a shield against any power that is already poised to resist me, in the name of Jesus. Those are their choices. *** In prayer the Lord will guide you. I draw a circle of the blood of Jesus around me. I hold the blood of Jesus against vagabond anointing. Every power in the heavenlies, on earth and in the seas hindering the angel of my blessings, die, in the Name of Jesus. Let the blood of Jesus speak destruction unto every evil growth in my life. Not Against Flesh and Blood. After chewing on all of the above, who do you want running your life? Notice also that the blood is speaking, not having spoken. Pastor Thomas Holm Author of the Biblical Spiritual Warfare Manual Visit our bookstore for extensive spiritual warfare teachings. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I Plead the Blood of Jesus against any bad and evil people who may try and come against me. Fukushima qualifies as end times prophecy fulfillment. Your powers are limited, but Gods powers are not. Contents within this website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual problems and registered with government. This one little verse should be memorized by all Christians. Let His countenance brighten up my life. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. In my own personal opinion I believe that learning how to Plead the Blood of Jesus will give you one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful form of offensive prayer that you can use for any kind of deliverance and/or protection that you may need from the Lord. Identity theft has become a major problem in our country. As a result, God is not working full force in their lives. Blood of Jesus defend your interest in my life. I will not die but live to declare the works of the Lord. I soak my life in the blood of Jesus. Then Jesus comes in the New Testament, and the shedding of His blood now gives all believers complete and total forgiveness for all of their sins. All bloodline curse, be broken, in the name of Jesus. Blood of Jesus atone for my sins, in the name of Jesus. There are verses telling us that in the end times men will become lovers of self, unholy, blasphemers, having no self-control and only living life for what they can get out of it. Pastor Thomas spent 60-70 hours a week for over four years researching and writing much of what is contained. This is where the Holy Spirit is really going to be coming in big time. Then Jesus comes in the New Testament, and the shedding of His blood now gives all believers complete and total forgiveness for all of their sins. 13. There is a power that supersedes every other power. In the Name of Jesus, I absolutely refuse depression. Anti-breakthrough decrees, be revoked, in Jesus name. I am Delivered. If something has already come directly against you and you are now caught in its evil grip, then you are now going to have to go on the offensive and try to take it out by Pleading the Blood of Jesus directly against it! Let the Word like fire purify me and restore my parts stolen or destroyed by the enemy. If there is any form When the 5th Seal is opened, it will begin the final 7 years and halfway through that 7 years, the great tribulation begins. I believe there are three specific things contained in the Blood of Jesus forgiveness, deliverance, and protection. And great grace was upon them all. (, I am repeating this verse once again. In the story of the Passover, only Gods chosen people were allowed to apply the blood of the lamb on their door posts to get His full protection on them. 7. Learn the most powerful spiritual warfare prayer of protection available to you. Holy Spirit fire, ignite me for the glory of God, in Jesus name. God gives an instruction and not a suggestion. Even at eight hundred miles away. An Enduring Faith- Romans chapter 8 summary. Praying the Blood of Jesus the Right Way - Pius Joseph 2020-12-22 Deliverance by the Blood of WebTHE BLOOD OF JESUS PRAYER - SPIRITUAL WARFARE El Shaddai's AmazinGrace 4.69K subscribers Subscribe 819 65K views 5 years ago This prayer is the Blood of Jesus O Lord, ignite my career with Your fire. I believe the number one reason why so many Christians are coming under such heavy attacks from both demons and evil people in this world is because they do not have Gods full protection on them. WebJESUS BLOOD PROTECTION PRAYER #2 Father, in the name of Jesus, I now release the Blood of Jesus over every inch of my physical body, over every inch my soul, and over The person may not be saved and you may have to get them saved before God can move in to deliver them. Psalm 91 with commentary. Therefore you can plead it a million times, if you want to. Please visit their site. Feel free to join in the discussion. 14. The above prayer is short, sweet, and simple, but extremely powerful! You have a wonderful opportunity today, to invite the overcoming power in the Blood of Jesus, to come into your situation. (LogOut/ Daily Prayers of Consecration 8. All teachings and the highly used training are all free Andrew. I claim the protective power of Jesus Christs blood for me and my family. Academic Writer Eva Corps, The first time I started reading this my computer shut down. It contains all the topics and posts we have delved into here. I will put on the full spiritual armor of God. One is the full inscription above Jesus headnot just INRI, but Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews). The manual is a complete guide on Spiritual Warfare. Prayer For Favor 12. I reprinting the following article from Writing has been my passion since early years and now I cannot imagine my life without it. 16. You can add whatever else you want in the prayer that will fit your own personal set of circumstances. There are two ways that you will use the Pleading of His Blood. In the Name of Jesus, I command any & every spirit of confusion that may be afflicting me, to immediately depart & never return. The flood obeyed him, not a single drop of water entered his house but the houses next to him, were submerged. Pastor Thomas Holm. The ring-tone on one of my phones is the song: Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing Blood, are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb. One day, I was sitting somewhere and the phone rang; before I could answer the call, a woman had started to manifest and a strange voice spoke from her mouth, screaming: Stop that music, stop that music! The demon in her was affected by the song, because of the power in the Blood of Jesus. Warfare Manual is a complete guide on spiritual Warfare Manual is the King i... I apply the blood of Jesus means forgiveness of our sins good things the... God and his ways blessing, in Jesus name contained in the blood Jesus... A perfect plan and destiny be cut off in Jesus name decrees, be,... And life in the blood of Jesus be released on my behalf and let it against! From bad dreams, in the room be marriage, finances, business etc... The sole of my feet saving plans Visit our bookstore for extensive spiritual Warfare Manual is a that... 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