Over the next two weeks I continued using the machine 3 times a week, and in 2 weeks, no problem - it was fixed. He'd had 39 radiation treatments that didn't do anything but make him sick. Manufacturers have also sold these devices under a wide variety of brand names over the years. He had not been able to drive for 2 years. Well, several days later, I got sick and I was having fever, body aches and headaches. Save $191! After three days I thought"Carol, you're getting a cold"! I used the wrist bands so I could do a few other things during the two-plus hours, if needed. He has lesions on his spine and his numbers are coming down. I ran it anyway. In March I had pneumonia twice and my WBC count was even higher and I wasn't using the Rife machine during this time at all. I used the Rife Model 101 every day for about a week and my gums stopped bleeding after the 2nd treatment. You can receive treatment of Spooky2 only by pressing a few bottons on GeneratorX. Able to turn over, not stooped over, Feeling overall well. Gail B (11-6-06), Hello, I had carcinoma in the last stage. Then I decided to go to where he lived about 5 hours away and literally pick him up and take him there myself. Usually a couple times a month and it would last for several days. I'm only 21, so this is great that I can keep my energy up and my health in check! She just tells him "I changed my diet". He was 23 at the time. We are absolutely convinced we are on the right track! - Eilene T., PA (2/17/15). He hated the tube in his stomach and his scarred neck and throat. I was in a serious car accident and sustained multiple head injuries which resulted in a seizure disorder, Todd's Paralysis Syndrome and also Fibromyalgia. I'm a retired doctor and electrical engineer. - Bill P., CA (4-17-14), My chronic sinusitis is clearing up. No more being woozy in the morning. A couple of weeks ago (Dec 2014), my wife and I along with our daughter were on a conference call with her oncologist. The lump on my left elbow looked really weird, the result of recently slipping on our ice-coated back deck stairs and braking my fall with my elbow. Spooky2 Success Story - Hannah: Cancer Could Not be Found After My Father Used the Spooky2 Rife Machine for 3 Months. Rife machines and other at-home electromagnetic frequency devices are not likely to cause any long-term risks. I can use my hands without pain. However, these frequencies are different from those the Rife machine emits. Along with his supplements and the help of sparky, he is doing great! I did the half hour program on my ankle and to my surprise - the ankle was good as NEW! ALSUntangled No. Fully programmable to assist the most advanced research into new frequencies and applications. In the stomach, small intestine and large intestine. WebRIFE MACHINE BLOG -Testimonials: Welcome! 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. #8285, CA (1-18-20), A friend reported that her friend, who is 91, got his Rife 101 for his eyes. Sending you a hug Tina Rappaport. I'm a multiple stroke survivor, I have 4 stents in my heart and a clogged artery in my head. Very pleased. My mother is doing much better. It's now 4 years later and she is cancer free! Day 2, Level 2--tomorrow Level 3. Now I have the energy to enjoy life again. Thank you for supplying this little machine to those who are in severe need. I had already discovered this. Jake Daniels has a Bachelors in Business Administration Degree from SHSU in Texas with an entrepreneurial background. Why don't doctors offer this effective machine? This is why patients have used the Rife for everything from acne to hormone balance. The list is nearly endless, but a handful of them are: Breast cancer8 Melanoma Prostate cancer Leukemia Bone I purchased the Rife 101 just before entering the hospital for a knee replacement surgery. - J. Kolkey, CA 10-22-17, Because of the diabetes in my body, I have been prone to having many infections. My doctor was astounded how well I looked, and could not find any sign of the virus. The source of it was from my head but it made my entire body ache. Rife machines and similar devices likely dont pose any major health risks. - Mike F. My husband a truck driver has been getting very annoying hot flashes and night sweats. WebRife machine Reviews and Testimonials USA - Suzie - "Three months ago my husband was in hospital on the edge of a final heart attack and with prostate cancer stage 4, in medical terms, he was a dead man. I call it my doctor. Of course he has had to change his eating habits etc. When I had a 2nd QXCI session just a few weeks ago on New Year's Day, my immunity had come up to 20 - at least I am out of the minus numbers now! WebRife and his supporters say that all medical conditions have an electromagnetic frequency. Well, as soon as two 1/2" blisters popped up, I knew what it was - my friend is a nurse and he verified I was at the beginning of a shingles outbreak. Skin Cancer, Melanoma, Chronic Sinus Issue, Knee + Joint Pain, Chondromalacia Patella: I'm a retired electrical engineer (78) and very early in my life I actually met Royal Raymond Rife's partner, John Crane! We have two rocking chairs next to each other facing our TV and we keep the Rife 101 between us and take turns. - C. Rocque, MO (4/5/14), My husband keeps bees and he had a huge reaction to some stings. God Bless!!! Thanks again and I will be putting the newly discovered information to good use. I had to have a doctor cut away the black flesh that was dead. I felt it coming on and wasted no time. Today, the day after, there's no bruise, no black and blue or any discoloration at all. I have IBS and it has helped me so much. I would give him a 10 score of possible 10. Chemical Detoxification, Constipation, Bladder Infection: I've had my Rife 101 since 2009 and I use it all the time for detox, as I'm a hairdresser and I know all those chemicals get in me. It's fairly expensive. Carol A, MI (1-26-15), AWESOME!!! It rarely bothers me now but when it begins to return, I simply go back to the machine again for another "Bunion" session. Diabetes, Epstein Barr Virus, Inflammation, Arthritis, Asthma, Sinus: I can't live without my Rife 101 Energy System! It's been a year now, and I have continued to feel better and better. There have been some reports of electrical shocks and rashes. Thank you so much! - N. Rape, NC 12-4-17, We love the machine, it saved my wife's life in 2012 (My future wife, and each others 1st love from school finding each other thanks to Facebook). He was given three months to live and now he's been alive for 8 months. Bob was only 51 they said without treatment he would die in 6 months to a year. Theres no evidence Rife machines are effective in treating cancer. I had been seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis, and he assured me that nothing was out of place, or needing adjustment. Love my Rife 101! I had some heart problems but now the doc said my heart function is fine. No more pills! We continue to do this when things get way too stressful, and it works. There is not a chance in a million that I would send this machine back. I came down with a bladder infection and used the program for 30 minutes - the infection was gone and I didn't have to take medication! (Rife 101 user since 2013)- Beverly H. Chronic Pain in Finger, Bone Spurs, Sinus, Tooth Ache & Shin Splint: I have had your Rife 101 machine for a few months and wish to relate my results. I also used the Nerve Damage program one time - and my aide said, "Hey did you notice you're walking better??" After some time the blisters starting going away. They thought I had Lupus. I know that doesn't sound like much to some people but it was to me and is so great. I was having some problems with degenerative arthritis and experiencing a lot of pain in my hip area. I am 44 years old and married with 2 small children, we all use the Rife 101 for everything from the common cold to muscle spasms. After the chemo and radiation the lump was still getting larger and it was tingling. He talked with me and stated that I should get the Rife machine as soon as possible. I have a heart condition and I am improving. Also, post-surgery, I did not fill the prescriptions for narcotic pain killers. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Dog, Cancer & Hip Problems: We just found out our dog BODY (boe-dy) has cancer (age 12). It's helped my wife and I a great deal. My boss had recently undergone knee surgery, and recommended his doctor very highly. One thing: increasingly, science knows that relaxed focus on a part of the body being already and always healthy (either seeing the words you say or an image you like), especially while the 101 is in use, may contribute more to the result. I found after using the Rife 101 for a few weeks, not only could I walk without my cane, but now I'm even walking stairs! Then in February 2017 I developed terrible eczema on my legs and arms. Tina Rappaport installed a comprehensive EYE program for me (she does this at no charge when you purchase a unit and say you have an eye problem). Subscribe. Our holistic vet does acupuncture - Lynn M, FL (6/10/15). I have Lyme disease which I contracted in 1984. I had developed fatigue and some days couldn't get out of bed. I've had really bad migraines for a long time, as I have two bulging discs, narrowing of the spinal cord (spinal stenosis) and degenerative disk disease. I felt relief with only one session, then it actually shrank more and more, becoming less red and inflamed as I continued to use the machine. - Sanjay Gupta, Director, The Organic Cart, India (11-16-20), After one treatment with the Rife 101 my appendix flare-up was 90% better. WebRIFE MACHINE BLOG -Testimonials: Welcome! We both use the Rife 101 everyday for something. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Dog Arthritis, Cataracts, Dandruff, Anal Fistula, Tumors, Liver Function, Kidney Function: I just wanted to say HI, and let you know that we have used our Rife 101 machine to bring our beloved 13.5 year old dog back from the brink of death. A few years ago we used the Rife 101 on our dog, whom the vet said his liver count was so bad they could not put him under to clean his teeth. A man was questioned as to why his milk had so much lower bacteria count than normal. Last medically reviewed on June 25, 2018. Before I placed them like I do now, the treatment helped somewhat. - JM #7762, FL (4-26-19), My daughter got bit by a brown recluse spider on July 4th, 2015. - Dean, My friend, Linda, has borrowed my Rife 101 for detoxification and loves it. After 2 and weeks of daily use of the Rife frequency machine, my energy returned back to normal and most of the symptoms had disappeared. I tried everything my alternative MD suggested including acupuncture, herbs, and supplements, but I saw no improvement. I'm so very thrilled I found you and this machine! Results so far are amazing! The oldest BM on record was 16 and Gator almost made it! Thank you for the free gifts also. The rife machine is designed to tune into your body and listen for abnormally low frequencies. May he rest in peace. I'm going to continue these programs for a few more days before I tackle my migraines. He maintained good health and took care of health problems possibly arise. Well, I have auto immune disease and you know what that means if I do two to three years of antibiotics. Precision hand blown glass bulbs filled with a proprietary mixture of inert gases. Breast Cancer, Cancer, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia & Scabies: I had breast cancer 5 years ago and now had some micro-calcification clusters and a biopsy. An impulse of the same frequency is then used to kill or disable diseased cells. If you won't try anything you can stay miserable or you can get a machine. What a joy to not have my head hurt! I first set the Rife machine on itching and nothing happened. I had a sprained ankle and could barely walk on my right foot. GBS Guillain-Barre Syndrome & Nerve Pain: I have had Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) for over 1 1/2 years of painful hell. My battle with RA had become an unending nightmare by the age of 38. Her whole arm was swollen from the hand up and all puffy like. You call back first thing Monday to inform us that a new charger/adapter was already on the way. Cant thank you enough!!!!! About 5 weeks ago, he run the Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 program using Spooky2 Rife machine. He let her try the detox program & she said she felt more refreshed. Of course, since computer technology has advanced, the Rife 101 is bound to be superior to the unit I owned a couple of decades ago. I'm excited about doing these Rife programs! A few days later my doctor called and said I have good news. I so greatly appreciate your wisdom and assistance. The lesions (possibly Kaposi's Sarcoma?) Dad started running the Rife101 and the discoloration and infection cleared up quickly and now hes bearing weight on it! Then I decided to set it on the program for general infection and I fell asleep while the Rife machine worked. (Rife 101 user since November 2013) - Randy P, WI (12/24/14), Update 8/11/17: Well the guy (Doug) with the Parkinson's has had to use a walker to get around for over 6 months now, because his feet would trip up and now he is starting to get around without it and his wife told me he has always been down as in not being able to get up and move around that well for a long time and now he (in her words) is up down up down up down up down quite a bit lately, they are getting very anxious to see this happening with him (the hope has begun) lol, that's the part I LOVE to see. I was so upset when I got diverticulitis again after just having a colon resection 3 months ago! My pressures have dropped to L-20 and R-25. Carter M. (2008). After he did more researches, he made the choice to try Spooky2. And my skin is healing up nicely too. In these tests, the validity was zero because I do not have any of the 72 conditions and consistency was zero because no condition listed in either scan was found in the other scan. It's fairly expensive. He experienced pain and hemorrhaging on swallowing and was scheduled for surgery. Contact. He was on a ventilator, had many surgeries, skin grafts, muscle grafts, artery grafts, a rod in his leg, and he was told he'd never walk again. I immediately hooked myself to the machine and ran the cold sore and herpes (cold sores are a form of herpes) programs. When he learned he had cancer, he began posting about alternatives, which prompted a Facebook friend to tell him about Royal Rife and Spooky2. Update 8/27/17: Tapping the tooth is now no different than tapping any other tooth. - C. Goettemoeller, CA 12-12-16, My husband and I use the machine daily. He carried a syringe with him wherever he went. 269-382-5820. 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