Mirellia lost all hopes on her and decided to name Melty, her second daughter to be the first in line to the throne. That particular idea is rejected, and it appears that this scene will be removed from the anime retelling also. Naofumi is also surprised at how quickly Ruft has matured, and how skilled he has become in both the combat and diplomatic arenas. Naofumi teased her about her new responsibilities, which causes her in a fit of rage to promote Naofumi to archduke to make him share some new responsibilities, which is a position only second to the queen. Notably, despite how she had betrayed Motoyasu, Ren, and Malty. Weve taken a look through the sources to uncover what fate awaits our heroes. Such as she giving other female party members a hard time and secretly kicking them out (even selling the one named Rino as a slave to a noble), her exceptionally wasteful spending of funds (both the parties & the national treasury) or pushing inexorable taxations on grief stricken rurales and her attempts to kill Melty, something which Ren and Itsuki noticed but he did not (or even deliberately neglected). Motoyasu tried to supposedly save Melty from the "evil" Naofumi and refused to listen to Melty, believing her to be brainwashed. However, due to Eclair's terrible governing strategies Naofumi put Melty in charge of governing his village instead of Eclair. Naofumi ultimately protects Melty from her sister, the Cult, and the other Heroes (who think she's been brainwashed by him when, ironically, they are the ones who've been brainwashed by praise, propaganda, Malty, the Cult of Three Heroes, and Aultcray's direct lies). Despite coming off as friendly and charitable when they initially met, Naofumi could see straightaway just how much of a condescendingly self-righteous individual Pope Balmus was behind his pretense of altruistic sanctimony. She also suspects Malty's claims of Naofumi's attempt to rape her but decided to ignore it. Naofumi finds his new personality troubling, but easier to cooperate or manipulate since he has sworn his loyalty to him. Dunno, all I know is that I read someone saying that Naofumi ended marrying Raphtalia, Sadeena and Melty. Melromarc is also a Matriarchy. Mirella imagines that if Malty were to take the throne, she would likely become a ruthless tyrant. The two began to grow closer after Naofumi saved the lives of Shadow and the Raph species that usually accompany him, from an incurable wound caused by the soldiers of Piensa, when Naofumi's village was transported to the time of the shield hero Mamoru. In which chapter of the light novel does she asks that of him. It has been hinted on a few occasions that S'yne may have romantic feelings for Naofumi. 1 MOST USEFUL HERO. Refusing to believe he was causing more harm than good even after the Shield Hero told him such. Then How old is Rapunzel Tangled? . Even if she causes any trouble, she pins it on someone else and he will punish the victim without a seconds thoughts. Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: It is theorized by Melty that the Church of the Three Heroes may have formed due to Naofumi's actions during their time travel to Mamoru's time line where Naofumi completely routed Piensa's forces from invading Siltran nation. Ren believes her accusation of Naofumi's attempt to rape her and berates Naofumi without hearing his side of the story. She would put on a front of affectionate interaction whenever seen in public or around they're father. They have both suffered injustice after being summoned to a new world and have the same kind of limitation placed on them by their holy weapons. He provides her with medicine when she is ill, food when she is hungry, and protects her from harm during battles. Their relationship improves to the point that he allows Melty to play with Filo again when he originally warned Filo not to befriend her and would entrust Filo to Melty when he returned to his world. He struggles with these newfound emotion and tries to sort out his feelings - including the ones with Raphtalia. When Melty first met Filo she immediately became interested in her which stems from her fascination with Filolials in general. She even sometimes competes with Raphtalia as a love rival. When Filo defeated Motoyasu in the race for the town held by Naofumi during the waves, he became known as the "Goddess of the sea." In order to defeat Naofumi's opponents, he can use a combo attack with Raphtalia and Melty. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law.. After Itsuki's curse is lifted, the two heroes have a heart-to-heart conversation. When Naofumi's name was cleared, the queen gave the choice of punishment for Malty and Aultcray to Naofumi. so far in the LNs (including untranslated novels, which are up to volume 22) Naofumi only has intentions to marry Raphtalia and is only in a relationship with her. Naofumi not knowing her name called her "Woman 2." She continued to make life for him by every means whenever given an opportunity, like trying to take his sword away from him, interfering in the duel for ownership of his slave, calling him out as a criminal every chance she got, rigging the race between the Spear Hero and Naofumi for a wave devastated villa and generally framing any crime possible on him. Raphtalia is also the only reliable restraint against Naofumi's more villainous tendencies and she expresses to him her preference that he acts as a proper hero, despite his belief that he is not. likewise, her adventurer name was changed to "Whore" to match. When Melty began to travel with Naofumi again because of a conspiracy surrounding the Cult of the Three Heroes and Malty, Filo expressed her joy into traveling with Melty again. Hepurchased her as anegg from the same slave trader that he obtained Raphtalia from. Going so far as to liken the man as "evil" before and after hearing about the terse history he shared with Raphtalia, the slave girl in his care. "I don't think I want that title, ha" I sighed. In the light novel, the situation is changed, with Queen Mirellia Q Melromarc proposing that Naofumi and Melty get married and have children for political reasons. If this hypothesis is true, then Naofumi is the reason for the shield hero to be called . . Why did malty betray . After being talked down, Malty and her father's punishment was revised and her legal name would be changed to "Bitch." Later deciding he was of little use, she stole everything of value before leaving a note belittling him, and joined Mald's revolution, causing Ren's already fragile psychological stability to fall completely and succumb to the dark influence of his Legendary Sword's Curse Series. The Strongest Characters in The Rising of the Shield Hero, Ranked. Such findings being based upon the falsehoods by the church that the Devil of the Shield had in fact been using those very same methods to turn the public to his favor when that was not at all the case. She (alongside her father in the web novel) would attempt to poison some food prepared for the Shield at her mothers behest. Naofumi puts Keel in charge of the peddling operation to generate revenue for the village and ends up being extremely good despite Keel despising being dressed up as a girl. Opting to stage a populist uprising to overtake the kingdom. Naofumi openly shows his dislike for Shildina's constant sexual harassment, as well as Sadeena's, but still respects her and considers her a powerful asset, entrusting her and her sister with Adeans training. Though, I did hear from some people who can probably read Japanese Valentine's Day and White Day side stories that Naofumi and Raphtalia also had . As Naofumi didn't seem to fit any of the bad rumors circulating around the Shield Hero, L'Arc assumed Naofumi to be one of those who pretends to be the Shield Hero. When Naofumi cured her with an Elixir of Yggdrasil, which was created by his Shield, Atla became very attached, if not affectionate, towards him and wished to be of great use to him. Naofumi first meets Kizuna when he falls into Kyo's trap while traveling to Glass' world and is dropped into an inescapable prison instead. While the two heroes are both authentically trying to save their respective worlds, they have two different styles. Motoyasu tries to behave in a friendly manner towards Naofumi, despite the charges on him, but becomes something of a rival or more rather an annoyance, especially with Malty's continued influence upon him. Press J to jump to the feed. But the two are sidetracked when Raphtalia tries to alleviate hostilities, only escalating them when the traitorous ignoble flat out insults Naofumi to her face. L'Arc heard about Naofumi from Glass, and also other rumors of the Shield Hero from Melromarc commoners, completely believing such rumors. There is hope that they will get married in the future! After Ruft had left Q'ten Lo and joined Naofumi's Village, he was sent to Melromarc for education. She further describes Naofumi as being like a parental figure to all his slaves - much to Naofumi's annoyance, as he denies being a slave master. He feels sympathy for her and they pool their knowledge together and Naofumi is able to engineer their escape, earning him her eternal gratitude. It is unknown why she was so loyal to Malty since she is of blue blood that was not obligated to serve a former princess, but she was also faced a fate similar to the Witch when after confronting the Shield Hero. It was the perfect crime to paint the narrative that the Shield Hero is . Sharing the same mindset of Malty in many ways and was almost similar to her, thus the two demented aristocrats got along well with one another and joined in on all of the evil acts. which S'yne flatly rejects, as he believes that anyone he tells will die. However, Naofumi has to live with the long-term consequences since Fohl has become wary and untrusting of Naofumi, though they do eventually mend their friendship. But her accuser would have none of that, seeing right through her and demanding the death penalty for it. Later likening said pope as a hypocritical tyrant whom threw others in his sect under the buss while spouting blatant sanctimony as absolvent and martyrdom despite such loyalties having clearly been begotten through mind control charms and abuse of charisma. Even though her spiteful behavior plays a major part in . Melty found Idol to be a despicable man with a sick ideal of human over demi-human supremacy. She constantly watches out for him such as enemies Naofumi cannot sense or see. Naofumi eventually stripped her of her responsibilities and gave them to Melty instead. Why did MYNE betray naofumi? As she spends time within Naofumi's village, she gains confidence and immense fighting skills. Like the other three Legendary Heroes, Ren was led to believe Naofumi was guilty of the charges of "raping" Malty. Malty somehow managed to find common ground with the remnant assets that remained of the Three Heroes Cult after their church was deconsecrated and dissolved. He is the only one of the other three legendary heroes who had doubts about Naofumi kidnapping Princess Melty. Currently both get along very well, both usually work together making accessories. This website has been brought to your attention because you are searching for Shield Hero Season 2 Release Date? How did Naofumi become a god? Eventually, as more people joined Naofumi's village, Filo's romantic advances towards Naofumi dies away. Together, they were able to plan an ambush that killed Mirellia and liberate Malty from her slave crest for good. In fact, among his companions, she is one about who he cares the most. While they don't directly talk about getting married, Naofumi gives her an exclusive bracelet which contains objects relating to their time together which Raphtalia emotionally accepts. Raphtalia fell in love with Naofumi almost instantly, despite being afraid of him when he first bought her as a slave. He is grateful and apologetic towards Naofumi after he is told directly by him that he had to clean up the messes that Ren caused because of his careless actions. Naofumi, seeing Itsuki in his current condition, brings him to his village where Rishia continues to look after him. Malty is ultimately the cause of Naofumi's darkened and cynical personality due to the fact that she betrayed him, stole from him and falsely accused him for the attempt of raping her for no visible reason. She comes with three face plates including a standard expression, an angry expression perfect for combat scenes and an emotional expression from when her and . Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. The Rising of the Shield Hero Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. The spear hero is just an idiot so he doesn't exact revenge on him but he does get small paybacks (like in episode 5). Malty seemed to consider Raphtalia nothing but an annoyance and (as most noble people in Melromarc usually do) a lowly demi-human. Following his defeat, Itsuki completely breaks apart, losing his pride, sense of justice, and becoming near-emotionless. Though she hates Malty, she pretends to get along with her, so that she doesn't get into any trouble. Melty and Eclair seem to have compatible personalities. However, Melty still loved her sister, and was unhappy about her impending execution, and was grateful when Naofumi decided to spare her. Because Melty has never seen a Filolial like Filo (her large appearance, ability to speak, and ability to take a human form) before, this interest grew even further. In the anime it was a pie she was slated to take to Raphtalia's table during festivities, but was caught in the act by her younger sister Melty and ended up electrocuted by her slave crest when she tried to lie about her malignant intentions. However, despite the strain in their relationship with each other and Aultcray's own over-indulgence and favoritism towards her older sister, Malty. Not sure how many episodes this will take but yes Naofumi exacts very satisfying revenge on the Princess. ago. As a result, he constantly rebuffs Sadeena's flirting. However, she slowly starts changing her mind about Naofumi when he saves her life against an assassination attempt from the Church of the Three Heroes; henceforth, under the Shield's protection, their relationship finally begins to thaw, although she is still terrified of his harbored resentment toward her family. However, they don't exactly show this due to their royal status and often act formally towards each other except during diplomatic-based arguments. She was one of the experts which Queen Mirellia found to help teach the heroes how to properly fight. She also told him it would kill her if she betrayed him or lied to him which shocked him further and only he could remove it. As self-serving psychobabble that was helpful to them and them alone while being detrimental to everyone else around them. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! During negotiations after Whore's second attempt at screwing over those whom she felt had wronged her, Mirellia arranged Malty to be married off to King Faubrey which is seen in noble courts as a horrible form of capital punishment; practically a death sentence for problematic high society. She dislikes being treated as a child or being called "second princess" by him and eventually convinces him tocall her by her name instead. Whilst in the manga & novels, Malty only ever attempted to take advantage of the havoc begotten from the Pope's machinations for her own benefit. Does Naofumi marry melty? Naofumi originally believes Ren was cold and heartless, but after seeing him apologize and regret his actions, his views on him have improved. That particular idea is rejected . Although Itsuki does stand for Naofumi during the rigged duel and his rebuked funds, he only does so to satisfy his own ego and to indirectly annoy Motoyasu. Finding the portly looking man to be little more than a rather disgusting individual with a fanaticism issue. As Ark planned, Naofumi ends up becoming a god by the end of his journey and can fight Medea on equal ground. After going through a lot and seeing Motoyasu's approach of Filo, Melty snapped enough to attack him. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Often talking grandiose speeches of gods mercy while the former simply came to them for a purchase of holy water. Volume 15 Spoilers As seen from the King's reaction during their trial, Aultcray himself genuinely believes all of Malty's lies of whatever she tells him to justify her vile actions. In the "Reprise of the Spear Hero", due to Motoyasu already having known of her truly reviled personality and his own mental instability causing him to see her only as "a red oinking pig", she could no longer manipulate him to do her bidding and he actively avoided her, causing her to instead latch on to Itsuki and successfully fool him to do whatever she wants with little trouble and no remorse. As Ark planned, Naofumi ends up becoming a god by the end of his journey and can fight Medea on equal ground. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Fitoria, like the Filolial Queen, is capable of transforming into a massive bird. While Naofumi doesn't realize this, it is revealed that this flirting is partially Sadeena's way to push Raphtalia to pursue her relationship with Naofumi more aggressively. Although Naofumi starts displaying his hostility towards the princess after learning of her identity, Raphtalia was more lenient towards Melty as she claimed they did travel together a bit. Motoyasu blindly trusts her; due mostly to his extreme gullibility and casanova tendencies, he ends up being used by her in most cases, such as leading him to nearly take Raphtalia away from Naofumi and levying a heavy tax on a village hit by the waves after Motoyasu became its lord at, via Malty's coaxing, her father's behest. In Melromarc usually do ) a lowly demi-human was revised and her father in web! Naofumi put Melty in charge of governing his village where Rishia continues to look after.! Penalty for it quickly Ruft has matured, and becoming near-emotionless approach of Filo, Melty enough! 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