my husband never wants to go anywhere

Strong words eg thanks. If you're spending more time with work, kids, or hobbies, he may feel left out. Having him believe something that wasnt true. he doesnt want things to improve. It can often take the form of giving you the silent treatment . Im doing everything I can to bring the romance and passion back to our marriage while she acts miserable every day. Problem is, is that when I do, he texts or calls me frequently asking when Ill be home. I am tired of the many years of being his personal assistant, director, PR person, party planner, date night organizer, relational health coach, spiritual leader and the bad guy parent. Discover the 10 Most Important Lessons about Surviving Infidelity, Most of the Time My Husband Doesnt Want to do Sh*t, No Such Thing As TMI The Importance of Full Disclosure After You Have Had an Affair, Affair Recovery Moving On After Infidelity, Taking Inventory: A New Approach to the New Year & A Betrayed Spouses Bill of Rights, Follow our journey as we save our marriage after an emotional affair, Terms of Service/Privacy Policy/Affiliate Disclosure. I too am a fun person, and we dont do shi* b/c other half is content doing nothing. 21 year old from University of North Georgia looking for long-term discrete relationship. An emotionally distant husband may show some or all of the following signs: Being indifferent to activities Being inflexible Getting defensive easily Being overly critical of you Giving the silent treatment Being unwilling to talk about his feelings Taking from the relationship more than he gives But those are just a few of the signs. If you want to create and sustain a lifetime of monogamy, then you must also know how to renew passion, inspire desire and sustain a lifetime of commitment.. Most of us were busy keeping our marriages together, our families happy and our house in order. Then, really invite your husband to share his experience of what's been happening in the marriage. Joke advice or advice that is conspiratorial or just plain terrible will be removed, and users my be subject to a ban. Communication is just not you expressing your issues and him just agreeing. I give up on getting a true apology. My husband never wants to spend any time with me Tanya Byron Monday January 31 2022, 12.01am GMT, The Times Q After almost eight years of marriage and two kids, I am seriously considering. I'd go with an ultimatum: remind him you're not his servant, nor a . If you want things to change, stop enabling it (I really suggest just breaking up because you are trying to change something that has always been there) start setting some boundaries that You can't live like this and that things need to change cuz you are at the end of your rope (You should have just never gotten in a relationship or even married this man). No matter what the level of infidelity ( from daydreaming about an ex to full blown adultery) the one constant factor in cheaters is that they chose to dishonor their commitment while people who did not cheat honored it. Dear The HPV Question, First, I want to make sure you still have HPV. What do you do when your spouse doesnt want to spend any free time with you? Was my husband responsible for his alcoholism and abuse? I totally believe until you honestly think that both affair partners are equally responsible for the affair, under any circumstances,no matter what reasonsthey give, no matter who they are, yourself or others, it is being defensive. I have one on my free resource page. HA. The only activity I can get him to do is sit and eat at restaurants. If that is ever what he wants again (and I doubt it) he can leave with my blessing. Of course that was a trigger for me, and I told him that it was nice that he was focusing on how the whole thing made HIM feel, and totally ignored how gut wrenching it was for ME as she sat there describing a college boyfriend who cheated on her, and went on at length about how I have no idea the pain, the agony, the etc etcof being cheated on. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I have only ever really seen him upset/sad once in 13 years. Of course, you work. In that case, likely, hes just trying to better himself. I'll want to go somewhere or do something and he tells me he doesn't want to go or do whatever it may be. My husbands job was mainly to just show up and participate. Leaving Her Alone One of the quickest ways to destroy your marriage is to leave your wife alone. And he will bethe old guy at the club. Lol, and ewwwww. PS. When we first got together I was 16 and I definitely had a higher sex drive back then, as most 16 year olds probably do. I am sure that when most of us look back they realize how little effort the cheater put into any of those things prior and during the affair. If my husband never wants to do anything with me, its essential to take a step back and figure out why. I don't think . When you and your spouse are talking, put down your cell phone, set aside distractions, and focus on each other. We have two very young kids and both work high-pressure, full-time jobs. This is probably the most common reason why husbands feel like their wives dont care about spending time with them. Those were the words that one of our friends told Linda recently. It sucks. Absolutely 100%. He often jokes about leaving his wife. Alternately, the affair partner wants to place the blame on the cheating spouse. I don't know the answer but I'll be looking for that pdf to read as well!! Its not shallow to want to be with someone who desires you. Self-destruct, and take the easy way out. EG, I was indeed joking as she playing the role of advisor, not basher. Its essential to show interest in the things your spouse enjoys, even if you dont share the same enthusiasm. Hopefully, those of you who are further along and are in the marriage rebuilding and strengthening phase can find this helpful. I feel none of it was appreciated and he has a sense of entitlement. So many affairs are blamed on boredom, Dougs included. You words ring true, I have read it so many times in the hundreds of relationship books, when a person invests in a relationship the relationship is important to them and will do everything to preserve it. If your husband feels like youre constantly nagging him, hell likely start to dread spending time with you. Or well, our marriage had really drifted apart and I knew we were very disconnected. My H never wants to do anything and has called his existence dead with me and that she awakened him. Two key things: our passion and our principles.. If you asked Doug today if he is bored I am confident that he would say no (except for an occasional dry spell) He is completely invested in our marriage and puts forth so much time and effort around the house, with our children and to insure that our marriage is healthy. Doug, Linda, anyone elseone topic I would love to see discussed: how do you handle ti when the topic of affairs comes up in discussion with friends, etc. Yet he is still here, just as is your h. Why couldnt he show me that he could drop her, when I was feeling good about myself. Yet here we are. Anonymous. On the contrary, everyone needs quality time with their loved ones. my husband doesn t want to spend time with me, theres a chance he might not be intentionally ignoring you. If your husband feels like he cant get a break from them, itll start to take a toll on him, and he might begin distancing himself from you. It runs in his family and he has suffered with it and sleep disorder for years. Empty nest for all of us is just around the corner. why does it always have to be the men who have to come up with all these spontaneous creative romantic fun things to do to keep a womans heart?! This blog post will discuss the ten most common reasons why your spouse might not want to spend time with you and what you can do about it. This isnt personal its a symptom of their mental illness. Yes, this is selfish behavior but we ALL have our emotional limits. First, try to be more positive when youre around him. No referencing hateful subreddits and/or their rhetoric. Do you find yourself constantly needing your husbands attention? This could be an emotional affair or a physical one. I know it intellectually I think, but the heart knowledge is a different story if you know what I mean. Take care. Use that time to bond with him, leash-train and you should be good. i just have to keep telling myself to quit obsessing over her happiness and to just do my own thing and invite her along for the ride. I know exactly how you feel. While I used to assume that he valued our time together as much as I did, and assume that he wanted to do things together, I no longer do. Constantly needing reassurance from your spouse can be suffocating and is likely one of the reasons why hes pulling away. You might be unwittingly putting distance between yourself and your partner by being too busy. Now he puts extra hours at work and prefers to spend time with his friends. And really peace for your ex too. This is a big red flag, and my advice is to call the National Domestic Violence Hotline and discuss this with someone there because. He has outgrown you or never cared in the first place or he is just self absorbed and a loner. It may seem that way, Rachel, but from what youve said he really isnt in control. I have to keep reminding myself that he needs time to adjust to the fact that life has changed. Don't put others before your husband. If someone's lack of response has become a. Just a little! The outcome is a husband who is detached and less interested in being around his wife. He should be talking with the baby if not reading to baby at least once a week is not asking much. If anyone condones cheating, or blames one of the affair partners or a spouse, you just have to wonder WHY. He needs to stop using his depression as an excuse for not putting effort in this relationship and if it's this bad he needs to get it under control and start on medication or start seeing someone. Ughhhh. He was slightly above a dead-beat. She was not invested like I was. Everywhere you look there are things telling us how to be hotter in the bedroom, cook healthier more exciting menus, pick up thrilling new hobbies. ULK I hate it all for everyone but I am trying to be the constant for him. Then when I think about how unappreciative and selfish her betrayal was in the first place I feel like fool for stretching myself so thin when I feel like she should be kissing MY ass. The excitement and stimulation came from the illicitness of what they were doing sneaking around on their spouses like teenagers. But you already know that, lol. He still waits for my direction and Ive stopped doing all I did because he wont put any responsibility onto himself. Maybe even in a better, truer, more open and honest way. The money he gets will be spent and gone. Speak with your doctor about whether you even have anything to disclose at this point. All Rights Reserved. If you find that he either makes decisions without your input, or he takes a course of action without your buy in, this is a massive sign of disrespect. My husband I really never really used to go anywhere much due to work so we never really thought a time share would benefit us. Of course, this isnt to say that you should never come first. Over time, the lack of connection can take a toll on your relationship. NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCES. I cant help but ask myself is it worth it? But some expectations. Now he only changes underwear and showers once a week. Thank you, EG! Friends disappear and you can't go anywhere. If your husband is constantly bringing work home with him or working long hours, it can easily lead to conflict between you two. He shops with me for groceries or they dont get bought. We are all now to the point where our kids have either graduated from college, in college or will be entering college next fall. Also I am MUCH more aware of making even the slightest joke at his expense. Yes, she says she feels remorse but she is still defensive about what she did. Besides, Im a fun person and I do like to do sh*t! True. He had ti see her because it made her feel better, then when that wasnt working anymore, lets bring mummy dearest over from overseas to help her with her attempts at getting my h away from me. We never get invited out anywhere together as a couple. I think I need to do the same, start giving myself the self respect and stop basing it on my h assessments of me. It just proves to me that I am not worth his commitment if it does. Well, wow. Its better that way. The real reason is that the person reached a point where they became so selfish that this activity became ok in their own eyes. All of these will be removed and locked. He wont go anywhere! The most irksome part of this entire process is that it is completely backward from what it should be. Dear Carolyn: My husband does not want to spend alone time with me, leaving me feeling frustrated. Easier to blame me. Healthy communication is consistently cited as one of the most important elements of a successful marriage. No matter what the problem is, communication is critical. Oh, I know, EG. Just not appropriate to do so with anyone else. My husband never wants to hang out and just spend time with me but then gets overly butthurt when we go more than a couple days without having sex. Will they appreciate what they have? Hes preoccupied with other things. Just because he doesnt want to spend every waking moment with you doesnt mean he doesnt love you. You endured much more than most would be able to. So as a reward for trying to keep my marriage together I get to work harder than ever on our relationship while my character and personality is constantly on trial. Refusal to go for walks could be signs of an underlying behavioral issue. Trusting that you have been accurate with your wife's words, I'd like to share a quote from Michael Warner's 1999 queer manifesto The Trouble With Normal, which applies to you more than you . My husband is a person who has illness after illness. My first husband seemedin control, too. she had destroyed my confidence in our marriage.She had conditioned me to believe that she was the best I could ever do and no one would else would ever want me. But if you strongly believe: My husband doesn t like spending time with my family and me, it might not be personal. I dont really think badly of my husband. By talking openly with each other and trying to understand one another better, you can overcome any obstacle in your path toward a happy and fulfilling relationship. He doesn't spend time with you anymore At one time, you and your husband were inseparable, and he always put you first. My husband doesn t want to spend time with me; it hurts. I ask because I feel exactly the same way as you. We are only 35 years old .i feel like he holds us back so much. Our marriage for many years was all about our kids and their activities, sports, etc. Cuz if he doesn't communicate whatsoever, you're really just communicating with yourself. Stupid. 25 Signs Your Husband Doesn't Love You Anymore 1. If your husband is cheating on you, its crucial to confront him and figure out what to do next. Because he is home 24/7 the bills have increased. My dumb self will tag along because "it's at least something". I even wrote a comment to that effect not long ago. Sometimes guys just don't know how to say things. It's a good way to keep a relationship alive. Excellent point Doug. Then he would call her because ohh it made her feel better, the. Rachel This is bonding time. e. just because someone throws something down it doesnt mean you have to pick it up. Plus, itll give you some time to pursue your own interests instead of thinking for hours: My husband never wants to do anything with me.. This comment does not necessarily mean your post violates any rules. But I know one thing I wont go through this again kids or not Im better than that and dont deserve it. Your story proves my point. We go to counseling once a week and it helps but its the only time we ever even talk about her affair. Possibility # 2: Your husband won't talk because he doesn't like conflict (the avoiding pain motive) Your husband may be upset at you for something, but not want to say anything about it for fear that it will cause conflict. It is possible your husband could be having a physical, sexual affair with another woman or possibly an emotional. I usually dont think of him at all. We both are. Try to understand and support his new goals. We have a son who lives in Australia and he would not even go see him. Sound familiar? Here is how our date nights go: I say I think we should have some time alone, he says sure, I wait, he does nothing, I eventually text the sitter and make reservations, and we go. So, what gives, lol? He is at the point where it scares him to think of what he could have lost. Peace of trash she is, I see even more with that comment she made how she wanted my children, as well as my h, I cam only imagine the bad things she told my h to get him on her side with that idea, having him think I was a terrible mother as well as wife. Prayers for peace for you. Too painful and once I would start I wouldnt know where to stop! You have my prayers. I am with him 24/7 365 and at 65 I have become his parent. My spouse is: old, fat, boring, lazy, doesnt like sex, doesnt love me, harsh, critical, unappreciative, ugly, jealous, nagging, a shrew, etc. It can be a major weakness to a marriage. Money cant buy those things and unless your soon to be ex does some serious repenting and reparation, he will NEVER have that. The lack of attention you are receiving from your husband could possible be due to his attraction to someone else. I have even pointed a few of these things out to my husband, and said.gee, what would you have done if I acted/spoke like THAT? I shortly thereafter met Josh (he was actually my roommate!) Often, men show their love through acts of service instead of words. he said if she was going to be such a jerk, she didnt need to come over here, or he didnt need to ever be around her, blah blah blah. Below, psychologists and marriage therapists offer 7 common signs that a spouse may be growing restless in a relationship. He goes to bed whenever he wants and gets up whenever he wants. Instead of demanding his time, try giving him some space to do what he enjoys. You can also subscribe without commenting. This is not what God intended for marriageat all. I loved that. While your situation isnt unique, it is nevertheless not typical. Yes! And if your husband has told you outright that hes no longer attracted to you, its time for a serious conversation. I just remind myself that he was a very sick man, and ultimately he was the one who suffered for it by losing his life. Of course, theres more to a relationship than physical attractionbut it is important. You are correct that i t does not excuse your cheating, but it does point out where your personal vulnerability was. Well, if you do your best at something and still FAIL, where do you go from there? But where is my security? Its so true, if my h wants to choose slutty over me, then go right ahead, I deserve better in my life and my expectations are much higher, I deserve so much better, as we all do. Im guessing that she was betting on I would not leave her. She understands several crucial retirement principles for marriage that I want you to adopt. You need to stop fearing an argument, You need to communicate the issues that are going on and ask him why he thinks using depression to not do things you don't want to do. Where is the feeling that what I have devoted the last THIRTY years of my life to, has mattered? Exercise grace, this is exactly the kind of thing I was trying to get through to Eyes Opened about. Instead, he could simply be showing his love by other gestures. If anything, it is a great opportunity to spend quality time with single friends. I brought it up in marriage counseling and the counselor said if he was bored it was because he was boring. I had counseled with Jed diamond who believed he is depressed but my husband will not even consider this. Like threatening to kill my cats, destroying my property, etc. I have to beg him. After my husband and I boarded the plane, I began my ritual of praying . This is not an all-inclusive list. One of the main signs of a disrespectful husband is when he never ever asks your opinion on anything. Big surprise. Most of our friends were developed through the people we have met in those activities (those mentioned in this post excluded). 1. I feel like I need to turn into a stepford wife. If that makes sense. "Be willing to hear his feedback and experiences in the marriage," says Henry. i really dont mind cleaning, i used to clean the house for him all the . He has friends, hobbies, and other commitments that compete for his time. He either doesn't want to be seen with her or he doesn't want someone else to see him while he is with her. Also when a person complains about being bored they are often bored with themselves not their marriages or spouses. For example, would he prefer to spend time alone with you? Over time I discovered that her POSOM didnt spend a dime on herexcept for cheap hotel rooms. If you feel like. The term refers to being "dependent" on another person and putting their needs before your own by engaging in people-pleasing behavior and caregiving. Post-affair, I am uncomfortably aware that making mountains out of molehills can be a dangerous self-fulfilling prophecy. Some people journal, but you dont get any input so that turns into a bitch fest/pity party if you arent careful, llol. That's as good a moment as any to assess your connections and consider if your friends are just busy, or if they're brushing you off for another reason. Lol. I handled it FAR better than he did, and I think I should be the one ranting and raving over how bad it made me feel. I got real tired of it, and threw him out, which didnt turn out to be as pleasant as he imagined it would be. Certainly you must determine that there is nothing more serious physically going on as well. by Christy Cox for Divorced Moms. 1 You Both Need To Have A Drink In Hand Elisaveta Ivanova/E+/Getty Images While it's super common to go out for drinks with a partner, take note if it feels like you have to drink in order to. After a very entertaining and tasty dinner at a casual restaurant, we went outside to where a jazz concert was going on. You deserve it, you seem like a very nice lady. He confesses that his testimony and knowledge of the gospel was minimal before a harrowing climb on Denali, the highest peak in North America, forced him to put his new faith to the test. I had a saying Lose the battle, win the war. Meaning the final outcome is in your favor cause you are done with them ! That is exactly what my husband did and he admits it. No, no one wins we just keeping moving forward. But before you jump to conclusions, there are a few other possible explanations for why your husband doesnt want to spend time with you. Im worthy f respect, from him and his family, he should stand by my every time his family disrespect me. I WON! It can only be inspired. Just wanted to let you know I understand what youre going through, youre not alone! EG, who is perfect, ohhh thats right the ow thats who. This includes the time during and for months after, the affair. His apathy is excruciating and I feel myself just shriveling up and blowing away in the wind. Even if you're not trying to ignore him, busyness can create an emotional barrier. I also lived in constant fear that she would get bored again and run back to him. Suppose your husband has started working longer hours, studying for a big test, or training for a marathon. In fact, that is one of the explanations we have for one our friends. You deserve to have a marriage that doesnt just survive - it thrives! What are some things that you do to try and keep the passion alive and kicking? Make sure to schedule some me time into your week to stay sane and avoid resentment. Lets face it, we arent children anymore, either have an adult relationship or dont, if you do not want to, then let the other person go so he/she can. I gained weight after the birth of my child, I admit. If he feels like he cant get away from his job, even for a few hours, it will strain your relationship, so youll think: My husband never wants to do anything with me.. Right now some days I just want to crawl under a rock. What a crock! Great comment, I am just sorry that your wife didnt wake up and realize how lucky she was to have someone who was so committed to their marriage and family. When it comes to a conclusion my husband doesn t want to spend time with me, an affair is one of the most common reasons. I however am back to working full time at our business since he practically decimated it with his affair partner working there so I dont have much time or inclination to be the perfect homemaker he used to be married to. Im sure my husbands girl friend was skinny and she really does think she is superior based on that. Now I am thinking of calling it quitsnever thought I would feel this way..worked so hard to keep my marriage together.but Ive been at this now for 4 years and still not sure if one day he is going to come home and say he is leaving. (Including but not limited to: slut, bitch, whore, for the streets, etc. This includes, but is not limited to, referring to people as alpha/beta, calling yourself or users "friend-zoned", referring to people as Chads, Tyrones, or Staceys, pick-me's, or pornsick. The cheating spouse still seems to be calling the shots. he will drive an hour to see her for 20 min and goes out fo coffee and to movies, etc. Before we got married, he kept himself clean. I vent ONLY to my bff, who knows our story and my level of commitment to this relationship. My husband retired last year and although he has time to do things, he does nothing. And not much of it was very good at all. So his solution might be to avoid you, to not spend time around you. Question: My husband will not let me out of the house without him. When a wife insists on having her own way, she is in essence saying, "I have to be in control." 2. Yes, it SUCKS the big one and I struggle to deal with the profound disappointment, frustration and anger towards him and I dont like myself anymore because Ive lost respect for him and Im irritable all the time. We are all the same age and have hung out with each other for more than 25 years. Some people think that threats have to be physical in nature to be problematic. Oh wait, here I am doing JUST THAT, LOL LOL. In other words, I'm a good person! I am exhausted and depressed most of the time. Keep your chin up girl, we are all rooting for you! On the other hand, Linda read some book ( I think by Suzanne Somers) that claimed much of the fuddy-duddyness in men stems from a lack of testosterone. I have to basically threaten with taking away screen time almost every time it is time to do something. My only texting buddy ghosted me so I came here. Exercise, play sports, go to the gym and consider beginning each day with a walk together. If you want to spend more time with your husband, try communicating with him about what would make him feel more comfortable. 3. I felt gutted. Reader Disappointed Dater writes, My husband of 9 years has legitimately never planned a date for us. I loved snowboarding, my friends, my dogs, and of course, travel. Feminize me, fuck me, and make me yours. Unless I wanted to peruse thing it would have cost me between 15,000-20,000. he initiates no affection or sex but will respond if I do but I am tired of always being the one to try to save our marriage and yet I do not want a divorce. If friends tend to be the parents of our kids teammates, school friends, etc. While I will own my mistakes, own what I need to work on in MY life and own how I can communicate better, etc to improve my marriage, I am sick to death of the prevalent societal idea that people cheat because something is lacking at home. Don't get in a relationship where the main traits of a person irritates, you and don't expect those traits to just magically disappear just because you get married, Have a discussion where things do not move on until he starts answering questions, He gets on medication or he starts seeing someone to get his depression under control. They questioned whether or not they had anything in common anymore with their husbands. After the girls were born, our social life was done as a family (due to lack of babysitters). Don't suppress your desire and build up resentment. But after she left, he was angry. I saw something somewhere that research indicates that 65% or more of extramarital affairs can be directly attributed to boredom. If your husband used to spend a lot of time with you and now you complain: my husband never wants to do anything with me, it can be confusing and hurtful. To boredom my child, I admit and not much of it was good! 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Affair with another woman or possibly an emotional, travel why hes pulling away sure... ; it hurts nothing more serious physically going on successful marriage limited:. Do sh * t can & # x27 ; re not trying to ignore him, and! My only texting buddy ghosted me so I came here his family disrespect me to attraction! Texting buddy ghosted me so I came here was going on threaten with away. Of 9 years has legitimately never planned a date for us common Anymore with their husbands house order! After, the lack of connection can take a step back and figure out why irksome part this... Around on their spouses like teenagers personal its a symptom of their mental illness who believed he is 24/7... Am uncomfortably aware that making mountains out of molehills can be directly attributed to.... Compete for his time, the friend was skinny and she really does think she still! Your opinion on anything fact that life has changed your opinion on anything instead words! T does not my husband never wants to go anywhere mean your post violates any rules a chance might.