supergirl fanfiction kara sick

You didnt want to be a secret. Kara asks Lena's help to prank Alex, and it horribly backfires. "You still have a fever. Lena baby listen please. You opened your mouth to scream but nothing could come out. / Ch. I tried to tag them and it wouldnt work but their user is stuckscheize. Stared at the screen for a bit before turning on the stool. You had moved from the only place you had ever known in order to follow Lena and support her in quest to try to clear the Luthor name and rebrand Lexcorp into LCorp making in a force for good. Kara has shared some exiting news with Mon El. "How are you feeling?" J'onn asked. She quickly shakes her head as she continues helping me to my room. Drawn into the wild torrent of mystery and bizarre events that surround each other, this meeting will change the course of their lives, and of human history. What part of Karas impending death has passed over both of your heads?. You changed into a sweatshirt and sweatpants. Maybe she could get through to you, she had to try at least. "Mom, Ple-" "No, Kara. She could understand her better. Her mom surprisingly liked you because you had what she called the Luthor smarts. I know when Im not wanted. Lead the way oh gracious Lena. You said in a joking manner. She couldnt stand to be around any of them anymore. I just woke up and havent tried to do anything else yet. I love you. You didnt send anything back. Your patience had run out this morning when you had gotten a text telling you that your lunch with her was cancelled, again, and to not come because she had a shit ton of paper work. You bite your lip trying to hold back tears because of course Supergirl would come to Lenas rescue. You slipped it off quickly walking back towards Lenas desk. Lillian manipulated you. I do not own any of these characters. The pain was all consuming and you could feel yourself drifting in and out of consciousness as Supergirl continued to torture you. "I just wanted my plan to work this year. Will she fully heal and recover? It wasnt This wasnt.. Lena began to fumble trying to find the right words that would make you stay. (Y/N)! No Supergirl. Lena! Disclaimer: I don't anything, it all belongs to DC and the CW. She quickly lead you to the DEO vehicle she had arrived in and began to patch you up with the medkit that was in there. Supergirl fanfiction kara broken arm. Dont forget why you signed up for this project in the first place. You didnt mind at all though. You committed the ultimate betrayal not only just to Lena but to Supergirl too. The last time. (Y/N), Lena sighed out, Can we not do this right now. You scoffed and shook your head. Everything was going according to her plan. /Kara Danvers es algo as como una villana, Kryptonita roja recorriendo sus venas a cada momento y tiene una especie de fijacin con Lena Luthor, quien, por obra del destino, es bsicamente igual a ella Solo que con colmillos ms afilados y una dieta ligeramente distinta. Single mother Kara Danvers, reporter at CatCo, has been looking forward to finally get an interview from Lena Luthor. A/N- So I Finished this a little earlier than I though so instead of uploading it tomorrow Im uploading it now. To make matters worse, its the first pink moon in six years which means her wolfish mate, Lena, has transfigured with her rut and has to be imprisoned at the headquarters too. Over the course of these past months she set up many situations and made sure the media caught wind of the compromising positions that Supergirl and Lena had been caught in. I am in college for UX Engineering so that whole thing is way over my head but I tried my best so please no hate lol. The few people that had been around began to yell. Once she landed there she took you to one of the cells with Kryptonite emitters. I didnt know if we.. if we were going to mak..make it in time. Lena said softly after finishing patching you up as she tried not to break down. Are you really going to try and act like this was anything other than you cheating on me with my best friend? Lena looked away from you. You didnt crash at Alex and Maggies place. Where is the sweet person who only wanted to help people? You got lost in thought trying to figure out what to do with this whole situation. She suspects it has something to do with the primordial urge to pester siblings. In most of the one-shots, with the New Directions and Warblers in it, they will already know that Barry and Seb are twins and that Brianna is Seb's older sister. You both traded blows crashing through buildings. The police had told Lena it didnt look like any foul play was involved but that they werent ruling it out quite yet. This is just a nice little one-shot I did a while back. Kara and Lena have recently started dating and Lena gets sick, so Kara takes care of her. Lena looked up at Sam and the amount of guilt and pain Sam saw swirling in her eyes broke Sams heart. The journey to their dorm was a short one, filled with apologies from both you and Enid as you explained to them that it was a total accident, and how you ended up dozing off in a small hidden cubby of the library while being so immersed in a novel. You had never been a violent person in the past, but apparently having your heart shattered by your cheating fiancee was all it took to drive you to violence. Legend has it that on the night of the red moon, hell itself will release Cerberus to help this being to rediscover his love and the sky will illuminate the path that should have been traveled centuries ago. I heard you may have made a huge breakthrough in the DNA fusion project. you nodded you head after she had finished talking. After the most agonizing minute of your life, you heaved your back off the floor as you clutched the stained fabric of your school uniform. You looked in wonder as the straps just snapped as if they were nothing. Well, that wasn't exactly true. Youre not even sure of what you were looking for. She couldnt fix this with words and you wouldnt allow her to get close to you. After a red-kryptonite bomb goes off in the city, Kara has to be imprisoned at the DEO to ride out the toxins that have taken over her system. That was an extremely difficult task because since that night Lena had been coming around more often. You had tried to tell her how far you were falling back into old habits but she didnt have the time. A story about coping with bad news and relying on the people close to you. I do not give anyone the right to repost this work in part or in its entirety without my consent first. I picked you over them. Based on "Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow" comics. "Its you. You still loved her even though you wanted to hate her. It is focused on the sisters and them finding things that they thought were lost. Right before you hit the ground she caught you by the ankle. She had helped you come out of your shell and you were her safe space. We start testing tomorrow. Lillian said before walking out the door with a smirk on her face. She quickly looked you over and with every new injury she saw her anger and sadness grew. It pained Sam to see her friend in so much pain but she couldnt help until she knew what was wrong. 5.4K 105. by WallyBoswell. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I know that youre scared right now and thats ok. Just focus on my voice right now ok.. She was halfway through her second margarita when . Lena Luthor is different than James imagined. He looked shocked and saddened. Because Lena knew; she knew that if they didnt get out of here in the next hours and if Kara didnt get any sunlight, the odds of surviving this were lets say not in her favor. Lena had tried to denounce all romantic ties to Supergirl but that only made everyone believe that they were in a secret relationship together. You ignored it all to the best of your abilities but you could feel yourself slowly starting to want to hear her out. You always felt like you werent good enough. But people need you. I just want a story where Lena cheated on the reader with Kara. He left my mom for some stupid girl that's human, no one real Lena Luthor and Kara Danvers are happily married. But when she finally has a promising lead, she does not find what she wants in the small dive bar on a planet with a Red Sun. You waited patiently in the lab for her to come and meet you. Kara had seen her work for 48 hours straight on the bathroom floor with a hundred and three-degree fever. Kara and Alex have a confession to make to Eliza. After a few months, Kara comes back to Lena. Alex hadnt done anything wrong but you couldnt risk losing or getting captured. I close the door before throwing up. It's basically just two idiots being soft and horny for each other. This was the closest youve been with her, and you were honestly feeling the urge to spill out your fragile feelings to her at this moment of time. Kara instantly picked up there's an Agent of Liberty with an alien-sniffing dog and realizes he's with two other agents. Lena slowly slide down the wall till she was sitting down on the floor with her knees pressed against her chest. ", "She um well she kind of texted me and when I mentioned you were sick", "Alex! It kills me every time I have to sit and watch some rich white MOTHERFUCKER FLIRT WITH YOU AND NOT BEING ABLE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! You exploded and Lena just sat there with her eyes wide meeting your fuming (E/C) eyes and jaw dropped open in surprise. She was at a dead end with no where to go now. "Hey." Alex said gently. "Alex?" You couldnt look at her right now. Mistress brings her new friend home during Karas third summer there. You wanted to be able to take Supergirl down a peg or two. Will Nia be able to come to terms with who she is and who she likes? Her eyes widened before she nodded and made the adjustments needed before leaving. You could felt her tears begin to soak your shirt but you didnt care. But then she accidentally gets the attention of Kara Danvers, and she decides maybe the next few months might not be so awful. Every time after you two talked though people would give you weird and judgmental looks. She raced down to her car as quickly as possible before driving to the penthouse the two of you shared. You shouldve stayed and tried to talk things out instead of running away. Honestly I cant believe you right now. You didnt know what to say. Warnings: Angst, Accusations of Cheating, Depression, Struggle with Self-Worth, Suicidal Ideation. You held Alex tightly enough that she would have bruises and Kara felt the panic begin to course through her. You had just wanted the best for her. Sweet slice of life story that gets progressively more wild as it continues. ", "Alex, I love you, but you need to tell me what's going on. We also have Winn trying to find anything that could possibly help. It had been a year since she had made the choice to become a husk of a person. I quickly get up and run over to the trash can. You hadnt meant to explode like that but all this pain and jealousy was festering inside you. Please or else I'm calling Eliza. She was frozen in shock as she watched you fight J'onn and Supergirl. Just being, no rush, no worry, no responsibility. Alex gives Kara the best Christmas present imagineable. Did you honestly not know this whole time that she is Lena Luthor Lex Luthors younger sister? Your eyes widened in surprise. She had lied a little bit. Drawn into the wild torrent of mystery and bizarre events that surround each other, this meeting will change the course of their lives, and of human history. Neither one of you pulled away until it became necessary to breath. You just needed a little extra nudge to push you over the edge. All of your clothes were still in your car and it had been sitting in the parking lot of a diner for the past week. Kara Danvers, a local Firefighter, has a new green-eyed neighbor. Also, Kara is a trans woman. Lena gets kidnapped. I try and take some of my weight off of her and help hold her up. ALEX AND THE DEO TRY TO SAVE SUPERGIRL'S LIFE. I should have seen how this whole situation was affecting you. Lena whispered against your lips before pulling you into another kiss. ", "Okay, first off all you are sick. Please god no. Set a few years in the future, this will pick up after the show ends. Ok. She had a sadistic smirk on her face as she then let you go. Alex put her hand over the one that you had gripping her arm. You were going to get your revenge and this was just the first step. She couldnt possibly be serious could she? Shining as always. Let me know when you decide we can actually talk. You told her as you stood up shaking her hand off your shoulder and walking out. She didnt know how she knew but she knew and she wouldnt stop searching for you until she had you back in her arms again. Lena had lost her entire world too. It didnt take long for someone to rush in carrying the files. (Y/N)! She was too ashamed of herself for completely breaking down in the superheros arms. She attempts to stand up but quickly falls back down. You could feel yourself changing though. Had you known this wouldve happened, you would never have done it in the first place. You also had tests run on you to see if they could reverse what had been done to you. Lena has a weakness for the beauty of a body wrapped in loving coils of rope, the art of knots, the care and intricacies of binding. I shouldnt have trusted your mother but she approached me when I was at my weakest and she knew exactly what to say. Well (Y/N) Im Lena and I know where you are suppose to be headed. She stole the love of your life away from you. Malcolm, Denise, Jon, Tegan, Sarah, Jordan and Kara are in school trying to calm her down they see Jimmy and Siobhan in the hallway wondering what they are planning to do they walk over to them Kara gives Siobhan the ring Tal gave her to give back to him she walks to the bathroom to vomit when she comes out Jimmy gives her water with GHB in it then Siobhan stabs and cuts her hand with a Kryptonite dagger Will Kara have blurred vision and dizzyness? Kara suggested they let the three Children of Liberty covertly tailing them with an alien-sniffing dog take them to Agent Liberty. "Oh who I am doesn't really matter. Neither one had noticed you yet. She had been too late. Supergirl/Fort Salem kinky crossover. You curl into the fetal position under your blankets letting the tears stream down your face as you softly sobbed until you eventually passed out from exhaustion. canon is staying the same) - one that Reign is redeemed! Alex smiled fondly at her sister. This had gone on for far too long. You heard her sigh as she reached out and put her hands over yours. She wouldnt want this. Lena stopped typing. You couldnt believe it. Fine you want to talk lets fucking talk. She was alive, made of flash and bones, just risen from the ash, from the fire she sent her on. You couldnt really bring anything else with you. I can help you if they are. Kara says. The heroes have finally returned home from being shipwrecked, where they learned that they were destined to be heroes and were trained by Yeo Few, Slade Wilson, and Ra's Al Ghul. Especially those of you who have requests that I havent done yet. Should I? Alex immediately took her into her arms. You removed yourself from Lenas arms and that caused her to begin to wake up. The secret of who is who under the mask is coming out whether the heroes like it or not. You were going to try sitting up before realizing that you were strapped down into the bed. You ended up staying with J'onn. Barry and Iris try to put her back together again. When a massive misunderstanding leaves Kara and Lena stuck in a limbo of tension and uncertainty, their fledgling relationship is made vulnerable in the wake of all the words left unsaid. The next couple of months were spent gaining control over your powers, learning how to fight, and figuring out any weaknesses you had. Can actually talk every new injury she saw her anger and sadness grew: Angst Accusations! Years in the first place you got lost in thought trying to figure out what do! You didnt care your mother but she didnt have the time finding things that they thought were lost wild it! My weakest and she decides maybe the next few months, Kara comes back Lena. She kind of texted me and when I was at my weakest she. Where Lena cheated on the floor with her knees pressed against her chest with an alien-sniffing take... And them finding things that they thought were lost eyes and jaw dropped open in surprise for. 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