delphi murders witness list

After over five years, a man has been charged with murder in the deaths of Abigail Williams and Liberty German. The 12 year old notified police quickly. This was confirmed also by the search party member. The girls' families say they are desperate for the case to finally be brought to a close. I did not witness them talk first hand, but I heard she told him some pretty wild stuff that she was either trolling him with, or if true, is just flat bizarre. If you dont mail me, I will send a mail to the address you used on PayPal giving you the link and the password. You get it. Allen, who is also known as Ricky Allen and Rick Allen, is 50 years old and lives in Delphi, about five minutes from the murder scene. Well, now we have what may be the answer. While he does meet the definition of a serial killer, he is also patient and methodical about his kills. In addition, the group just got a brand new lead yesterday from someone directly involved in the investigation! She is not my friend at all, but unlike most such folks, she is actually somewhat fair-minded. Thats almost a book! Were you a member of this site a while back, John? Delphis high bridge was likely known to more folks than people let on like Seven Bridges. I happen to think Leaker is credible and I think his leak may have been controlled by LE. I mentioned that a couple of weeks ago on Facebook. My aunt was in Eastern Star, and she was the most God-loving woman youd ever meet. So now the suspect has a solid alibi, but the alibi cannot be broken because the person providing it is dead. One of those suspects was John Miller, convicted in 2018 for a 1988 murder of an 8-year-old girl. If he killed before the creek crossing, where were the actual murders done? Who is wrong here? Special Judge Frances Gull granted Delphi murder defendant Richard Allen's request for closed hearings in an order that made it clear that anyone leaking information from those . There are signs for both Myers Lake and Delphis trails in each town and I believe also from both highways or overpasses nearby. There is a small fee of $20 to join, which includes lifetime membership. That is why the blue jacket is hiked up far enough to see as much of the brown thing as you do. Even after the arrest of a suspect on Oct. 26, police have declined to answer most questions about the case, saying they don't want to jeopardize the prosecution. Keep up the great work. Paul Etters Lafayette, IN rapist committed suicide during police chase. Yep, its probably idiotic to talk about motive and Ive fallen into that trap. Unlike any other sleuthers, we have determined the main suspects in the case, have a good idea of what happened during the crime and what the crime scene looked like, and have recently figured out the motive. Pub puzzle depicting a 'common phrase' stumps thousands - before the What lack of sleep REALLY does to your face: Expert reveals the warning signs your skin is suffering. Knives are used extensively in those type of plants. Also, at one point as he walks, the legs of that large teddy bear are just visible swinging out behind his left leg (the leg on our right as viewers). Based on the information revealed by Leaker, he could only have been referring to Mr. X when he discussed the prime suspect in the case. Youre also supporting all this research. Relatives of Delphi teen murdered while hiking have faith case will be solved Police say they have new audio from man who's believed to have killed 2 girls in Delphi, Indiana Mother of teen. Actually, I talked to him. Whether these are packed into his jacket from behind, or perhaps carried in a backpack that is then covered by the loose, blue jacket he is wearing is another matter. I live Indiananot near that cesspool up north, but damn, this whole rabbit hole crap is taking me everywhere. But many questions still remain around the murders of Abby Williams, 13, and Libby German, 14. Suspicious vehicle located at old CPS building day the girls went missing. This guy is like a hungry anaconda about to strike 8 to 14 year old girls at any time. One shudders to think of how it might have been used. Donate $20 minimum at the PayPal link. The man who created these images actually works independently as a physicist. DELPHI MURDERS: INDIANA MAN REPORTEDLY IN CUSTODY IN CONNECTION WITH 2017 KILLINGS OF 2 GIRLS Authorities announced Monday the arrest of Richard Allen, center, for the murders of Libby. Now, even if the SPA both me and TMA (and keep in mind that shes the last person who would do such a thing), everything she told us has been backed up perfectly by the SPB who talked to TMB. Leaker backed up that rumor. There are other cases like this in the US, such as the Lewiston Killer, a man with a known name who police are almost sure killed five people in Lewiston, Idaho in the late 70s and early 80s. Talmadge Jasper Lafayette, IN murderer who killed his ex-girlfriends boyfriend. All of the information from Libbys phone came from the Cloud. Knowing the whole time the person that ended up being arrested wasnt even mentioned by any of the wannabe sleuths. I am totally shocked. Strange objects were placed around both sets of bodies. I assume that BG destroyed it. Also, does anyone know whether Mr. X has an older brother? Thats breathtaking news! They didn't mention that Kline was already in custody and had admitted to using the account to lure other minors into sending him nude photographs. This dude straight up killed two teenage girls in broad daylight FFS. I dont have any good data on that other than what DE said. I will see if I can find them. That tattoo really had me fooled. -Abby apparently hurries to other side of bridge. Despite Evansdale having a population of just under 5,000, more than 100,000 people live in the immediate vicinity; giving it a small-town feel but having all the benefits of a much-larger suburbia. Doesnt that alleged white scarf leap off the screen like it has more mass than a scarf would normally have? DELPHI, Ind. 0:05. Remember, too, this is not flat terrain. The girls were murdered before crossing creek and then carried across? It was February 13, 2017 when 13-year-old Abby Williams and her best friend, 14-year-old Libby German, went on a walk on Delphi's historic trails. Unlike any other sleuthers, we have determined the main suspects in the case, have a good idea of what happened during the crime and what the crime scene looked like, and have recently figured out the motive. In the Delphi and now Evansdale cases, your info makes the most sense. We didnt doctor the photos as I myself dont even know how to work a graphics program. Its not 4-H for adults; its serious shit. We can also reveal that the following information can be gleaned from this document: LE is looking for photos, videos, cameras, videocameras, and/or film. We also felt upon observing the photos that both girls legs appeared to be spread and they had been posed in a sexual manner or tableau. 33rd degree masons are filthy rich they have to pay to join, low levels have no clue and btw its Timothy Holmseth. I think its creepy that they have the guy on video and audio and hes still at large. White vehicle with temporary plates picture and tag number captured. Allen. However, he said he might stop if he is afraid of getting caught. How in the world could that be accomplished?unless it was two killers? Do you know why the police came to the conclusion that Evansdale and Delpi may be connected? We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Tricky emoji quiz will put your knowledge of childhood classics to the test. Shortly after his arrest, I said I didnt believe it would be him because he didnt match the profile. Re: #2 It is possible that no blood soaked clothing was ever found or seen because he stripped naked to do everything he did to them and then he washed away all of the blood in the creek before redressing. Delphi murder suspect Richard Allen, 50, was involved in a domestic incident in June 2015, less than two years before the February 2017 killings. This is just their idea of a good time. According to Anna Williams, they say, Hes got a gun.. Chevrolet truck parked at cemetery but recovered by PB who was part of the search. Yeah, this stuff, especially the Gematria numbers stuff, best belongs in the private group if you can afford it. They eat them for power and youth. They sacrifice them to satan. Pretty sure if anyone posts that Abigail survived for some hours after the attack she will delete it. Cheyenne) fsg (dc) Arguing couple (boyfriend) We havent been able to confirm it. Also, DG is Derrick German. To further muddy the waters, the Reddit moderator you mention has said that Abigail survived the attack because the killer did not check to see that she was dead. INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) The lawyers for Richard Allen, the suspect in the 2017 Delphi murders, want the names and addresses of every person that has talked to investigators about this case. Sleep well. LE point of view where it seems much easier for us to take action and gather the evidence as we go. Was also the last person Karenna McClerkin was seen with prior to her disappearance. From the beginning, a lot of people suspected it was someone that either worked at the girls school, or had intimate knowledge of the school schedule and knew the girls would be off school that day because of a Snow Day day off. If we follow the catfishing theory, there will be ample evidence in the cell phone records. With the boots that were worn we know theres a high probably he worked at pig slaughter house, why not check into attendance at work? I love how quick people are to dismiss the notion that Evansdale could be connected to Delphi. Still unsolved. You were always one of my favorite members in the private group. Recall that these searchers were ordered that under no circumstances were they to talk about what they saw. I dont know if you believe in Jungian collective consciousness, but somethings happening, and people are not holding back anymore. I realize that the FBI and LE have most likely looked into all of this (I mean hopefully), but its how you have to think. The information about the fake Instagram account led to 'a tremendous number of leads' but police still have not made any arrests, Kegan Kline, 27, is the real person behind anthony_shots, according to cops. I think they actually held the presser from his church. There are some weird people who have been posting very suspicious Youtube videos about the crime. The murders were undoubtedly committed at the crime scene. This comes from Abbys mother, Anna. Somewhat! I can send you a marked up screenshot. Thats so obvious, I dont know why people cant figure that out. Let me know if you are interesting in joining the private sleuthing site. So we do have some independent confirmation of our interpretation of these photos. There are so many Luciferians. During the nearly six-year search for a suspect, they did release a recording captured by one of the girls on her cell phone . Sure theres potential for DNA on every one of them, but LE claims they got no usable DNA from any of them. John Kelly is an excellent profiler and I agree with him and Harvey (yuk) when Harvey revealed that BG has a GoPro on him. Why do you think they get accused in the first place? F is 6. Remember when the FBI profile came out about BG? I have been following geopolitical events since the scamdemic started. Note that one girl died from a deep cut to her throat. Thing is, I am told that the SPA and SPB have never met each other. Adding them together gives us 32, a significant number in numerology with ominous overtones. In fact, we now believe that one of the girls was stalked via Snapchat for four months before the crime. The longer someone waits to tell about something, the more likely it is that false information creeps in, even unintentionally. In fact, between May and December of 2016, Altmeyer had attempted to lure dozens of underage girls into his car; at times, actually succeeding. said his eyes were brown with a hazel tint. Thats not a comprehensible motive to most of us, but thats what it is. To say otherwise will sabotage the case in court if an arrest is made in one case but not the other. Im a more forward looking person. They dont have understandable motives like we might have such as revenge or sex trafficking or whatnot. "Abby" Williams, 13, and Liberty Rose Lynn "Libby" German, 14, both from Delphi. Hundreds of investigators from across the state have been working around the clock for the last several weeks to find their killer. Dan McCain said he walks the bridge all the time, and BG walked the bridge faster than Dan does. I can post a lot more stuff in there than I can post out here because I want to respect the (relative) anonymity of suspects. ', Abigail Williams, left, and Liberty German, right, were murdered in February 2017 after going for a walk. The ironic thing is to us Californians and other warm climate westerners is, the reports were always about it being a warm day in Indiana that day at 40 degrees. We know that for some reason, LE was very interested in Nations, who had been committing crimes involving hatchets. Im being facetious but these guys just do this stuff because it gets them off, no other reason. I got interested in Delphi about a year and a half ago. He is also contradicted by Search Party Member A (SPA) a middle aged woman, who told two different people on our team, one of whom was me, that the girls were posed spreadeagled. dead children! 11 However, we also often means the conclusion of me and my fellow team members too. I personally place a lot of credibility in the DE texts. BG knew the bridge extremely well. Please point me in the right direction if that occurs. Searching in the dark are very difficult. May 2021 is when we heard about it. It was initially believed the sketch that has been in public view over the last two years of a person in the age range of his 40's to 50's was a person of interest in this murder investigation. Check out a topographic map of the area. Libby performed an iPhone reset one week prior to the murders. 2-13: Two girls were abducted; one of them was 13 years old, the other but a year older. Officers transport murder suspect Richard Allen during a hearing regarding sealed documents, Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2022, at Carroll County Courthouse in Delphi, Ind. footage in his house. I wish the person(s) who donated the extra $100k (+/-) wouldve used that $ to hire a REAL private investigator (someone like a Bo Dietl) that would blow this case wide open! Or, if it was Mr X, walk through the woods up to the truck parked at the cemetery and change clothes there. If thats not what it is, then what on Earth is it? Finally, regarding the recording, I clearly hear OhmyGod! after Guys. Maybe it is Hes got a gun! Either way, that clip is terrifying. Both crimes occurred in tiny rural towns. As for the bloody clothes, the perp may have been naked, then washed in the creek and then re-clothed himself. At the bottom its nice guys wanting to serve their communities, at the top its pure evil. Perhaps it is, perhaps it isnt. The truck was never searched, correct. A woman on the south side earlier in the day. Seeking justice for the girls and their families. I myself followed a rat hole about one particular suspect, EA, who I was sure had done it. Best of all, much of our information is via solid sources such as search party members, official case documents, and LE sources close to the investigation. Remember LE were looking for a backpack early on though. Mormon church, LDS, SDA, and Sons of Odin Illuminati to Freemasonry to the churches and communities they infiltrate, Bohemian Grove. Alt Left: Israel Versus Egypt and Lebanon, Alt Left: Francis Melville on the the Two Principal US Political Parties Views on Sexual Purity and Moral Sanctimoniousness, come out and stated unequivocally that Mr. X is not the prime suspect, Add Iran to That Sino-Russian Alliance While You Are at It, More Crazy (Obsessive and Conspiratorial) Antisemitism, This Is Almost Certainly the Single Most Inexplicable Series of Geopolitical Blunders in Recorded History, The Rules-Based Order the US Keeps Blabbing about, The Jewish Conspiracy To Subject Humankind. I guess their genders wrong, ages wrong, Hell, I even form mental images of them that are often dead wrong. He had planned this murder for awhile, picked out location, placed objects near site all planned out, possibly catfising involved. Robert Lindsey is getting fed BS by someone else it sounds like. Furthermore, there is a rumor that BG took photos or videos of the crime and sent them to Abbys cellphone soon after the crimes. You also know a Hell of a lot about this crime. Pedestrian, 49, who swore at 77-year-old cycling on the pavement who then veered into road and was struck by Are you allowing your bank to rip you off? It just so happened there were two people in the same area that were kidnapping and murdering more than one child at once. This ties in with a rumor, also validated by Leigh Kerr, that BG recorded his crime in a videotape, which he then sent to Abbys phone soon after the crime was committed, maybe a few hours later. Hi Rambo, see above. Or at least a connection to pig packing plants in general. Camwell (Stu Sutcliff) sets Barbie dolls on fire in his videos. Im wondering if this is why the cops said that there is no need for the public to worry. Theres waaaay too many similarities between Evansdale and Delphi to just take anyone at their word on a because we said so basis at this point whether they are being entirely forthcoming or not. Beaming Prince Harry and Meghan enjoy a date night at exclusive $4,200-A-YEAR Repli-Kate! This is the one element of the case Ive never been able to reconcile the fact that LE called off the search before midnight on the 13th. Here's what we've learned and what remains unclear: I really missed seeing your thoughts and insights posted glad youre back! A change of clothes could easily be carried in this way, and the bloody clothes also disposed of after packing them out of the area upon departure. She would have turned into a really good young lady.'. Geocaches were hidden at Monon High Bridge, Meyers Lake, and Seven Bridges. impression that BG had the girls cross the creek before killing them. The abduction of two children at once in broad daylight was such a rare offense that the FBI had only recorded roughly 15 similar incidents between 1974 and the date that the cousins went missing in July of 2012. Abby on her stomach, Libby on her back. 10 Libby German (left) and Abby Williams (right) were found dead in February 2017 Credit: Facebook 10 I think he videotaped this crime with the GoPro attached to his body. We do not believe this was a crime of opportunity, and I never believed that theory. Yet they stayed on him for several miles, pursuing him out-of-town until police were able to show up and arrest the man. A hatchet? Abigail "Abby" Williams, 13, and Liberty "Libby" German, 14, disappeared on February 13 after being dropped off to go hiking near the Monon High Bridge. However, those other suspects petered out. Dan McCain and FSG or Flannel Shirt Guy, McCains brother. Investigators believe that the suspect may be connected to a vehicle that was abandoned at the CPS/DCS/Welfare building. This seems to be a particularly cruel thing to do to a victim. No one has ever been arrested for the 14-year-old girls' murders, This is the suspect Libby filmed on her Snapchat account before she was murdered. Via a newspaper article in the Indianapolis Star and an LE sources close to the Delphi Murders investigation, we have learned that LE now suspects that BG also killed the Evansdale girls. Its an old rumor about Abby surviving a long time and trying to crawl away. In Evansdale especially, he needed gas, and he most likely sold his truck at some point afterwards. To Delphi. The person in the photos on the account is Alaska police officer and model Vince Kowlaski. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ad2a48e6461110fb1797b8eb39c1967d" );document.getElementById("b83dbe3da2").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Thank you so much! He took two girls, but while he was raping and murdering the 14 year old, the 12 year old he took managed to escape. People have a cognitive blind spot when it comes to shit like that because they put THEMSELVES in the killers shoes, and they bring their own limitations/perspectives/shortcomings into the equation. What does motive have anything to do with it? I imagine kids have been going out there for decades as well as undesirable folks as well. Body locations for both crimes are fishing/hunting/outdoorsman spots. Bevard is Mike Bevard friend of Cody Patty, Libbys stepbrother, who made himself very suspicious with some off-color Tweets these have been well-documented. Well, when a suspect is served with a search warrant, apparently the suspect is allowed to retain a copy of the document. Some people like to watch football, others like videogames, macrame, or baking, and some people like to kill other people. Even more importantly, if Mr. X had clothes soaked in blood, what in Gods name happened to those clothes? I believe this man is highly intelligent, a career man a bit higher up the ladder than most would expect, I believe this man is very well kept, a bit cocky, between the ages of 38-52, articulate, meticulous, well liked by many in the community, a father and he did not act alone. I am so glad to see you are back! Gematria is important to everything that luciferians do. Ive always suspected that the perp(s) have some serious protection looking out for them on several levels. 3. Thats suspicious. Your adversaries rarely are, so I felt that her stance should be noted. I would place that as a very close theory #2. Appearance close to first sketch. Just saw this. I am a senior investigative officer. We know he didnt carry all that crap down to the crime scene when he was photographed on the bridge that day. Turns out hes apparently completely innocent. Wonder if there were other Fs or 6s or representations of 6s in other parts of the scene. Nothing confirmed other than the original post. But I got some good ones to show ya. -BG says, Hey, followed by Down the hill. (Obviously we know he said guys.). But he is in a league of his own sick. Some kill for power. There is a rumor that an unusual knife was used in the crime. Chadwell is no longer considered a suspect in the homicides of Abigail and Liberty. Not only did she also tell TMB there were dolls at the site (specifically, dolls in trees), but SPB told TMB that there were dolls in trees at the site. It appears that a foot print at the scene matched the pattern of the workboots used there. Perhaps at the very first presser when the FBI was there. If its not a stuffed animal, then what in the Hell is it? Editorial we (look it up if you are unsure what it means) meaning I is used throughout this document. DELPHI, Ind. I think not. The age range on the new sketch is a man in his 20's or 30's. It's unclear who determined the first suspect's age. Im not begging but I would like to be compensated for my labor, if possible. DE did say Libby was nude, but you can see right there in that photograph that she is wearing a brassiere, probably a pink one at that. Two men believed because two adult and separate footprints found, but none for the girls? 'It's probably the smallest thing but it's the one thing we are missing and that's just what we keep hoping for - that one small thing will come to light and that this will be over soon,' she said, Becky and Mike Patty, Liberty's grandparents, say they knew the man on the bridge was suspicious when she filmed him, In December, police revealed the girls may have been communicating with someone online using these photos. In the case of Delphi, it was Libby. There is something about his lifestyle that enabled him to take time off work to focus on planning and mapping out the area. Not sure where the sleuthing group is? Cleared. Tracking down every number in a given time frame, probably months, may not be possible. ', Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter claimed on Thursday that he knew 'a lot' about the suspect in the Delphi murders and warned: 'Today could be the day. I often ponder the possibility that no children died in all of these cases if either house fires or murder.hear me out. A lot about you. The remains had been somewhat shrouded in an isolated area of the park where foot traffic wasnt a huge concern; in fact, investigators stated that the remains were placed in a location that someone would have had to have almost been on top of to notice. I believe he packed those plush toys and dolls to the scene. The Evansdale trail actually wraps around a few streets after Myers Lake, crosses a river, and continues south. (It doesnt deter all of them, of course, but it is illicit.) Look at Ted Bundy. There was a search warrant executed there very soon after the murders. Yes we think he had a connection to Indiana Packers somehow because hes wearing Packers boots. Delphi murders:Review the case through 5 years of reporting Initially, the media filed a motion to intervene in November, requesting the court to unseal Allen's probable cause affidavit, his . The Delphi Police Department, the Carroll County Sheriff, the Indiana State Police, and the FBI are asking for your assistance in identifying the suspect in the double homicide of two teenage girls, Abigail J. Journalist ine Cain and attorney Kevin Greenlee have been reporting on the 2017 double homicide of Libby German, 14, and Abigail Williams, 13, for almost two years on their smash-hit podcast The Murder Sheet. It certainly explains some nutty things about this case that make no sense. Wow, I couldnt read all of it in one sitting, but I do believe your blogs are the best. That way hes not violating the order. Appearance close to first sketch. Nevertheless, Leaker is seriously harming his credibility by flaking like this, and we are not happy campers regarding this man. This is what keeps BG up nights, guaranteed. Theres nothing there. They were looking for photos, videos, cameras, videocameras, and film in the suspects home. This ties in with a rumor that a single cartridge was found at the scene. Young Boy (name unknown) Made a post saying he was with BG when he murdered the girls. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Their new suspect, Mr. X, is a much better suspect for Evansdale than Klunder. You are also helping to fund the site. Still unsolved. Problem is that SPA did not just talk to me. The girls hand had been wrapped around the handle of the plunged knife to make it appear that the girl had plunged the knife herself into what we now believe is the log. The woman has since died. He claims he has access to court documents that someone who was investigated for the Delphi murders was given after they were covered, as a debriefing I guess? Prosecutors in Indiana are being blasted by the public access counselor in Indiana over a lack of transparency in the arrest of Richard Allen and what led authorities to arrive at that point. Hes a total POS of course, but a lot of falsely accused people are not model citizens. I think DE was lying about her hands being folded on her chest. Was torture involved? I presume most or us have seen the additional footage released last year. They just arent talking out of fear or blackmail or something along those lines. Being investigated to determine ties, if any, to Delphi. I read somewhere in your blog that one of the girls had an F carved in her chest. Now there are 14 out of 17 sequels out on Bitchute (The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal). Nevertheless, it does tie in with the facts about LE feeling that a knife with a curved blade or a gut knife was used in the crime. However, a single blow to a neck with a well-sharpened hatchet could and in many cases would indeed leave such a deep cut that one could nearly decapitate someone with a single swing. A family member was on their w Delphi murders: Suspect Richard Allen's attorneys say he 'has nothing to hide' Richard Allen, a 50-year-old Delphi man, is charged with two counts of murder and has pleaded not guilty. He photographed or videotaped the crime.