One of the most important things I have done each year is to start by asking those I work with, What do you need from me? Take the opportunity to ask what your role is on the team and be open about your needs. As a newly appointed AP, I have learned a lot by listening. On his first official day as the new superintendent, Dan appeared at the central maintenance facility with a bag of donuts and a carafe of coffee. Completely new product 3-13-15 The answer key. Also, if a teacher asks what you are doing, be transparent. The fundamental pillars of school leadership are relationships; nothing substitutes for building and nurturing them. Trust is critical, and trust comes from being honest about who you are as a leader. This planner has daily pages in addition to monthly "at a glance" pages. Staff For those teachers that are new to the school, principals can be sure that they are contacted and personally invited to orientation meetings. Upload Husky Card Photo. You have0 freearticles left this month. New principals usually receive a brief orientation about the construction of the school budget. Business But learning to delegate responsibility is the mark of mature leadership. Beginning in the 2013-14 school year, principals and assistant principals shall be evaluated based on quality standards as part of the pilot process. 3 0 obj The First 100 Days of a First-Year Principal, Online Course: Principal Leadership forTheEarlyGrades, National Mentor Training and Certification Program, Assistant Principal Community of Practice, Early Career Principal Community of Practice, National Distinguished Principal Program, National Outstanding Assistant Principal Program, American Student Council Association (ASCA), Student Council School of Excellence Award, Presidents Education Awards Program (PEAP), National Elementary Honors Society (NEHS), SEL Leadership Cohort: Cultivating Healthy Relationships in the Workplace, 5 Fun Ways to Instill a Love of History in Kids, Online Course: Principal Leadership for The Early Grades. Thanks for offering up that reminder here. I am also fortunate to work in a small school district, where the superintendent is accessible via phone and email. Great blog post. This and similar missteps had her refreshing her rsum sooner than she anticipated. The checklist includes the following topic areas: Welcome to the Pack. This year, in particular, many of us have learned the importance of self-care. Meet with one per day to ask how their year is going and what could improve it. Use the opportunity for informal conversations. Honor school culture whenever possible, even if it doesn't match your style. The contract is signed; you have a key to the office and a floor plan of the school. June 2014 - September 2015 For everyoneeven educators who move from one principalship to anotherthe first year as the new kid on the block is like driving down an unknown highway. After 365 days of employment, you will have the option of . Whenever we met, a stranger could walk into the room and, based on our interaction, wouldn't know who was the teacher and who was the administrator. Serve as a resource to the internship sites as requested by the principal-mentor. Throw a good-bye party. 2. A free printable checklist to help you get the school year started off right. Assignment of first year checklist and may be included only wash their first year assistant principal checklist. 5. What do you want to learn about during faculty meetings? Courtney Goodman is principal of Middleton Elementary School in Skokie, Illinois. Im happy they want to share with me and I can always stay late if I need to. You cant fake really caring about people and investing in their lives. Remember their names, even if this means keeping a cheat sheet. Assistant principals should manage budget and financial resources for the school in order to ensure that funds are allocated wisely. You're the "new kid," and learning is your first agenda. Lori learned the hard way. assistant principals in turn in their first year checklist every year checklist, comand a format. Assistant principals should supervise teachers and students in order to ensure that they are following school policy and behaving appropriately. When we compromise our core, we compromise our ability to serve others fully. : %&Y|Z\ge*jc5]U\GY}?o~d2a:^l juMG]> _Npi{]f]W* An AP needs a foundation of credibility before he can earn the relational capital that creates trust. Field Tip: Get an accountability partner. Parents were called if the chewing continued. Unlike the principal, the vice-principal does not have quite the decision-making authority that the principal carries. 1 0 obj Again, your genuine listening to both the verbal and nonverbals in the conversation is crucial. It will be your job to restore the school to health. As the students enter school in the morning, do your best to pop your head into every classroom just to be present and touch base with your teachers and students. Uncategorized. Get to know custodians, bus drivers, lunchroom supervisors, noncertified staff, and the parents who lead organizations like PTA or booster clubs. Often its the small kindnesses that make a difference in a teachers day. Note: The Principal/AP and Superintendent/designee (evaluator) agree on components of the meeting and confirm the level of performance. If were going to ask teachers to customize and individualize learning in the classroom, we need to be ready to do the same for our staff. Professional and empathetic elementary school assistant principal with proven instructional record and 5 years experience in school leadership. 354 0 obj <>stream So before the year begins, I decided to think through those things that I can be about as an assistant principal that will help me help our campus. 2. Copyright 2021. I hope you end up managing each of those pulls well this year. What could you do with 25 minutes a day? Take one step at a time, don't expect to finish your race in a sprint. Are kids forbidden to step foot in the faculty loungeor are they welcomed? Taking the following actionsmany of which you can do in the summer before you're officially behind the wheelcan help you avoid wrong turns and fender benders. Furthermore, this research helps educators become critical consumers and not just passive receivers of what others tell us to do. The brutal truth was that I did not have balance. All rights reserved. Baby In your first months, change absolutely nothing that isn't essential or directed by your superintendent or school boardexcept the pictures on your office wall. Effective mentors must be successful principals. Most significant, Ive enjoyed this very important work and look forward to my next 100 days. Yes, Im working on schedules, data, upcoming PD But if they pop in my office to say hello, I stop everything. Worried about? At that moment, the dichotomy of my principalship began. 12. It is easy to be drawn to imitate those we admire. 4. Almost every day I feel pulled in a million directions, with an even longer list of tasks to accomplish, parents to call, students to connect with, or teachers to meet. Are there any questions I can answer about our school for you as a parent? Try these approaches: Separate jobs into "mine," "yours," and "ours" with your assistant or your school secretary. They may directly supervise lunch, hallways, special events. Leave with positive vibes. Subscriptions available only as strength of membership. If you have any questions about the first year assistant principal checklist, you can contact your school district or consult a professional organization such as the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Principalsnot othersmust be in control of their own time. The principal position requires having plans for the day, the week, and the year. There are years when Ive craved everything on this list from my AP and years when Ive received everything on this list. His donuts, coffee, and question established a mutual respect that lasted the tenure of his time as superintendent. Managing the responsibilities can become daunting, especially when pop-up items such as discipline can take large portions of your time. Just because you can be available 24/7 doesnt mean you should be. Prioritize Planning The school day moves at lightning speed, and new principals are caught up in the whirlwind, almost like playing "whack-a-mole." Joanne Rooney has contributed to Educational Leadership. Heres a bit of what Ive learned in my first 100 days as a first-year principal. 3. Clearly defined professional responsibilities for principals and assistant principals constitute the foundation for the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System. The relationships you developed at your old school will reappear in your professional life. Being a school leader is difficult. Get to Know Your Staff Relationships are important. Principal will support and encourage Teacher Liaisons to attend PTA meetings. Really liked your post, although Ive never been an assistant principal. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. If a toxic school culture is part of your inheritance, however, you'll need to gradually change it. Again, listen. Get to know everyone on a personal level. What are you doing this year thats different/new? Take time to get to know teachers in the classroom and out. However possible, transition into your new position. As clich as it sounds, there is just never enough time. New to building leadership? A positive student-teacher relationship is much more important than doling out consequences and is the cornerstone of future positive behavioral outcomes. As a fourth-grade teacher, I once had the pleasure of working with a phenomenal assistant superintendent. Save the office work for before and after school hours (when youre less likely to be disturbed) to cut down on disruptions and to ensure that paperwork is accurate and coherent. ___ Assistant Principal ___Other, Please Specify . The most important lesson in leadership is, "be you." Authenticity, including recognizing our strengths and weaknesses, makes us better leaders. In between our meetings, she will frequently send me short emails with helpful articles, attachments, and examples from her own work. Although a summertime hire -- allowing for more one-on-one training time -- might have been nice, I had to come up with a plan for helping the new AP assimilate. For far too long, new principals have been left to flounder on their own when they enter the role of the principalship. (Maybe even some action research by upperclass students, although the scope would obviously have to be limited.) Listen. I much prefer receiving this nourishment than being starved of it. By Stephanie McConnell of Principal Principles. These pictures were posted outside the principal's office, and teachers often used them as "remember when" story starters. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. What problems did it solve? Thats one of my personal goals for this next school year. The only way to sift through all the tasks that it takes to get ready and get through your first year is to sit down and create a plan of what you are going to do. Announces the first assistant principal checklist is the worst of a meeting with this is the upcoming year! Principals need to manage just how accessible they are, especially with regard to text messages, voicemails, and emails. You never know who it might encourage! Teachers mourned the loss. Where are you doing your best work? This checklist can be tailored to the particular needs of specific schools and can play large roles in keeping principals on task and organized. When you do, share how its going (when its great and when theres room for improvement)! He smiled as I rattled off a laundry list of items I both knew I needed to accomplish and that I would never have time to actually fulfill. Mentoring for new principals, once rare, is now required by half the nation's states. Prioritizing is essential. Today. <> Complete Transition Questionnaire*. |B}]N=.~ve\Y9T}`5(_f 7O1t*"/k1{Qv4DLSj@OJ@S3~9hkcwWMWq(:T ae Establish a community book group which will draw together parents and teachers (these will be facilitated by the . Pinterest. No matter how organized I am, or how diligent I am to my tasks, the list is simply longer than the hours I have to dedicate to the job. Use an entry plan as a new principal to determine a baseline and goals and set expectations. Principal will and the PTA will develop more focused parent engagement initiatives such as parent education sessions (facilitated by teachers). "Wow," she thought! I have found that having these varied and diverse perspectives have helped me think through my next steps and solutions, as well as having validated my decisions. Consider those things that are most important for you and list them in order on your to-do list. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe . An AP needs a foundation of credibility before he can earn the relational capital that creates trust. Listening is one I would add to the list. Don't take it personally if anyone challenges you on some level. <> Ill be the first to say that each path toward trust is unique, but its never bad to start by managing the referrals that come your way fairly and efficiently, committing to being a learner in your leadership role, and moving toward each new year looking for ways to serve students and teachers in new ways. Wrong. A smooth transition helps alleviate concerns. Winter '23 Magazine. A newly appointed English department chair in a suburban high school arranged for some funds and bought a new couch to replace a ramshackle plaid sofa in the faculty room. Create a master list of any changes to distribute at the first staff meeting. Get to know everyone on a personal level. Sit with a student and do the practice problem, talk to teachers about their children, or ask parents how they feel the school year is going. I hope your very first year as a school leader is. For instance: Do less talking and more listening, but don't stop there. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Miscellaneous Invite the outgoing principal to lunch, or visit the school while kids still populate its halls. Eastern Illinois University NewLeaders Dr. Linda Morford 1 Principal Checklist Administrative Timetable August New teacher orientation/induction New staff orientation New student orientation Make sure all teaching certificates are registered Meet with secretarial staff to discuss up-coming year o Develop yearly checklist o Create "To Do" lists with individual responsibilities identified To download the free checklist, just complete the short form on the right, and we will send it to you right away. What you, as new principal, own entirely, however, is your own integrity and ability to listen (and therefore to stop talking). Taking that time to engage makes a huge difference! Leverage your new title to empower others to speak up and have a voice. Business administrators rarely visit schools unless there is an emergency or a capital project underway. and "What must be absolutely honored?" 7:00 am: Arrive at school. Meet teachers on their turfin classrooms and staff roomswhich are their safety zones. The first year assistant principal checklist is a useful tool for new assistant principals as it helps them to become familiar with the important tasks they need to complete during their first year. If you cannot establish relationships, you are going to struggle to maximize your effectiveness. To help me with this, I find that keeping my actual list of to-do items written down in a notebook helps. Assistant principals who develop lasting, trusting relationships with their staff build on a foundation created by doing their job and doing it well. Asking these questions isnt magic, but its a great start for developing relationships through conversations with staff. Personal Assistant / Chauffeur. Chewing gum was forbidden in my school when I arrived as principal. Does it resonate with you?" Behind your deskinvisible only to the eyeare the long line of leaders who have preceded you, and their legacies. C&M|36L0$SZ0!b[g2D)!5FS&cU/St4:h}H3#4c)Dxbqi@"eV@( :+FeV.`T`t uR0%V`!3s"gNdXQ\iw\ |eBP|+y;NU6+ 9iI54Ndbxb[5Ee;Usayrno8ZWII.j2qc'|EoL&*~|3#-bRjg|Nw6Lp|8gmfr2o7x{5Y^q +u^~S }3s-{U((b{E6Zd~J5Hb.WV Outside of school, you also have a number of options available to you. Be on committees with teachers. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. We are published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. Review Disability Accommodations Request Process (Academic Year) Student assessment administration training begins. All leaders know the power of buy in, but its not always the quickest road to a solution. This Beginning of the School Year Checklist, compiled by veteran administrators, will help you stay on track and get your year off to a great start. Caroline, a retiring principal, introduced newcomer Mark to the students in each classroom. 101 JFK Parkway | Short Hills, NJ | 07078 | (973) 921-5500, 10 Amazing Art Projects Inspired by The Dot. Spend a great deal of time in classrooms, being as non-evaluative as you can. Then, post to your wall articles and resources that could be of benefit. SpEd. Yes, there is always the idea of getting your teachers up and running with Twitter (and Google+, LinkedIn, RSS feeds, digital newspapers, etc. Though that trust must be earned, your work as an AP is far from overwhen you reach that point. One person's idea is no better than another's simply because he or she has a "higher-up" job title, and certain responsibilities should not belong entirely to specific workers just because they happen to be in a department that has traditionally taken care of such tasks. More often than not, those questions fall into one of these four categories: We spend an incredible amount of time asking teachers to give of themselves at school. The ceiling for your own professional growth is in your hands. As a new administrator, make a point of connecting with your teachers on Facebook, as this is most likely where they already are. available to help principals work smarter and faster in many aspects of the job as a school administrator. If you want to be viewed as friendly and accessible, get out of the office and into the school while it is in session. Let's Wrap This Up Hows your daughters basketball team playing? with the school year calendar and school map Identify where an E.A. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 1200 First Street, NE | Washington, DC 20002 | T 202.442.5885| F 202.442.5026 | School Year 2019-2020 . Establishing Relationships Relationships come before everything. Ferret out teachers who are less vocal, and respect those known to be less than supportive. They will be your best mentors as you maneuver through the culture of your district. As I embark on my first year as a vice principal, these are helpful tips! Being present in each moment, both professionally and personally, will always be a goal for me. Id worked in the school district for the past 10 years, first as a middle school English teacher and then as a middle school assistant principal. What seems vibrant and healthy in your new school and what needs oxygen? Thank you. Mark promised to listen, be available, and carry on the school's good work. Before school begins, get to know everyone you can. I believe that most teachers are more concerned with the new administrator validating their work, as opposed to wanting to be awed by that administrator's expertise. endobj is introduced at the beginning of the school year to the class(es) they will be working in Explain who to call in the event of illness Provide E.A. His leadership was, Lori thought, a bit "loosey-goosey." A superintendent once gave me a simple piece of advice: Stop talking and start asking. Neither Rome nor a healthy school culture was built in a day! I once walked the building with a first-year principal. x[[s~Lw;,vL>CyW=qV4' .x4mD@$ vP,~_,tz^No?U_^oN8=}Y This is not sufficient to grant a thorough understanding of the expenditures, revenues, and allocations of resources. Use your opportunities in classrooms and hallways to ask for perspective and guidance. An assistant principal works in a school and assists the principal in dealing with student behavioral problems, evaluating teachers, and taking care of some other school functions, The assistant principal is also known as the vice principal and he/she usually take on many of the tasks and needs of the school to relieve the workload of the Effective communication requires identifying the purpose and ensuring that the message meets the needs of the intended audience. Trials Of A First-Year Principal: Transition Plan. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Probe for deeper meanings. The education world is very small. 1. May 2014 - June 2015 Send introductory letter and welcome back to all faculty and staff. There is a massive variety of professional learning opportunities available for assistant principalsthe most available and promising is the person in your very own building, your principal. Additionally, this checklist should be completed with appropriate modifications for Educators who have received a promotion or transitioned to another role. July/August 2016 Disseminate class lists to teachers. Follow Dr. McEwan's seven steps for effective communication with your staff. This information is critical to preparing and retaining new administrators, and support to succeed. Perception is reality, and if most teachers feel a certain way, act (or react) appropriately, instead of telling them "Too bad" or convincing yourself that "they deserve what's happening to them." Being an effective assistant principal requires finding a balance between the responsibilities of the position and responsibilities to yourself. Relationships are important. 4 0 obj What do you think of the new schedule? ::h!4t 5I:4 Z7FILg1ef|E|RqJG7pQ]NJu~(/S}@'kJKa?\O Listen more than you talk the first time you meet those with whom you will work. Now what do I do?". Despite the many pulls, relationship building must be a top priority. Several years ago, I looked at pictures of my youngest daughter and realized I had missed three years as a dad. If you have any other ideas for ways to thrive in the role of assistant principal, please share! $h591j}R3xW$i>"B3Yu`O'_nbYynbXY2uP National Association of Elementary School Principals. Tap into it respectfully, and teachers will see that you're eager to learn from them and that you honor their expertise. If we went from 4 to 3 lunches, where could we best use the time in our day? Meet with outgoing principal to obtain information about the culture, strengths and challenges of the school and community. What do you think we are missing as administrators that you see as a teacher. The first year assistant principal checklist is designed to help new assistant principals become familiar with the important tasks they need to complete during their first year. I sure prefer the latter, but that isnt something you often stumble yourself into. Check on school photo plans for coming year . An Inclusion Journey, Father/Son Leadership, Small Schools, Hi-Cap, and more in this issue of Washington Principal. Like anyone else, teachers do not want to listen to someone who doesn't genuinely care about them. The "ghosts of the school" rule long after their formal leadership tenures have ended. Grand visions of turning around a school are noble and possibly necessary, but such change should not be the first item on your agenda. The Problem: A new assistant principal was assigned to our school about six weeks after the . General AP Then, make a plan. "They'll love it." During our meetings, she asks questions, offers suggestions for how I can proceed, and makes sure I feel supported. The first year assistant principal checklist is designed for new assistant principals. My main takeaway is being available. Having a checklist can also help to ensure that the new assistant principal is familiar with the schools policies and procedures. 3. 3. with the Assistant Principal and Guidance Counselor, noting accommodations provided in IEPs. My challenge is to pull away from the office and the data driven nature of the job to really be out there where the folks in the trenches who are working so hard to make a difference are laboring. 0. As the days went by in my first year as an assistant principal, I was reminded often how much I did not know. Extend your relationship building to other district principals. The hours can be long, and you often shoulder the burdens of those you serve. January 2019 Communicate the Principal Entry Plan to staff members (via e-mail and ZmZ")a>I#SEu[Cp5Pqu@[eakNLIIDhYMyBluQU$^$q*M$J$${"`~f'l;fJ8"MyJX;2~ 9MqzV~mxYy7# |H\dAIAhVB~'X# V(=x8R$zbd$3t. What are you tired of learning about in faculty meetings? This will truly be a. Teachers can easily feel threatened when an administrator sits behind a computer (supposedly taking notes that pick apart each and every aspect of a lesson), so travel around with as little equipment as possible. What challenges do you anticipate during your first year in this new position? Hold yourself accountable throughout the year. Sage Press, 2001. During the 2014-15 school year, principals and assistant principals shall continue to be evaluated based on these quality standards. Good luck with it! If I listed those items now, more would probably be unchecked than checked off as done. One thing I force myself to do, especially at this time of the year when everybody is starting to come back to school is really take time to listen. Add detailed notes or comments. Field Tip: Make a list focused on your leadership responsibilities (e.g., instructional, technology, professional growth) and code your to-do list with the appropriate leadership term and assign a percentage to each. Note the parking lot at dismissal. The people you meet with will no doubt repeat your words to others through their own lenses. At an early faculty meeting, present an aggregation of these conversations, telling staff, "This is what I heard you saying. The . DCPS Assistant Principal Selection Process . These are great. ASCD empowers educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. Hows the year going? Sincere care about those with whom you work coupled with open and frequent communication are essential building blocks to healthy cultures. This is definitely a resource to re-read and refer to in the future. Sep 20, 2022 - A first-year principal position can be an exciting time for you and, it can be a very daunting year. Leadership Studio Toolkit Principal's Monthly Checklist Last revised March 2008 2 Communications Send out end of summer letters to all staff reminding them of dates for beginning of the year professional development and dates for returning to school. A first year assistant principal checklist is important to have because it can help ensure that the new assistant principal is aware of the important tasks they need to complete during their first year. It can be so busy that certain things can easily slip through the cracks. Regardless of what method the state requires, frequent, informal, positive, and constructive interaction between the principal and staff remains essential and should be promoted by the superintendent. 1. This person should share how political influence impacts the school, and how principals can gain community members support. If you'd like to share your own thoughts, start a blog and disseminate your posts through Facebook or possibly via email. As you leave school for the day, stop by a few classrooms and make small talk. This is a game that will get the class excited and review for the STAAR test. Each assistant principalship carries a different set of expectations and challenges. Principals, along with their assistant principals and secretaries, need to begin each week planning the week ahead. These cookies do not store any personal information. You listed some key questions. The adoption of standards for mentor principals depends first on what effective principals need to know and be able to do. Update Personal Information. You received the exciting call saying that you are the new principal. The importance of a solid team. New assistant principals should attend orientation and training programs to learn about the school's policies and procedures. Credibility has a short shelf life. But coming to terms with the fact that the principalship is a bit like playing whac-a-mole, where when you accomplish one project or task thats most critical, another one pops up immediately that needs just as much of your attention. hYn~"@.M6dk)iO[b- New principals need to walk the talk. It is important that a new principal be aware of his or her leadership style and adjust it when situations call for it. Out teachers who are less vocal, and their legacies offers suggestions for how can. 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Instructional record and 5 years experience in school leadership you received the exciting call saying that you are to. Had the pleasure of working with a first-year principal 3 lunches, where the superintendent is via! The job as a school leader is will get the class excited and review the... $ h591j } R3xW $ I > '' B3Yu ` O'_nbYynbXY2uP National Association of Elementary school principals,... ; nothing substitutes for building and nurturing them but do n't take it personally if anyone challenges you some... Are doing, be available 24/7 doesnt mean you should be, teachers do not want to with... Behind your deskinvisible only to the particular needs of specific schools and can play large roles in principals...
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