manvers colliery deaths

The inquest was held on Tuesday afternoon at the Ship Inn, Swinton, before Mr D Wightman (coroner) and the following jury: Mrs B Clegg (foreman), W Ward, T Jow, T Pacey, J Seddon, W Goodison, F Barber, T Morley, WH Tyler, W Acaster, T Hines and J Fieldhouse. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Hi there! He put the isolating switch into neutral and saw that all the other five switches were in neutral. At the inquiry, he gave a full and detailed statement of the events leading up to the explosion. To do this the driving gearheads had to be moved along with other parts of the machinery into the headings and to move them inbye, required the erection of the belt conveyor in 6s heading. It was found in this position after the disaster. Dale Band. After some consideration, he decided to go to 8B face and get those men out. e) the inadvertent switching on of the power of the cable. Mr George Kenyon said he was under manager at the said colliery. He was extricated as soon as possible, was but was found to be quite dead. Barnburgh, Kilnhurst and Wath did, however, get new pit head baths and canteen facilities. Harold Mann, the day overman, received the message from the undermanager at 5.15 a.m. which told him to go to the pit at once as there had been an accident. Ayscough said he expected the pumpman to go into the first pumphouse down the plane, look at the sump there and then go to the second pumphouse and inspect the sump and if this was full, to start pumping, or if it was not, to go down to his air pump. A juryman said they ought to have put the chain round before they had loosened it. The report comments: The longwall retreating method has been practised to a limited extent in this country for many years and there was nothing new in the system adopted in this case except that American shortwall machines and Joy loaders were used in the headings. Crossley saw that the rubber was punctured but he did not notice the exposed core. The speed of the haulage was about 8 miles an hour. The period from six months before the explosion showed that firedamp was reported in the North district thirteen times. Manvers Colliery & plant 1988 Febuary 2013 Brian Freeborough at kellingley colliery on Y06's face in 1996 with Rob lawrence, Brian lane (front L to R) (back L to R) Darren Tomlinson and Alan Barker Manvers crossing & Pithead baths 1988 crossing 2013 NCB Photos Woolley Colliery Hadfield Colliery Manvers Plant An aperture had been made by the other team but it was not large enough for men to pass with breathing apparatus. Retail outlets, a health centre and restaurants were completed in 2016 to add to the Blue Bell public house already on the site. Being close to a major railway junction the pits had access to the South Yorkshire Railway, the Midland Railway and the Midland and North Eastern Railways Swinton & Knottingley Joint Line. On reaching the 7th North he instructed the men to switch off the power at the transformers. Pre-1850 there was no systematic recording of mining deaths. They returned to the pit bottom where Briggs was instructed to cut off all the power in the pit. The opening out of the North-West district was done by driving two parallel roads, 13 feet wide and the height of the seam which were known as the top (intake) level and the bottom (return) level, with connections or slits at intervals of approximately 36 yards centres or 32 yards between the slits. Wath-on-Dearne, in a road where five men had been working since ten o'clock on Sunday night. The roof had fallen into a great height from this point to just outbye of the 7th slit and at other places had fallen to a height of two feet or more. Wilson went out intending to neutralise the loader gate end switch but he found that this had already been done. By the 8th March, it was possible for persons without apparatus to get into the headings with rescue men standing by and to the fan on the top level. Deceased was partly buried under the fall, and was jammed against a prop in a doubled position. As soon as he saw the main belt there he realised that something was wrong because the belt was covered with a thin film of dust. The former delivered into a standage near the latter from which the main pump delivered the water to the shaft bottom. The rescue men tried to get into the top level up the slits inbye of the 8th but were stopped by heavy falls of the roof. If there were to the chain round first they would loosen all the chains they had. Information supplied by Ian Winstanley and the Coal Mining History Resource Centre. 2023 BBC. 1 and 4 shafts need be considered. By using this website you are agreeing to the use of cookies. In 1936, a safety Department was set up by the Company which had grown and at the time of the disaster consisted of a Senior Inspector with two full-time Junior Inspectors, one at Manvers Main Colliery and the other at Barnborough Colliery, in addition, there were three assistants at the former colliery, two at the latter and five other members of staff. Witness: it might not have done. Maltby. The ventilation of the headings was examined and the inquiry stated: I desire to urge the importance of managers giving more careful study to the monthly records of air measurements shown in the air measurements book, with a view to excessive leakages being tracked down and corrective measures being applied to ensure the adequacy of the ventilation at all parts of the workings. At the same time, No.4 Shaft, near No.1 Shaft, was also sunk to the Parkgate. About halfway along the top level, there was a Reyrolle, Type GA4, section switch to protect the separate armoured cable which supplied the fan at the top of 7s heading. Major Humphrys was relieved at 10 p.m. by Mr. Houston, H.M. Senior Inspector of Mines and was present as the recovery work progressed. In many cases there is no indication as to whether it was a fatal accident and we have erred on the side of caution entering it as (injured). This conveyor delivered to the loading point at 5th North from which the tubs were despatched to the North Plane and there lashed to an endless rope haulage. The cortege was headed by officials of Manvers Main Colliery, workmates and fellow members of the Barnburgh Main Orchestra. It sparked off a strike. * Askern 1991. Six of these men were moving pans along the return road and by the end of the shift he had got a number of men just beyond the chain conveyor in the 6th slit and others were on the outbye side. NRA 30741 Thomas Adams Ltd, lace mfrs, Nottingham link to online catalogue. Colliery Managers Mr C.E Woodward 1926 -1948 Mr I.G.E Leake 1948 -1950 Sam Thorneycroft 1950-1967. Certificate and consisted of a three-pole isolator, three automatic overload trips and a core balance earth leakage protection device. As far as he knew the liners which had been set were set all right. He did not notice if the flag of the Joy rider switch had dropped which would indicate that the earth leakage had tripped but he took this for granted. Deceased had drawn 13 props when the fall of roofing took place. They started to work at the fall in the bottom level of the 8th slit. The Coroner said the deceased had not come to his death by the use or non-use of the chain. After the loader had been pulled forward by sylvesters a sufficient distance to free the cable and it was found, when it was examined, that the cable was punctured through one of the cores. Several distribution and warehousing centres dominate the area. 3) the igniting medium was an electric flash or spark from a short circuit in the trailing cable feeding the Joy loader. On 4 March 1945, an accident caused the death of five underground workers. North telephone and reported to the agent. Down Departure line now named "Through Siding" and presumably ran through to Aldwarke. Bernd Und Hilla Becher. At about 12.30 a.m he started his inspection of the North-West and he estimated that from leaving the men at the bottom of the North Plane until rejoining them would take about 15 minutes and no more than twenty. slit and back to where the four men were waiting for him. The Swallow Wood seam, which was opened in 1971, worked until 1987 when, under a survival plan, Manvers continued with one face in the Newhill seam. It was insufficient, however, and Manvers closed on March 25th 1988. September 21, 2018 englandsne 2 Comments. Reports of RiDO, Rotherham Investment and Development Office. The three insulated power cores were each surrounded by a copper screen, all in electrical contact with the bare earth conductor. He had told him that he was a left-handed collier. He had set the props all right. NRA 16230 Albert Street Baptist Church, Newark. It is sad, but things move on," he said. "These sites have all disappeared now apart from Maltby. He did so but could find no firedamp but there was a strong smell in the return. The detail book was a foolscap book that was kept in a box hole about 30 yards from the pit bottom and the deputies entered particulars of what had been done on their shifts and anything of the importance of which he thought the oncoming deputy should be made aware. The cause was an explosion of firedamp ignited by sparks from a damaged trailing cable." It's important to remember that this database does not include accurate information for all year (so this distribution does not reflect the industry in general). Manvers Main Colliery was the property of the Manvers Main Collieries, Limited and there were four shafts at the colliery but in connection with the accident only Nos. The inquiry was very aware of Ayscoughs brave conduct. The direction of this running was to be reversed and to install a belt conveyor in 6s heading from the first cross slit to the top level fed by the chain conveyor from the face of 6s heading and that in the second cross slit. Here is the distribution of records in this database (injuries and deaths). After 1922 all Parkgate coal came from No.3 Shaft, which had been winding from that seam since 1904. Remote control features were incorporated but the switch at the time of the disaster was operating on local control. There were later close by brock stoppings 4 inches thick with opening three feet by three feet covered by brattice cloth left in some of them for the conveyors. This had to be signed and dated by the deputies and countersigned by the manager and undermanager. Northern Mine Research Society | Registered Charity Number - 326704, NMRS Records, Gazetteer of British Collieries, NMRS Records, Index of Mining Companies BT31/4041/25797 (1888), Sections of Strata of the Yorkshire Coalfield, Midland Institute of Mining Engineers, 1927, Hill, A. At about 3.45 a.m., Ayscough arrived on the face in a state of collapse and gave them instructions. Miner teaches a group of boys aged between 12 and 16 about mining in a classroom almost 600 yards below the surface of Manvers main colliery. He was loosening it. Mr Deacon was a distinguished musician, chiefly playing the violin, and he was librarian of the Barnburgh Main Orchestra. Manvers Main Colliery was a coal mine, sunk on land belonging to the Earl Manvers on the northern edge of Wath-upon-Dearne, . Payne told the Divisional Inspector and Mr. Joseph Hall to arrange for the Rescue Teams. Instead of going down the pit at 10 p.m. to make his pre-shift inspection, he descended the No.4 shaft at midnight accompanied by a shift of nine workmen, four of whom were to cut the 8B North face, four to move conveyor pans in the bottom level of the North-West and one, Charles Edward Leeman, to attend to the pumps of which there were three, two driven by compressed air in the headings of the dip of the North Plane and one, electrically driven at the side of the North Plane outbye of the transformer station. My granduncle, William Samuel Foster (Bill) , born 1893 in Blakenall Staffs, was killed at Manvers Main Colliery, Wath on Dearne in 1936. Another Juryman said he did not think so. Create an account. He had forty-three men in the North district, eighteen of whom were working in the North-West. Former coal mine in South Yorkshire, England, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Manvers Main Colliery - Northern Mine Research Society", "TCN - Waterfront Development - Property & Business Support in Rotherham", "BBC - South Yorkshire's ex-industrial sites", Coal seams of the South Yorkshire Coalfield, List of collieries in Yorkshire (19842015),, Articles needing additional references from November 2010, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Information about disasters within the UK mining industry durng which 5 or more miners died. In my opinion, the evidence is not sufficient to determine conclusively all the circumstances of the explosion, but points to the following sequence of events: a) A cable damaged on a previous shift, such damage exposing the core, followed by an earth leakage and a flash, and the cable being left attached to the switch-box, b) the failure of an automatic switch in the said box to trip out on such earth leakage, c) an emission and accumulation of gas, namely, firedamp, from a cause not ascertained, d) a failure of the ventilation from a cause not ascertained, but possibly due to obstruction by a fall. - An innumt was held on Thuveday hem. Under it, coal from Barnburgh was brought to Manvers on a surface railway, while that from the other three mines came to the surface at Manvers. he did not go into the face of the headings as he did not think this necessary since no one was to work there on that shift. c1980s. It's not all that long ago that tens of thousands of men in Nottinghamshire worked down coal mines. On 4 March 1945, an accident caused the death of five underground workers. Witness: It might have done. REFERENCES They generally loosened the prop first, and then put the chain around. He then decided to go in again along the top level, taking Jack Winder with him. Early yesterday morning a terrible accident occured at the Manvers Main No. All four men went into the North-West with electric lamps, two of the cap lamps and the other two electric hand lamps and again they had no safety lamp or any means of detecting gas. The system was abandoned because of difficulties with the span of the roof which was over 13 feet wide and was replaced by a retreating longwall system. You can also study a full list of all disasters: If you enter more than one word the system will only display records that contain all the words. The deputy proceeded down the North Plane taking with him the four men who were to work in the North-West and left them at the bottom while he went in and examined the workings. The first bank of Reyrolle, Type GA1 switches supplied three conveyors. At the 5th North, Wild and Ayscough met and with Ayscough were F. Maltby, J. Hallam and Jack Winder from the 8B face. * Allerton Bywater 1994. The regional headquarters and laboratories of British Coal were situated in the complex. Immediately before nationalisation, Manvers was owned by Manvers Main Collieries Ltd. These served the Haigh Moor and Meltonfield seams which they intersected at 347 years and 122 yards respectively. On the following day the Inspectors, colliery officials and representatives of the men made a careful inspection of the workings. They were joined a few days later by men at Cortonwood and Bulcliffe Wood collieries after pithead ballots. He was with deceased about two hours. Ordinary longwall machinery was used on these faces. In the bottom level just beyond the 6th slit, Holmess safety lamp was extinguished and he concluded that there was an explosive mixture present there. On the 4th March 1945 and explosion in the Meltonfield Seam killed 5 men. Created 4-Apr-11 151 photos Wath was visited on 26 June 1981, Manvers Main on 26 May 1987. Between them he thought they had put up nine or 10 prop. Drifts were driven down to the Silkstone seam and it was worked from 1944 to 1986. On the Saturday, the day shift deputy, Frank Dobson, went down at 5.40 a.m. and came up about 1 p.m. The cause was an explosion of firedamp ignited by sparks from a damaged trailing cable. The site contains the area's largest area of private employment. Ayscough arrived at the telephone and spoke to the undermanager who asked him to go into the return at the 5th. Both these machines were found in theses positions after the explosion. The chain conveyor in 7s heading, running from the face to the main belt conveyor in the top level, was becoming too long, and it was proposed to shorten it to deliver on to the chain conveyor in the second cross slit. Tickets cost 3 - 5 and the journey takes 39 min. During the afternoon shift, the gearhead was being brought down the 7s heading but something significant happened at the Joy loader. The Coalmining History Resource Centre by Ian Winstanley, They had descended at 6.25 a.m. and they proceeded, taking Maltby with them. There was a lot of weight on that part which fell. A Level Photography. He asked him to send four men and a supply of brattice to temporarily repair the stoppings. The Saturday afternoon shift deputy, Laurence Wroe, went down the pit at 12.10 p.m. and came up at about 8 p.m. "These sites have all disappeared now apart from Maltby. The Coroner, in summing up, said he did not see that anyone was to blame. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . By arrangement with H.M. Coroner for the City of Sheffield and the Rotherham District of Yorkshire,, Mr. Alan P. Lockwood, M.C.. Wroes first inspection in the North-West was made about 12.30 p.m. and he found all in good order. 4th. They had been timbering all the morning up to the time of the accident, say about two hours. On 4 March 1945, an accident caused the death of five underground workers. He did not put it in the detail book but expected that the cable would receive attention before it was necessary to use the Joy loader. On most of these occasions, the auxiliary fan was out of order or the tubing was partially closed by a fall of roof. He could not say for certain. Coal cutting was done in 7s heading twice during the shift and once in the 6s heading. John Kelsey, the same. The coroner said that in the was so he had paid a fearful penalty. A type GA2 switch unit controlled a flexible cable to the drilling machine. Manvers Main Colliery was a coal mine, sunk on land belonging to the Earl Manvers on the northern edge of Wath-upon-Dearne, . Industrial Buildings. Thanks very much indeed. From the distance that he had to travel, it was evident that his examination must have been very hurried and there was doubt that he did in fact test for gas except at the fan. One in 4s heading which was driven by compressed air and the others were driven by electricity. Wath-on-Dearne, Yorkshire. He thought that was the right way. DAVID SIMPSON recalls the tragic loss of life in the coal mining history of North East England where literally thousands of men lost their lives simply doing their job. The flash occurred about 4.30 p.m. and after the cable had been examined, the men went out leaving the Joy loader with its nose just opposite the second cross slit from the face and the cable still connected. Mexborough and Swinton Times November 6, 1891. slit and just short of the 12th., the lower level had reached the 11th. He had gone away from the place for two or three minutes, and when he came back the accident had happened. John Wilson, a Joy loader operator who had about eighteen months experience was operating the machine when in his own words, the cable got trapped in between the Joy loader and the gearhead of the chain conveyor, on top of the Joy loader. 2: The Selby Coalfield straddled the border of North and West Yorkshire, Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}533018N 11930W / 53.505N 1.325W / 53.505; -1.325. A plane was produced by Mr. Kimmins which showed that the Barnsley seam had been worked in 1890 and left a pillar of solid coal which was again worked in 1932-37. By the Coroner: he sometimes sought the deceased was an experience. John Travis. On 26 June 1957 an explosion at the colliery caused the death of 6 underground workers and severe burning to 14 others. This work started at about 11 a.m. and was soon completed. Manvers Main Colliery was a coal mine, sunk on land belonging to the Earl Manvers on the northern edge of Wath-upon-Dearne, . The inquiry was held jointly with the inquest into the deaths of the men at the Town Hall Wath-on-Dearne. Manvers Main Colliery was a coal mine, sunk on land belonging to the Earl Manvers on the northern edge of Wath-upon-Dearne, between that town and Mexborough in the Dearne Valley, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, England. gah..I'm not local and would be very very grateful if you'd take a look for me. This was on 1st. Mr. G.C. Testing for gas he found 4 percent and considered it too dangerous to make further attempts to go on. While part of fall was being cleared from the inbye end of the top level, he was found lying under the top level belt of the conveyor which had been dislodged from the conveyor frame, alongside the gate-end switches near the 11th slit. Free delivery for many products! There are 4 ways to get from Wombwell to Manvers Main Colliery by bus, taxi or foot Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner. The air was carried through canvas tubing, 16 inches in diameter, to the faces of the headings as required. Save up to 30% when you upgrade to an image pack. He did not want to be experienced to set a prop. Cortonwood Colliery closed in 1984, leading to the start of the miners' strike. The search for the body of Charles Leeman continued until the 16th of March. He adjusted his lamp to make a test for gas but breathing had become very difficult and he did not stay. The question of the emission and he accumulation of the gas was looked into and it was said by the management that a short time before the disaster the ventilation was adequate and that no firedamp was detectable on the face in 6s and 7s heading but Mr. Houston thought that the emission of gas had persisted for some time. March, 1945. It had been extensively worked in the district, usually by the longwall advancing system and in comparison to other seams in the district was not considered gassy but there had been explosions in the seam at other collieries. After this, Crossley went to the 8B face where he found the deputy Wroe and reported to him that the cable had been nipped and an electrician would be needed. The main cable was carried through the busbar chamber of this switch to two banks of three gate-end circuit breakers which were at the top level between the 11th and 12th slits. Your search results for obituary: 24 newspaper articles contained information about obituary filtered by: Newspaper title: South Yorkshire Times And Mexborough & Swinton Times Date from: 1st Jul 1942 - Date to: 31st Jul 1942 Uyghur asylum-seeker death heaps pressure on Thailand. On 4 March 1945, an accident caused the death of five underground workers. The cause was an explosion of firedamp ignited by sparks from a damaged trailing cable. One of the circuit breakers controlled all the apparatus in 6s and 7s headings and the other for 3s and 4s headings with the cable for this being taken along the lower level. The jury having been sworn, the first witness called was Alice Agnes Humphries, wife of the deceased. Some years before the management decided to try intensive mining to increase production by installing power loading on the pillar and stall system in the colliery in the Meltonfield seam and the necessary machinery was made available by the Ministry of Fuel and Power. The company, which had retained its brickmaking . They had drawn 13 in the same way. Recommended Bus Take the bus from Park Street/Market Place to Manvers Way/Farfield Park 21 min 3 - 4 Line 226 bus There was a haze in the intake and dust was showing in the beam of his lamp. He then returned to the 5th. Ben Winder gave evidence at the inquiry and said that as far as he could estimate, for he did not have a watch, it was between 2 and 2.30 a.m. when he was working on the B4 face that there was a strong gust of wind along the face which lifted the dust and blew bits of coal about. He shouted to his brother Jack, to stop the coal cutter and afterwards waited about 15 minutes during which time nothing happened and they carried on working. They wouldn't have put up with this crap. In all probability it would have done. The collieries were connected by a private railway. Stock photos, 360 images, vectors and videos. The explosion occurred following a flash from a damaged cable igniting an accumulation of methane, due to a failure of ventilation, possibly cause by a fall. Manvers Main Fatality Goldthorpe Miner Killed through a "Bump." On Monday at the Goldthorpe cab hotel, Mr Frank Allen conducted an inquest relative to the death of John William Lawn (27) of Main Street, Goldthorpe, who was killed while working in the Manvers number three Pit on Saturday morning. Alternatively, you can take a train from Barnsley to Manvers Main Colliery via Meadowhall and Bolton-Upon-Dearne in around 1h 57m. Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. Wilson switched off the machine and shouted to the shotfirer who was only a few yards away. He told the other three men to go out by the return and asked them to assist him out. They knew that the supply could be restored only by an electrician authorised to do so and with the proper tools. The chain conveyor in 7s heading delivered on to a Meco gate belt conveyor which was at the top level and ran through the length of this level to the trunk gate conveyor gate 60 yards beyond the bottom of and running parallel to the North Plane. An opening out had been driven in 1911 and the coal on one side was worked and that on the other side left to for a rib. From two levels three pairs of headings were driven to the dip. Barnsley to Manvers Main Colliery, workmates and fellow members of the Barnburgh Main Orchestra Saturday... Gone away from the place for two or three minutes, and Manvers closed on 25th... The area 's largest area of private employment very aware of Ayscoughs brave conduct electrical contact with the bare conductor! Was so he had forty-three men in Nottinghamshire worked down coal Mines to an image pack manvers colliery deaths supply be... Uk mining industry durng which 5 or more miners died sad, but things move on, & ;! 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Shift and once in the trailing cable feeding the Joy loader driven to the Earl Manvers on the Saturday the... Woodward 1926 -1948 mr I.G.E Leake 1948 -1950 Sam Thorneycroft 1950-1967 a GA2. Extricated as soon as possible, was but was found to be to!