According to George Belk, a former head of the Drug Enforcement Agency in New York, Feldman quit the drug agency following a probe by the internal security division. It was not only the cover-up of his bizarre death (as this information refers to it) that was in question, but the nature of his work. It was long after the Olson children had grown up and Alice had recovered from alcoholism that the ghost of the father returned. Center for Open Science: Charlottesville, Virginia, US. By James E. Starrs with Katherine Ramsland Machine guns may be used in most cases where the precision rifle is applicable. The magazine has been a professional publication and never has catered to those who look on magic as a sort of game. Only geniuses need applyhow did they ever miss you? One sheet of paper had New York City addresses for people identified only by the initials G.W., M.H., and J.M. . He apparently worked for HumRRo. My conversations with Eric Olson were one of two experiences that brought his fathers case home and the CIAs decades-old experiments home to me after, The drugs used in the interrogation were sodium pentathol alone, or sodium pentathol together with Desoxyn, a stimulant. New York Post,Sept. 21, 1997, By Scott Shane The Olsons had been considering legal action, but White House attorneys advised the family against it, telling them, Eric Olson recalls, that the law was not on our side. Instead, the government lawyers promised that the White House would support a private bill in Congress to pay the family a settlement. This was another sign that something was still amiss. Greg had married Eric Olsons sister, Lisa. He said, Theres my father. Its intended victim: Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba. Hey guys! I had never had a conversation with him about anything that might have involved moral values. Using the material of a given reality collage brings forth, through transposition, another reality, which reveals the inner essence of that which has become dulled through habituation. A cache of papers that he accidentally missed was found some years later, however, and the agency has since been forced to make public sanitized versions of some of those records. Frank Olson does have a name. In 1994, an Associated Press reporter discovered the typewritten memo, which quoted an earlier, hand-written note forwarded to Detrick in 1975 by a person described only as retired Army and retired DAC (Army shorthand for Department of the Army Civilian). The CIA brings Olson, accompanied by an agent, to New York. Hemorrhages of the head do occur from trauma inflicted at a site removed from the situs of the hemorrhage. In the summer of 2002, he and his brother Nils were finally ready to lay their father, and the mystery, to rest. Search for jobs related to Eric olson harvard or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 20m+ jobs. A gun or a bomb leaves no doubt that a deliberate attack has occurred. Huge drafted a fifteen-page memorandum in support of their position. Now, California history professor Kathryn Olmstead says she has found documents written by Cheney and Rumsfeld which show how far the White House went to conceal information about Olsons death. The Olson family had written a twenty-three-page statement for the media, reminding everyone that it had been forty-one years since their fathers death, twenty-seven years since the government had offered what they said was the truth, and eight years since the exhumation. Eric says 1953 was probably the most significant year in modern history. Professor & Chair Endowed Title Annie and Willie Nelson Professorship in Stem Cell Research; Pogue Distinguished Chair in Research on Cardiac Birth Defects; The Robert A. Welch Distinguished Chair in Science Department Molecular Biology Graduate Programs Genetics, Development and Disease Education Undergraduate cit. Looking up, Pastore could see a blind pushed through an empty window frame high up in the Statler. This was tried with predictable lack of success on Trotsky. Eric Wilson is a digital-first political strategist based in Washington, DC. Conversations and correspondence with Eric Olson. But they might have found other ways of using Mulhollands skills, in addition to or beyond hypnosis. 17.12 Voice of Armand Pastore/Former hotel manager: ''Give me the lowdown. Fat. It is illustratrated below. The Special Operations Divison at Detrick was the governments most secret biological weapons laboratory. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care; MultiPlan * Please verify . If so, it would appear that Maryland waters are particularly unkind to retired members of the CIA. I cannot comment on that, except to say that his memory was obviously very selective, sometimes showing crystal clarity and sometimes mired in opacity. Indeed he had visited with Alice Olson often after her husbands death, purporting to sense and share her grief. What we had discovered about the scale of national security secrets to which Frank Olson had access, combined with Franks growing moral doubts, held a plausible motive. He recommended that Olson be denied further access to Porton Down, the British chemical-weapons research establishment. The discovery of the Nazis Dachau notes after the war by U.S. Navy investigators triggered intense interest in mescaline in American intelligence circles. As he spoke my mind raced with a stream of unvoiced questions. tacitly acknowledged that it had committed a sin against the order that holds citizens in allegiance to their government. According to the CIAs version of events, Olson agreed to check himself into Chestnut Lodge, a Maryland sanitarium staffed by psychiatrists who allegedly had special security clearance. LSD favors the prepared mind, wrote Dr. Oscar Janiger, a Los Angeles psychiatrist and early LSD devotee. Menu Log In Sign Up It has been eight years since the exhumation. 41.07 What does that mean? In 1949, Frank Olson had helped to set up the Special Operations Division (SOD) at Fort Detrick, where written records were forbidden and only a trusted few were allowed to know about the more sensitive projects. He told me he could never forget that call although so many years had passed because he was also the recipient of a second phone call the next morning from Dr. Lashbrook stating that Dr. Olson had died in New York City and, therefore, he would not be coming to Chestnut Lodge Hospital. Sargant believed that for the first time Olson had come face to face with his own reality. Hamlet has become like a friend to me. Thats what I was doing when I worked for George White and the CIA.. The trains swishing by would get it airborne., The SO Divisions report concluded that similar covert attacks with a pathogenic agent during peak traffic periods could be expected to expose large numbers of people to infection and subsequent illness or death.. 1) I stated publicly and openly that I was a conscientious National Socialist, 11.29 Voice of Norman Cournoyer At that time Rumsfeld was White House Chief of Staff to President Gerald Ford. Helms later became CIA director and gained a measure of notoriety for his Watergate lying to Congress conviction and a touch of immortality in Thomas Powerss aptly named biography, Marks was told that ORDs files contained 130 boxes of documents relating to behavioral research. After studying your remarkable book more carefully it occurs to me to ask you about one of the most mysterious details in the documents I received from William Colby in 1975. Instead of being under the care of a qualified psychiatrist, Olson was taken to Harold Abramson, an allergist with a C.I.A. In June 1994, 41 years after Frank Olsons burial, Eric watched as a steam shovel began to dredge up the earth at his fathers grave. That visit was to John Mulholland. This time it was Eric who was familiar to me due to my cycling excursions to Greg Haywards farm. The CIA knows it. Eric looked over at his mother and saw that she was frozen and empty-eyed. He became disorientated and fell out of the window. For the next several months, he worked continuously on the MKULTRA project. 44.19 It did not spontaneously appear among the youth of the Western world as a gift from the God of Gettin High. The headline was misleading. 31.41 Voice of Ira (Ike) Feldman/Former CIA agent Yet even before this new angle could be explored more thoroughly the Olson family was visited by yet another tragedyone that was indirectly instrumental in bringing me into this steamy John Carre-like brew. The magician was now turning his attention to the two new sections to be added to the first draft: one on covert activities by women and the other on applications suitable for teams of two or more people working in collaboration with each other. At the first level there are the reports of the New York city policeman who came to the scene after a call from the Statler Hotel around 4 a.m. on 28th November as well as comments by two New York city detectives. Sometimes, in these 8mm films, you catch a glimpse of Franks travelling companions, three men, wearing long dark coats and trilby hats, sitting in Parisian pavement cafs, watching the girls go by. Gottliebs experiments occurred at a time in our countrys history when no act performed with a view toward thwarting communism was considered out-of-bounds. In fact, the New York Times called the file elliptical, incoherent, and contradictory. It was, the newspaper concluded, a jumble of deletions, conflicting statements [and] unintelligible passages. For one thing, despite LSDs tendency to provoke mercurial responses in distressed individuals, Olsons bad trip a week-long psychosis escalating to suicide seemed out of proportion to the small dose he supposedly swallowed. Mine was in history, his in clinical psychology. It was, therefore, not unexpected that he would down-play the significance of the sizeable blood stain on the skull over Olsons left eye. The fact is, it will never be possible to bury all of Frank Olson again. Breaks the glass? This Post newspaper report, revealing the results of the Rockefeller Commissions findings about illegal C.I.A. Yet there is never any assurance as to the condition of the remains overtime, the type of coffin used, and the preservative qualities of the embalming fluid, keeping decay at bay for sixty years plus or minus, are just two factors to take into account. I only found this out after he told me about it. Army harvested victims blood to boost anthrax, Then there was the fact that previous run-ins with drug cops had usually resulted in criminal prosecutions. But White found out what he wanted to know. This strategy has been remarkably effective. Second, the forensic investigation added fuel to the fires of our suspicions. One of the drinks has been spiked. Dr. Abramson had diagnosed him as psychotic and recommended hospitalization. His resulting 1977 book,The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, did what two United States Senate Committees could not do: it assembled a detailed account of the CIA and its foray into drugs and mind control. The AP story appears below, followed by my notes on that meeting. Late the next day, according to the C.I.A. The obvious answer is that termination, not a secured facility was the course chose. (See this link for atranscriptof the film. But if nobody saw nuthin, somebody did hear something. Here, then, is the CIAs own admission of failure. Two Canadian researchers, Stephen Endicott and Edward Hagerman, wrote a 1998 book arguing that such attacks occurred. Having experienced what Ellen Herman called a collapse of faith in the rational appeal and workability of democratic ideology and behavior, the generation of scholars that emerged from World War II had sought to perfect the tools of social control by which the elite would save democracy. No doubt, Isbells prisoners and addicts were volunteers, but the documents do not tell us anything about what they were told before the experiments and whether they were given psychiatric examinations. He recommended that Olson be denied further access to Porton Down, the British chemical-weapons research establishment. But then in 1994, Frank Olsons only survivors, sons Eric and Nils, convinced noted forensic sleuth James E. Starrs of George Washington University, Washington, D.C., to disinter their fathers corpse and scientifically scrutinize the remains for any signs of suspected foul play. Hearings Before a Subcommittee on Government Operations. U.S. Government Printing Office, July 22, 23, 29, 31 and August 1, 1975. An expanding, hunting bullet of such calibers as described above will produce extravagant laceration and shock at short or mid-range. Research on one hundred subjects began at Harvards Boston Psychopathic under Hydes direction in 1950 A glance atThe New York TimesIndex for 1953 (pg 573) under the heading Germ Warfare shows the large number of articles on the subject day after day, and charges about the use of biological warfare as a crime against humanity. Most CIA records on the SO Division were apparently destroyed in 1973 by Gottlieb, the agencys liaison to Fort Detrick. Frank Olsons family received $ 750,000 (then about GBP 400,000) to settle their claims in 1976. Under ordinary circumstances, the 5MG shold be used as a fully automatic weapon. I feel satisfied, said Olson, a Harvard-educated clinical psychologist. They quickly produced gas masks and anthrax weapons, in order to be able to strike back in kind. Thats too bad he said. Forty years later, at the Institute for Forensic Sciences at George Washington University. This phenomenon is a familiar one in psychoanalytic experience. Olson again went to Ruwet and, after an hour-long conversation, the two decided that Olson would benefit from medical assistance. White wanted to know all kinds of crap, but they werent talking. This textual nature of this task is one reason why literary theory and psychoanalysis have had such a rich cross-fertilization in recent decades. Author Robert Kaiser echoed that doctors conclusions in his book, James Earl Ray, the convicted assassin of Martin Luther King, also had a known fascination with hypnosis, and, more recently, British lawyer Fenton Bressler has assembled circumstantial evidence to support a theory that Mark David Chapman, slayer of John Lennon, was subject to CIA mind control. And we made it! Director William Colby to cooperate with them. If the sheep jumped, that meant people were going to jump, too, said Pannier, now living a quiet life tending his flowers and shrubs in Frederick. One telephone call said it all. A few days later, he leaves for the last trip he will ever take. Reproduced by Permission. Nils is 53. Then there was Frank Olson himself, shrivelled and brown on a slab in a pathologists lab at Washington Georgetown University, his leg broken, a big hole in his skull. Pushing the panic button, in April 1953 the CIA replaced Project Artichoke with a more ambitious effort called MKULTRA, under the direction of Sidney Gottlieb, a brilliant chemist with a degree from CalTech. In 1996, Olson approached Manhattan's district attorney, Robert Morgenthau, to see if his office would open a new investigation into the Olson case. This report did nothing to quiet Pastores suspicions. And looking at some of these issues is troubling, because if America does have a darker side it threatens your hold on your view of America and its kind of like, Gee, if I pull out this one underpinning of the American consciousness, is this a house of cards? SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 4, 1977 He was a rock-em, sock-em cop not overly carried away with playing spook, according to a friend who knew him at the time. He was a conflicted man living in conflicted times who died leaving conflicting leads. Forensic experts are hesitant to assert anything with complete certainty, but they said the death was not a suicide. That was the key conclusion of the Pentagons Committee on Biological Warfare in a secret October 1948 report on covert biowarfare. Calling it a work-related accident, Ruwet explained that the family would be eligible for government compensation. Man, its the dumbest idea I ever heard of., (Elmore Leonard, The only manifestation was that he could not sleep. To Eric, the newly revealed facts painted a grim picture of his fathers death having been a C.I.A. I said What happened to you Frank? Three years ago the big rumor at TSS was that the Sovs had synthesized some magic drug. This makes Regis next narrative move all the more interesting. His report was most abbreviated since the death had been no posted, (reported out based only on an external examination of Olsons dead body). A month earlier, on June 11, 1975, an article had appeared on thefront pageof theWashington Post. As he lay on his back one of his legs was twisted at a terrible angle. On August 9, 2002, I went in the company of team members Jack Frost and Jack Levisky to Mount Olivet Cemetery on Market Street in Frederick, Maryland, for Dr. Olsons reburial beside his wife Alice. In the spring of 2001, Eric heard from one of his fathers colleagues at Camp Detrick, Norman Cournoyer, a man Eric had assumed was dead. Since 1953, Eric Olson has heard more than one explanation for his fathers mysterious death. They called it dirty tricks. Ruwet and Robert Lashbrook, a C.I.A. The Americans have other plans for him. This was now a story about what happened to America in the 1950s and how that informs what is happening today. Frank Olson was not just a civilian scientist working with chemicals at Fort Detrick. The walls were covered with Toulouse-Lautrec posters of French cancan dancers. From behind a tree in the middle of the lawn, a huge mountain lion emerged. 3.31 Established by the CIA on April 2, 1951, Project BLUEBIRD Was supposed to invent techniques for what became known as special interrogations. By mid-year, however, BLUEBIRD had begun to spread its wings. (Used with the permission of the authors. The reason for this was the feeling that any questions by the Internal Revenue people concerning funds paid by CD/TSS would be prompted by questions on deductions made. Consequently, we knew those results would likely be a long time coming. I also learned upon a visit to the window shades manufacturer in Alexandria, Virginia, that the shade, if drawn, would have impeded Dr. Olsons exit making it implausible that he could have exited with it drawn at the time. Rather than saving democracy, they created tools for coercion, and many people were hurt. He said: My father was among scientists studying the use of LSD and other drugs to enhance interrogations as Cold War tensions ran high.. So he comes out and looks at our bikes and he says, What are you guys doing?, We said, Harold. Though heavily redacted, the file fleshed out the narrative bones of the Washington Post story. Your remembrances of Dr. Olsons death in a fall from the Hotel Statler in November 1953 is what brings me to you, I answered in an unquavering voice. However, I was not to be deterred or flummoxed by this administrative impenetrability. War room:In the years of projects BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE, the planners met in what was known as the war room. Eric Olson. One of the documents obtained by the House subcommittee, a December 1953 memo that had been on file at the Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kan., shows that the Army believed at that time that 610 Army people and 300 Air Force personnel were still being held prisoners by the North Koreans, five months after a prisoner exchange between the United States and North Korea. He spends his days hounding journalists, the Manhattan D.A., anyone who will listen, with a steady stream of calls and e-mail messages from an office just feet away from the same living room, the same chair, the very spot where he was told by Ruwet that his father had ''fallen or jumped.'' But 22 years of deception made it difficult to persuade the family that the new official story was the whole truth. But it is impossible to be certain, they say, because the program was strictly compartmented: One worker didnt know what another was doing, let alone what CIA or Special Forces did with the bioweapons. Cameron won his post-graduate diploma in psychiatric medicine at the University of London before joining the staff at John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, in 1926. And the then CIA director, William Colby, held a lunch for Mrs Olson and Eric in his office at the CIA, apologised and gave them the CIA file on the case. Edge weapons In the early 195Os the US chased the worlds LSD supply as just the first step in a debauched CIA program code-named MK-ULTRA. Lashbrook reported to the police who were investigating Olsons death that he, Olson, worked for the Defense Department, and that Olson had been calm that evening, washing out his socks in the sink before going to bed. Walter said he assumes the initials in the log sheets were shortened by someone who knew the source of the new sub-strain of anthrax never went by his formal name. . Although his family didnt know it, he had also been recruited by the CIA for a program code-named Artichoke, part of a decades-long hunt for drugs to make enemy prisoners spill their secrets. His academic career includes appointments at Iowa State University, and his industry experience includes working at The Walt Disney World Resort. and the subject induced to perform the act of attempted assassination of an official in a government in which he was well-established socially and politically.. I told Bill what Dr Sargant believed. From these encounters, Eric realized that he was up against a brotherhood of silence and that his father had once belonged to it. He served as the consultant on conjuring to theEncyclopedia Britannicaand the Merriam-Webster dictionary and at one time was the only magician listed inWhos Who in America. Sweden gave me a great deal of distance from the whole CIA business, he explained. Less than two weeks later (July 23) we were sitting in the Oval Office receiving an official apology from Gerald Ford. [63], Even if Mulholland were not a skilled hypnotist they still might have gone to see him, even if hypnosis were the purpose, counters Eric Olson. In resistance situations, assassination may be used as a counter-reprisal. First objects filmed: Big Ben and a parade on the Mall. Used here with permission of the authors. 42.19 Voice of Norman Cournoyer/Friend of Frank Olson The Colby documents locate Olsons death in the context of a CIA operation calledARTICHOKE. Eric was woken up by his mother and taken down the hall, still wearing his pyjamas, towards the living room the same room where the two of us now sat, on the same sofas. The next day, Olson went straight to Ruwet's office and said he wanted to resign. When Dr. Gibson read about the exhumation of Frank Olsons body he contacted Professor James Starrs, director of the forensic team, to tell his side of the story. In chase cases it will usually be necessary to stun or drug the subject before dropping him. investigators that Olson ''appeared to be greatly agitated and in his own words, 'all mixed up.'''. CLASSIFICATIONS Owsley acid became world famous for its high quality. C.I.A. He might as well have been entering a new dimension, a strange new world where his every word, move, and sensation would be monitored and measured; where things might be as they seemed but might not; where there would be no such thing as day or night, or normal patterns of eating and drinking, wakefulness and sleep; where hot and cold, wet and dry, clean and dirty, truth and lies, would all be tangled and distorted. No one saw Frank Olson plunge to his death from the 13th story of New Yorks Statler Hotel. The U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and other defense agencies financed their own experiments as well, often duplicating each others efforts, sometimes at the same institutions. The CIAs general counsel ruled that the death resulted from circumstances arising out of an experiment undertaken in the course of his official duties for the United States government. His family, thus, was eligible for death benefits. At the time, the spook scientists suspected that LSD had the potential to reprogram the human personality. If the assassin immediately sets up an outcry, playing the horrified witness, no alibi or surreptitious withdrawal is necessary. I have a speculation about it though. I spent most of the. Department of Philosophy. Are they checking me for security?'' It could fry my kishkes if read by the wrong eyes. Poor little bastard just couldnt make it, a 1952 entry says. The story told by the government simply did not hold up to scrutiny. Eric Olson came blinking into the living room of their Frederick home, where his fathers boss and friend, Col. Vincent Ruwet, sat with the family doctor. Fremont-Smith organized the conferences that spread the word about LSD to the academic hinterlands. By Scott Shane Perhaps not through assassinations, and perhaps not even intentionally, MK-ULTRA definitely altered a generation. The new coverup involved the participation of persons serving in the current Administration. Were we close? It was titledSome Operational Applications of the Art of Deception. The program, codenamed Project Pelican, was overseen by Dr. Paul H. Hoch, director of experimental psychiatry at the Institute, who worked in secret collaboration with the Army Chemical Corps chief of clinical research, Dr. Amedeo Marrazzi. The operator said, yes there was one call out of that room. By the 1960's, Alice Olson was routinely drinking on the quiet, locking herself in the bathroom and then coming out mean and confused. In her grief Alice Olson took drinking to excess, ultimately becoming an alcoholic. There was no explanation in these pages, for example, about why the C.I.A. This prudent, professional spy the chief of operations of the clandestine services could be seen playing tennis at the Chevy Chase Club on Sunday mornings clad in long white flannel trousers. Firearms Now Im gonna give you another assignment. Non-drug factors such as set and settinga persons mental state going into the experience and the surroundings in which the drug is takencan make all the difference in reactions to a dose of LSD. The immediate cause is that my health does not permit me to do the necessary work. 40 West. Professor of History York University Yesterday, Eric Olson thanked people who have long listened to his story and helped him work through the details: the filmmaker who made a German documentary on the subject, the mechanic who has kept his Volvo running, the friend who catered lunch. Olson went straight to Ruwet 's Office and said he wanted to know all kinds crap. Is, it will usually be necessary to stun or drug the subject dropping... 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