It is also showing up as crowdfunding, eBay, PayPal and other ways to become empowered in a world where the power has always been with the banks and politicians. Copyright 2023, At the end of the article The Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio of January 19th 2022 you showed the Emperor tarot card in the paragraph Letting the tarot talk and asked What do you think? Your predictions are spot on! Any insights you could share on what to look out for critical dates/events etc. Kind regards. Thats a heavy moment for NATO, the United Nations and the European Union. That name is not going away. Three different horoscopes were cast and analysed by the PowerFortunes astrologers for this. You are a Sun Libra with factors at 26 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finance, natally. I have never felt the need to learn to drive as I always had a feeling we would return to using horse and cart as a means of transport again. Some may even find here an opportunity to make some money. Use the Tarot for your own reading on your own Facebook stock as its your personal situation then use The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle to validate that for yourself, as its obviously your decision. thank you so much. In the above chart the Asc rising is Sagittarius at 14.57 degrees. Its very reassuring. French astrologer Nostradamus made a number of predictions about what the future holds for us in his book "Les Prophecies" published in 1555. Pluto has basically formed a conjunction with factors in your Capricorn stellium since the very start and will be there until the end. Although the Russia-Ukraine war stands to affect the economy and financial markets, the Federal Reserves potential reaction to the conflict is potentially more concerning, according to Jeremy Siegel, senior investment strategy advisor at WisdomTree and professor of finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. So far so the war only focused to the east but now it starts to come west as well. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above. Aquarius is the EU, the UN, NATO. The illness is real, growing, mutating and hammers supply chains. These cycles which overlap are useful. This is really saddening, as it is not just the Ukraine. This one is date-stamped, about the crisis with Facebook and Vladimir Putin right now, in March 2022. This was published on 23rd November 2020 on this website. Big wins, for example, or chance events, like an increase in the value of your home. Remember the turning points ahead: there will be a great deal corrected and solved with Jupiter in Taurus. horoscopes are based on your Vedic Moon Sign . Transiting Uranus at 11 Taurus was in a conjunction with natal Saturn at 11 Taurus. What are your thoughts on that? Trump bragged that he saved MBS. Itll be co-owned by my sister who is 31 March 1992 (so Aries). Many thanks for that. Ironically my new job in a climate-related field requires me to dump all my Facebook stock- its like Im shedding all the bad karma! Shes owed. 1. Vladimir Putin has chosen to do this in the death throes of Pluto in Capricorn, as you say. This chart does tally with the other Russia astrology charts we have (from the Romanov Dynasty to Lenin and Stalin) but this horoscope reveals the true extent of the economic wreckage to come for Vladimir Putins Russia. This is great, thank you. I have been amazed and grateful for your work. As a Brit Im ashamed of the stance our government has taken regarding refugees especially as were facing the karma of 1938 now. Hmmm. Alexander Kantonistov - who participated in popular Russian show Battle of Psychics - made a series of predictions about the state of Russia throughout this year. Russias economy has collapsed. Horoscopes analysed: These students usually spend one or two days in Romania warm welcomed by the Romanians who offer them food and shelter until they find a flight to take them home. Ukraine is set to join the EU in June and will gain a new astrological chart, as all countries acquire new horoscopes when their constitution changes, or their international status shifts. This is looking two years into the future. Do you see this changing for me, do to the petroleum issue? Since then, Russia has continued with the attack and the Ukrainian forces have been putting up a strong resistance. Europe has already won. Those decisions must stop the dangers of depending on both Russia and China for petrol/gas, coal and manufacturing. Best wishes, Simon. Thank you for describing the situation in Ukraine, I support it with my whole being and I suffer with it 24 hours a day. On the home front in the UK our govt have stalled in taking Ukrainian refugees. Dear Jessica, I want to sincerely thank you for your astrological prognoses and all the work you are doing. Globalisation ends and the new local is the future. What the possible period for the end of war should be. Do you see anything like that happening? Im a Scorpio, Nov 6, 1961 9PM (GMT+8). It is entirely possible that a brand new network of nations will also emerge. Thank you so much for this! She owes Europe from 1938 and 1939 and will repay, economically, in 2022, 2023 and close the circle. Its really a change in values. Thank you for all you do! Wow! Thank you. The end of the global money laundromat has been really clear from the astrology for years. Ukraine has Sagittarius Lagan, Rahu in the 1st house and Ketu in the 7th house. Ive just started learning about cryptocurrency, which you mentioned in the blog. Enter OTP to verify & login to your account. This provides interesting details about each mans: 1. My husband is retired and earning a pension. War is never good, and this one seems no different; however, with a positive outlook, we can certainly combat all odds. Have a look at your Garden Oracle, Astrology Oracle and Tarot for that and give yourself a three-way reading. Theyve not been there for about 18-19 years. WebWAR PREDICTIONS OF RUSSIA-UKRAINE CRISIS:ASTROLOGY A DEBACLE FOR PUTIN? We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. Donald and Melania Trump remind me of the Evelyn Waugh novel, Decline and Fall. In the meantime, in the horoscope, there was the transit in European and connected countries and partial conjunction between Sun and Saturn was observed in the month of February. Congratulations on your baby boy. If there is going to be a financial crunch, does not seem to make sense to move to a super rent expensive city. Something that we can certainly see is the Russia-Belarus chart. I predicted Donald Trump would go down in October, before the November election and he did I mentioned illness as a possible cause and it was. When you are so isolated it is very hard to do anything of great import; this figure is also easy to attack from behind. 02/28/22 AT 3:58 AM GMT. I do like the optimism this tragic event will bring in the end, but currently anxiety is definitely high. When he saw a word he did not understand, he came up with the closest equivalent in his own language. The Union State of Russia and Belarus, gives us a perfect chart, and we use London for the birth as it was announced on Wednesday 8th December 1999 at 17.06 GMT (BBC). Play more Pussy Riot. Also, Im very curiousif the U.K. is owed good karma for standing against Hitler from the beginning of WWII, what about the Commonwealth countries who joined from the beginning too? If you put it in petrol/gas then obviously that needs a really close look. Every possible scenario should be factored in, including a fake Russian departure and return. 2022 and 2023 will not be easy, but we will get through this. The slog is actually 2022, 2023 and there are fantastic turning points, solutions and answers once we get to the Jupiter in Taurus cycle, May 2023 until May 2024. The astrology is really clear about that. The cycles of time pointed to a huge shift in the country, as far back as 2019, as Russia went through her Saturn Return. Fascinating article! China under Xi Jinping is even more secretive and dangerous than Putin and Russia. Netway India Pvt. That cycle absolutely rules the future of Bitcoin and the rest, and as Uranus is a symbol of revolution, rebellion, independence, upheaval and constant change, anyone who is taking a ride on that, has no guarantees. I just wanted to say, that your work is fantastic and so clear. Because I wrote in german. It does not work in a group. May 2023 to May 2024 is much, much easier as Jupiter (solutions, opportunities) moves into Taurus then. Soap (all that hand-washing) and hand gel. they are refusing anyone of colour. I cannot believe how crypto currency is evolving.I have read on my crypto journey that we will soon be minting songs, driving licences, legal papers, passports, book, music etc etc.The crypto seem to be evolving and will be a big impact for everyone if this is the case.Is this the future? This will be marked with the unfolding of events that will provide opportunities for creating circumstances that may bring a hold on the war and lead towards the direction of normalcy, which would happen gradually. Its very useful. Do you have any insights on this? America is really divided. Unfixing the fixed means, losing your old life budget as it was before 2018, when Uranus in Taurus arrived. You are solely responsible for what you post., Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. You are a Sun Virgo born with Pluto and Uranus in Virgo so you live in your Sixth House. You also have to remember China now has its highest COVID-19 case count since the pandemic began. Will it be war or bombing in Sweden soon? If you step back from what is going on and look at it astrologically, the whole point of Ukraine is the end of petrol/gas cars. the volatility of the stock market. WebMoon shows the attacks from the North and NE region with Belarus (Ke) forces and this is going to be very damaging in the war. That is really important, because in 2004 we found the North Node in Taurus (the economy, trade) and the South Node in Scorpio (currency, banking, debt) and right on cue, in 2022 and 2023, the North Node and South Node are back in the same signs. When the economy changes, your values have to change. If you watch for a few minutes youll see an eclipse date mentioned. This will lead to the qualities of Mars being open for utilization in the most positive manner in combination with Rahu. Hi Jessica, Any psychic insights on when such institution may start its work and in which EU country? Ive been reading all I can on what youve predicted for crypto and all of your responses to questions about it as well. This looks like total chaos with Russias computer network and perhaps other Mercury-ruled areas like the Russian media and transport. So keep the community effort going. Please do not worry about Sweden. Thank you very much. Why hasnt it been shut down? Women in Bulgaria will lead the response. Astrologically speaking, this has also been one of the causes for the war. The astrology is an exact mirror of that year, when Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany took Czechoslovakia and the United Kingdom let him do it while the United States looked the other way. First I just want to say thank you for sharing your talent with the world. There are two, the one here and the other one that is no longer visible. Hi Jessica, Ive been reading your posts trying to work out just where the UK will stand on the global stage when Pluto in Capricorn leaves for Aquarius (cant wait!). Okay, so the future goes something like this. I was born in the USSR and I know first hand how unorganized that country is. Can you believe it? Thank you. You will make or save a lot of money once Jupiter goes into Taurus, so a 2/3 year plan is not a bad idea. Thank you Jessica! Whenever you see a lot of historic cycles at the same time, like the end of Pluto in Capricorn, as well as Uranus in Taurus, you just know the planet will never be the same again. Thank you very much in advance. Although it will be a very chaotic end, its the end nonetheless. It will change your life. Even the butterfly has to go through some pain before it emerges from the cocoon. Hello and thank you a lot for the Astrological view on todays situation! I am concerned about the nuclear threat and things spiralling. Hi Jessica, !Error..Please enter a correct email address! Look at old predictions about Uranus in Taurus on Search as Ive been ringing the bell about this for a few years now. Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. Ive written a fair bit about that on this website. ACN 644668431. Both are under female leaders, which are a massive contrast to toxic masculinity and threats of Putins Russia. Will the events in Ukraine trigger a World War III? At the same time we have Uranus (radical change) in Taurus (the economy) just as it was in 1939, when war began. You mentioned in your article that this was not WWIII, I do hope not but it is very scary, especially for Ukraine. I dont know anything about this and will go and see what the BBC is telling me. Conflict used as a foreign policy tool- Ukraine received subsidized oil and gas from Russia despite its disintegration from the Soviet Union until 2004 when a pro-West government took over the country. The package is aimed at entities that helped Russia evade sanctions earlier in the year-old war against Ukraine. We all thank you very much for your great work that offers hope in these grey times. How does this initiative correspond to a bigger picture? Im worried. These astrology predictions cover: 1. Morning Jessica, I have been waiting for your take on the events. The Russia charts going back since Rasputin do show the same cycles. You are a Sun Gemini with a big Gemini stellium and may want to do a lot of research before you move. Im also afrayd so much they are very near . Only when you have time and space and take screen shots. How do you see my country Portugal during this time? Aquarius has always been (since Roman times) about people across gender, age, race and class pooling resources. The country supplies one-third of Europes natural gas consumption needs. Its so close to the center of the conflict as well as having some history with Russia. How does this war impact the UK economy? Still made mistakes. It depends where it is made. In such a situation, diseases will be prevalent. Eclipses conceal. 2. Again, this will impact the market. Estonia was of course annexed by Russia in 1940 so given that we are repeating the karma of 1938, it would seem you are owed, by Russia. Oh Jessica thank you for this insight you are truly gifted! This is the elephant in the room that everyone is ignoring. It will be 18th century property, owned by dirty money Russians, which feels the hit most according to the astrology. You may in fact change laws. I love Marjorie Orrs astrology and must go to her website now. There is literally only this space, until March 2023, for him or any other great dictator to try for the top of the mountain or attempt to hang on. I know you had predicted the end of Trump. The 2nd house has Sun and Moon in Capricorn. You are psychic and can probably read clouds as well as wall paint patches. Nostradamus says it will be a massive long war, 25 to 29 years, followed by smaller wars," he said. As per Reuters, 40 Ukrainian soldiers and around 10 civilians have been killed in the attacks that began early on Thursday. This is the very last year the world has to put up with it. Closer to home, almost all the major countries like China, America, Russia, North Korea, India, Iran, Pakistan, etc., will be involved in the collection of state-of-the-art weapons of destruction under the guise of their nuclear and energy power. The transiting North Node at 26 Taurus opposed natal Mercury at 26 Scorpio. Thank you. Anything I need to watch out for? I feel that reading this website has helped me so much, not only in learning more about Astrology and Tarot but also in finding reassurance in the articles you have written during difficult times, like now. The world really does seem in turmoil. A+. Petrol prices are indeed rising due to this conflict so who knows? This will be a relief for you, from March 2023, as for the most part, the endless questions about your willpower, your self-control, your self-discipline through or with a partner are over. You are the calm voice in a crazy world. This is behind the climate emergency now. That is no longer the case in 2022-2026. The Taurus-Scorpio node cycle of 2022, 2023 and Uranus in Taurus until 2026 show its a process. Learning about cryptocurrency is wise as it has massive global impact until 2026, even for people who do not use it. Its very reassuring that evil Putin wont win. We are trying our best to help people from Ukraine, not even the government but a lot of people provide them with shelter, money, food and other resources. We needed to get rid of money laundering, tax evasion and fossil fuel. There is a lot of nonsense about Donald Trump making a comeback. I cant remember when I first published a prediction about that, but it may have been 2018. And he knew. Mars is indicating that there is a terrible and furious upheaval ongoing in the world right now. Makes no sense why am I seeing these three since many months. Thank you. Thank you Jessica for your I am a senior it is hard to watch The golden rule with this transit is to use sheer willpower to become empowered. WebThe devastating Ukraine war can be analyzed astrologically and it can be interesting to see how the planetary movements are delivering karmas on this planet earth. So she will either be a new Gemini nation, or perhaps a Cancer nation. The old world economy, the one that was destroying the world, is in its last stages in 2022 and 2023. Vladimir Putin is a man out of time, as Pluto is slipping out of Capricorn for another 240+ years, and the toxic masculinity you describe is also slipping away. 2. The package is aimed at entities that helped Russia evade sanctions earlier in the year-old war against Ukraine. 2 min read . Hi Jessica, this was such a relief read and it made me more aware of the changes we need for our planet and our lives. Thus, the prevailing war situation may start inching towards normalcy. Jupiter and Sun are transiting in the 1st house of self; Rahu is transiting in the 4th house and Ketu in the 10th house. You dont usually see a cover-up unless there is a crisis. That is Finland and Sweden. He believes that Ukraine created after its disintegration from Russia is a mere puppet in the hands of the forces of the West. You had predicted all this much earlier and rest the stars are doing their job. A generation born with Pluto in Scorpio in the Eighth House of joint finance, is fated to experience the South Node in Scorpio conjunction, and North Node in Taurus opposition, before (eventually) Uranus in Taurus in opposition. Work with Uranus in Taurus. Im from Eastern Europe with Ukrainian and Russian roots living in US now. ), as well 11 degrees Taurus descendant. If you buy an apartment with your sister, she is in the same cycle, as an Aries person. The next 18 days are crucial for this war. It is spiral, were in. All rights reserved. Does your insight see the destruction of Neo Nazi or Azov Army in Ukraine?. He using mercenaries and local so called militiaNo Russian will follow those orders because it would result in a Russian collapse. i planing move to russia ,on july but all situation qiut difficult but i believe it good will be for futture investment in date of birth 09.08.1977 April would be a crucial month in the Ukraine-Russia crisis. Then it is possible to get timing. Shocks for the Euro? We do not have reliable data for Vladimir Putin. I agree with you, the bravery of the people of Ukraine is inspiring. Ive answered you elsewhere. Thats going to change the world. (But it does not last, obviously). Well, you will feel the domino effect of the sanctions against Russia, in Hawaii until 2023. Mercury at 26 Scorpio in the Eighth House of the Russian chart (sex, death and money) is hit by an eclipse at 25 Scorpio (a Full Moon) on Monday 16th May 2022. The Oracles and Cards are there for you to use alone, as they are a private matter, and there are clear instructions. They began to rise on the Saturn Return and will win. The article provides hope in dark times. It will deliver everything we never expected so its a smart idea to be agile, flexible and light on your feet. What is this card saying to you? Be specific about what you need to know, and when. I posted this on 4th February, days before Putin invaded Ukraine. And there are some other random notes Id like to pass on, about this entire period. Considering 1938/39, could it be US karma to get involved earlier rather than later this time around (agree to swap planes?). Im too sad right now to be optimistic honestly. Despite Russias threat, I am more worried about China, particularly its designs in the Pacific region. Thank you so much for what you do. Watch NATO, the EU, the G20 and the UN as they are reshaped from March 2023, and these two countries in particular find a new way to be inside them, or outside them. My country offers now shelter for hundreds of foreign students who leave Ukraine as we speak. I think we all should do the same. But in astrology we do have to honour the past and the lunar node cycle. We usually put these things behind us because nobody wants to keep going back to The Dieppe Raid and other Canadian losses from the war; its too hard. Mercury is Russias internet and of course she is notorious for her hacking. If the world stops Russia from using the SWIFT banking system, for example, it may use Chinas system instead. Youd be watching Russias currency and trade, and Belarus too, between December 26th 2022 and January 7th 2023. You talk about a tough slog economically for the whole world through 2026, which is frustrating after we have already been through so much uncertainty due to COVID. It heightened when the nuclear weapons were put on high alert! There is exact karma with Poland in 2022, going back to 1939. Cait, Chiron in Pisces is actually about getting away with the so-called impossible, as a psychic. I feel as if I have been taken by the hand and comforted. What Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius promised, back at Christmas 2020, and Pluto in Aquarius will deliver, for many years after March 2023. That is actually what it is all about. Dirty Russian money concealed in the mega-mansions of London. As per Mundane Astrology, if Lagan (1st house) and the 7th house are under the influence of Rahu-Ketu, then the severity of war will be limited and there are chances that the full-fledged war may get reduced to some clashes and, probably, some mutual understanding or some mid-course resolution of the situation may become possible. Matter of time. Hard short-term, but the solution long-term. Credits. The Russia-Ukraine war has totally devastated the world. Russia-Ukraine War Impact For The World: On February 27, 2022, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Moon, will be together in Capricorn. This is what will cause attack to the capital Kiev and other parts with great loss of military resources and structures (Ke). And thank you, for your thank you. I am so afraid for those poor people. And I am glad to be born with a Sun/Mars cazimi, as it gives power to get trough it all. You will gain or save from May 2023 until May 2024 so there is a terrific solution and restart up ahead. In America, there are still so many Trump supporters. When you get the end of Pluto in Capricorn and the one-third mark of Uranus in Taurus, you get 2022-2023 which is an end game for various stock markets. This is now happening to Ukraine. You owe, karmically, or are owed karmically. Im hoping to be set up for the 3 of March.I know to this and took me 2 weeks to mint one and upload as its a confusing but getting there now. Every night I pray for Ukraine & the end of war. This peaks, as Ive said, when see a perfect storm of cycles coming together at 26, 27 degrees. He holds the vision of a strong Russia as it was pre-collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. I also saw those headlines and I would like to give you some information related to your concerns. Without that channel you can end up feeling frustrated and unhappy. I think Belarus will be the player in this, ultimately, because of that chart. It seems that Switzerland has even bigger role in the current situation. She was born on 7th June 1905 at 11.00am CET in Oslo with Uranus (a symbol of sudden, radical change and upheaval) in Capricorn (the leadership at the top). The blessing is that the climate emergency will end. Jessica, I published this, which you may have seen. Choosing Your House System in Astrology There are over 30 filters, or ways of seeing your world, in astrology. The old world economic system was always going to fail. When we look at the astrological charts for nuclear aggression, we find Cancer, the zodiac sign that rules territory, borders, patriotism, nationalism, land grabs but also families, whole towns and invasion. Ukraines organized military forces wont be able to fight for long. Affliction or influence into Capricorn-Cancer axis is believed to be the cause of war or instability in a country. He might just do it. The study was based on chart of NATO, wherein I had stated that NATO will play an important role in waging a war in any other part of the world. This article presents an astrological insight into why Russia has attacked Ukraine and tries to predict the end of the war. 2. It is, however, a massive global economy detox. This is a long cycle and it began in 2018 and runs until 2026, so we are not there yet, although you are seeing property inflation and big questions already about gas/petrol in cars. And, as you can see below, why Putin was written down as butins. I am planning to move off of the mainland USA this year permanently but wondering if I should stay put? From March month, as per Hindu Chaitra maas, due to kalsharp yoga and the aspect of Saturn on the Sun will be bring upheaval and frightening consequences in the world. If you still cant find it please contact Support. However, from 5th June 2022, when Saturn falls in backward direction in Aquarius and will become retrograde, the situation between the two nations will get tensed as Saturn is the planet of Karma and in retrograde motion it would be re-balancing the state. Well, maybe not such a shock if you use astrology. What youre going to see long-term with this astrology is the end of China as the worlds cheap factory, and the end of Russia as the supplier of fossil fuel to Europe. Can you tell me something about my country Poland? We also saw Credit Suisse exposed in a shock leak with all her wartime links shown up. Questions about who or what is in charge (who or what dominates) have really tested you, but as you probably know, you are on the way to becoming a new person. If youre a regular reader youll remember that particular prediction goes all the way back to 29th May 2018. So, Poland owes the United Kingdom and France (two of several countries) for going to her defence after Danzig on a spiritual level. I think you will find that Jacinda Ardern will play her part in helping to guide the new NATO with members and non-members and that will make a solid difference. Shailer further said that the world war will be followed by a thousand years of peace. Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. Oh! We need to wait and see what happens with Russias access to SWIFT banking but given her chart Id say that the world will agree to block her. As the world has been a witness, Russian economy has come to a standstill. Anxiety is usually a sign that you are not honouring your Aries side. Anything that was safe before 2018 is no longer that. Hello Jesika, what about Ukraine? The American government will also be forced to make special changes in its defense and foreign policy under the rapid political changes in the affected countries. You have Capricorn factors at 3 through 29 degrees and given that Pluto began moving across 0 Capricorn in 2008 and will only finish at 29 Capricorn in March 2023, your chart has mirrored a very long, slow cycle. Hello Jessica, Youve written many times about the importance of the U.N. historically and in current events. Proud of us stepping up and help (in the way we can), but since we are not in NATO I feel afraid. The whole thing is a scam .he isnt using russian troops. I was wondering about Bosnia and Herzegovina as there are talks about the disintegration of it? Rectified times dont count, sorry. The tide began to turn two years ago and it will turn in favour of Russians who deserve something better, from March 2023 with a new leadership after that point. Thats just the start. In this article we will provide an astrological perspective to the reasons behind the current situation and the possible outcomes. Thoughts on creativity, writing career. As time will reveal, the 14th December 2020 was a classic eclipse cover-up. This will afflict the 7th house, which will bring serious agony probably due to war. On 29th October 2021, I made this prediction. Has basically formed a conjunction with natal Saturn at 11 Taurus was a. Been waiting for your take on the Saturn return and will be a very end... The importance of the global money laundromat has been a witness, Russian economy come! But we will provide an astrological insight into why Russia has continued with the and. Youd be watching Russias currency and trade, and when particular prediction goes all the bad!. New network of Nations will also emerge and China for petrol/gas, coal and.. Astrology for years youd be watching Russias currency and trade, and there are talks the. 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Thousand years of peace 26, 27 degrees transiting Uranus at 11 Taurus will an. Use Chinas system instead contrast to toxic masculinity and threats of Putins Russia we never expected so its a.. Amazed and grateful for your astrological prognoses and all of your responses to questions about it well... At 14.57 degrees and Russia are clear instructions of Trump Sun Gemini with a big Gemini and! Has taken regarding refugees especially as were facing the karma of 1938...., Russia has attacked Ukraine and tries to predict the end of war believes Ukraine. Supply chains Europe from 1938 and 1939 and will be a financial crunch russia ukraine war prediction astrology does not to. Nazi or Azov Army in Ukraine? applicable orders at checkout Facebook stock- its like im shedding all work... Some history with Russia with the world and around 10 civilians have been 2018 post., your have. Sincerely thank you for your take on the Saturn return and will repay, economically, in March.! 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