Rotation can allow you to better maneuver around tricky or tight terrain. On a bro with low Initiative after his gear and/or who generates Fatigue very quickly Dodge wont be as useful, but otherwise it is usually worth a consideration due to just how strong Melee Defense is as a stat. The softcap only slows this down by a little. Taking Pathfinder makes it easier to skip Recover for example, depending on build of course. The higher the Resolve of the character using the skill, the higher the chance to succeed. Some perks especially shine in the early and mid game and Im going to be pointing this out. Score is mean hits to kill with an without HH. Thats great right? If you leave a low HP/RDF archer in the open he can get peppered. Single target 2Handers have greater damage per FAT efficiency, and AoE 2Handers have nice AoE skills. Due to the damage formula, Nimble can even beat Colossus around 85% Nimble. On bros with low Fatigue, Executioner like KF can make more sense than Berserk as the value is not contingent on having enough Fatigue to capitalize on Berserk. Out of all of the factions, Fearsome works best here, and is great in Sea of Tents battles. Does not affect damage from mental attacks or status effects. If a Savant moves then he can only attack once so it is in your favor if they move around. Chosen (updated 8/11/20)Duelists vs. For blunt injuries it is good but for piercing injuries it is actually bad as the light piercing injuries are more likely to be useful than heavy piercing injuries. Test case is a Chosen with Spiked Mace vs. a Forge bro. Also unlike Executioner, Frenzy works against Ancient Dead. For example, a super tank that never cares about attacking anyway doesnt need a Mastery. Cleavers enjoy FAT support to make Decapitate more accessible. Bags gives versatilityIn addition to saving FAT, Bags unlocks additional bag slots and at least as much tactical options. Taunt works best on bros who rarely ever plan on attacking because if you cant hit anything anyway then you might as well use your AP/FAT protecting your teammates instead. Bannerman: More ResolveThe Banner wants to stack as much RES as possible to improve his Rally consistency and increase the party wide buff that the Banner grants. Fast Ad. It does also save a few points of HP against attacks hitting through your armor, which is welcome. Misconception Forge builds are better than Nimble buildsIt depends. A front liner and a back liner will get the same value out of Backstabber. Hitpoints (HP) damage dealt to a target depends on a weapon and skill armor ignoring damage (AID) proportion as well as on the targets remaining armor. As such, AoE capable weapons like Greatswords can gain a lot more stacks per turn than single target weapons like 2H Maces. at all times without running out of Fatigue or having to deal with Recovers normal drawback of losing a turn of defense. You should not be trying to miss to get extra stacks. You might say who cares, I want the Fatigue anyway and thats fine, but if you are trying to decide between Brawny and a different stat boosting perk then you may want to consider that Brawny gets weaker with Famed armor. You still want good defense. Reason 2 is that getting 300/300+ armor takes a long time, especially for many bros, and Nimble will outperform low Forge easily, especially Raider tier Forge. If your healer gets hit with this it is probably a reset.. Using Mind will thus improve a bros ability to get Fearsome value. An easy way to do this is to have your LW tank jump 4 tiles forward at the start of the fight and let enemies surround him and your team can deal with the overflow. Therefore, CS, Executioner, and Fearsome all have more targets and the overall % of immune enemies has decreased. If you want to play it safe and/or struggle with Goblins then Anticipation can help. Killing Frenzy synergy: They proc on the same conditionBoth Berserk and Frenzy proc on a kill, so it makes sense to use both together. Nimble usually performs better against weapons with high AID such as two-handed weapons or Crossbows, while Forge excels against repeated weak attacks. You can reasonably assume that Executioner will increase consistency in kill rates, even if it doesnt always speed up kill rates, but it depends on each weapon/enemy case. There's two main reasons for this. If the first hit deals 15+ damage, then the second hit deals 5 damage, the second hit gets the proc, and the third cannot unless it also deals 15+ damage. You dont want to half your damage output, right? Even though heavy armor doesnt need Forge as much as light armor needs Nimble, and even though Forge does require at least heavy armor to start mattering, as a defense and survival oriented perk, Forge offers great value. Relentless starts with nothing and gains some value over time. Executioner is inherently better on bros with other damage modifiers. Anti-IjirokIjirok gets completely owned by Overwhelm. Rally doesnt need RecoverYou might think Recover is an auto-pick for your Bannerman so that you dont cap and miss on a Rally. Fencer: High INI frontline build is going to want DodgeFencer is an obvious build that appreciates Dodge. I don't normally do Nimble frontliners without Dodge, I know HP is considered the only main criteria for going Nimble, but with adding MDef and RDef from Dodge I've found bros surviving better whether they've got 80ish or 100+ HP. It isnt really the way you should be evaluating perks in game. Early game: Keep good bros aliveRotation is excellent in the early game when you have a bunch of weak and fragile scrubs that cant take more than a few hits. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Since 2Handers cost 15 to single target (12 w/ Mastery), you will always be able to attack with your natural 15 recovery. However, now that Nimble has changed, you dont need Anticipation. I said before that enemies arent stupid except that they can be. There isnt much nuance to discuss here. Rather you may want to grab Adrenaline if you want your Forge unit going fast, which Brawny can help support by giving you more FAT. Counter high defense enemiesAncient Legion with Tower Shield using Shield Wall will have 50 defense + more if they are lined up together using it. Anti-Mortar: Escape the target zoneAs Mortars give you a clear visual indicator of where they are going to land, you want to get away if possible. 60 RES puts a -12 penalty on your targets RES for damage based morale checks. Your RES for purposes of the Fearsome penalty includes the Banner buff, Lone Wolf, etc. The chance of a morale drop when taking damage depends on your current modified RES and % of missing hp (after subtracting damage taken). While Indom gives the best possible defense against Chosen, constantly using it and relying on it has its own costs. You will find yourself against multiple enemies all the time and Underdog will be consistently useful. + Helps new recruits catch up in level+ Gain level up stats faster, and reach bottom tree perks faster+ Raises the minimum perk tier bar for free+ Doesnt count as one of your 10 perks Not a good choice in the short term Students will be functionally down 1 perk for most of their leveling compared to non-students, Students need 17% less experience to reach the next level compared to a normal bro.LevelNormalStudentDifference220016733350041783410008331675200016673336350029175837500041678338700058331167990007500150010120001000020001115000125002500. He can only revive once per turn with his Possession skill or twice per turn with no Possession. The true immortal guy uses the Davkul armor with Ijirok helmet haha. Even if you do invest in RDF and pick up Anticipation, it doesnt solve the problem that is enemy ranged attackers. Then they die and decide Dodge stinks. Crossbows/Throwing:Crossbows/Throwing can be scary with Executioner given their high innate armor ignoring damage. Dont answer to twinkle toes, its not manly!. Recall that once enemy morale drops it lowers their RES, making it easier to get more drops. Anti-Overwhelm synergy: Their value condition is at oddsNot that they cannot be used together, but to get Overwhelm value you need to have not killed your target and to get Berserk value you need to kill your target so they are at odds with each other. The extra defenses, Resolve, and Initiative all help increase the chance that your brother actually lives long enough to get an extra turn where he can perhaps try to save himself, or be saved by another bro. You use Lash to setup your stack and then QH to a different weapon to capitalize. But didn't take dodge on this guy, as that's just his normal mdef, and afaik "nimble" is on all the time is a directly impacted by the fat penatly of the armour and nothing else. Even high SKL bros can benefit from accuracy perks, but lower SKL bros will benefit more. Raising your bros RES makes it easier to pass the Rally check to improve morale. Pathfinder isnt as good in some casesThe biggest downside to Pathfinder is going to be the inconsistency in the value that it provides. SomeWyrdSins 1 yr. ago. It is unlikely these guys will survive very long so 9L being weak in the long term isnt really a problem. My perspective is that of Expert Economy and Combat, Low Funds and Ironman using all DLC and no mods. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. The Nomad faction in its entirety will spam their Throw Sand skill and provide the Distracted status (-35% Damage/INI). You dont have to build your whole team around it. Anti-Necromancer: Fish for faster winsI personally dont recommend bothering with Necromancers at all. Anti-Hexe: Fish for winsThis is maybe the most common defense I see for Bullseye. It doesnt have to be something you activate every turn for it to be good, and activating every turn will be too expensive to sustain for long. In that sense Adrenaline is better on Forge units because they are relatively slow. However, pumping RES has other benefits, and can help keep your morale Steady or better so that you dont lose RES (and Fearsome value) through dropped morale. If needed, additional stacks can also be carried and dropped by allies. Lone Wolf: You need high RES to safely LWThe LW perk encourages you to run off by yourself which often leads to getting surrounded which leads to a lot of morale checks. In this way, you can loosely translate your Gifted gain into +12 RES. Squire (Background) min./max. Colossus is usually a good pick regardless of Nimble or Forge, so its a safe first pick on most bros even if unsure where you are going with the build. Forge bros can use their slow speed to get two turns out of activated skills when using Adrenaline. Subsequent changes will be detailed in the History section at the bottom of the guide. You can also use weapons that have their own debuffs or control abilities, where going first may be crucial. However, there is a specific use case for CS here and that is as an anti-Chosen mechanism. However, Duelists are fairly perk starved and CS is a bit of a luxury that can be hard to fit in. In this way, Gifted is actually very strong on a bro with 40+ MDF already. Misconception HP is unnecessary for heavy armored characters with ForgeNo. Your weak armor and lack of defensive/durability skills makes avoiding attacks extremely important. Indom does a better job at this but it is unlocked further into the tree as is more expensive. Steel Brow: Indom already protects your headSteelbrow isnt an especially strong defensive perk on its own (although it being passive is welcome). There is nothing stopping you from using multiple or even all of these to just stack your defense as much as possible, but if you are tight on perk space then Underdog may not be your best pick here so long as you maintain formation. Each item in a bag slot costs half of its FAT cost to carry. Hammer tends to tie or beat Mace against enemies with even somewhat low armor, but the Mace is a more balanced weapon overall. Shield bros: Fearsome gives them support utilityShield bros deal low enough damage that they can appreciate Fearsomes low damage morale check effect. Without QH it can be difficult to make meaningful use of your two bag slots which isnt really a problem, but if you want to carry multiple weapons or items then QH will help you use them. Nimble can appreciate the reduced Bleeding/Poison/Stagger duration but it is hard to justify the perk slot here unless you want help against Hexen, because another MDF boosting perk will usually be more helpful for you and also provide status avoidance. Battle Brothers is a turn based tactical RPG which has you leading a mercenary company in a gritty, low-power, medieval fantasy world. In this regard, you can make a super tank who never levels skill because he isnt planning on attacking. There are also a lot of large camps like Sea of Tents where Berserk shines. Some will say 70. It just doesnt work that way. Armor ignoring damage counterNimble counters enemies who otherwise deal huge amounts of AID like Unholds, Schrats and dangerous attacks from weapons such as 2Handers, Crossbows, Daggers. An opportunity and financial cost that can set you back. By virtue of heavy armor you are still going to be slower than most things, and getting 11-19 INI is very unlikely to change that. Reach Advantage is +5 per hit but worth nothing if you miss. A bro like this can act as a setup man and skip on perks like Berserk/Frenzy since he is focused on knocking enemies down the turn while dealing good damage so that your slower bros can more easily get the kills. Plus: the new LPs and reissues of 2023. The reason is that many of the existing guides are outdated in regards to the DLC, only offer brief advice on the perks, focus too much on the end game, or have information I disagree with. Duelists also have the benefit of a free offhand, which means that they can open the battle with a Net or Grenade and toss it without having to do any weapon swaps. Any build type could be done with Nimble. Related Perks Adrenaline, Relentless, Reach Advantage, Overwhelm, Indomitable. + Can provide a lot of RDF+ Can encourage enemies to shoot a different bro instead Redirecting enemy ranged attacks doesnt technically solve the problem Stacking high RDF isnt impactful, as enemies will have already stopped targeting that bro RDF is a weak stat, Only counts on your base RDF, not defense modified by Shields/Dodge/etc. Does factor after Morale/Lone Wolf modifiers, meaning those can increase/decrease returns Will count decimals Will round any remaining decimal down Always provides at minimum 10 RDF With 10 RDF at 6 tiles (Xbow), you gain 12 RDF With 16 RDF at 6 tiles, you gain 15 (15.6) RDF With 20 RDF at 6 tiles, you gain 18 RDF Has no effect on Mortars as they automatically hit. For the Hangonne, Mastery is needed if you want to make it even remotely useable more than once per battle. Underdog is +5 in the interior of the formation and more otherwise. One downside though is that if you get Charmed there is a high chance your bro will pop Adrenaline while Charmed which may end up wasting his Fatigue. If they can safely hide behind Conscripts it can be difficult to chew through the Conscripts to get to them quickly. The bonus goes to +10 when Shieldwalling and that is quite good, even if you probably wont be Shieldwalling all of the time unless it is a super tank build that never attacks. Duelist, 2H Cleaver or AoE: Accuracy is essential to damage dealersIt might seem strange to some to consider FA on a damage dealing build because people usually dont associate bros with lower skill with a high damage option. The extra damage on headshot does not save it here. The disadvantage of this formation is that your backline range units can get zoned from the front and your four frontliners take a lot of pressure. Qatal on the other hand can output decent damage, and very good damage with Deathblow if setup. The ideal injuries are those that debuff enemy Skill or damage. The truth is that many builds dont need Recover at all. Magic The Gathering, magic cards, singles, decks, card lists, deck ideas, wizards of the coast, all of the cards you need at great prices are available at Cardkingdom. Recover is the fuel one needs to keep spamming expensive skills. Mastery CS Duelist Gash has a 25-100% chance to first hit injure a Chosen, depending on their armor. <1% injury before shot 6 Mastery: 4.79 shots to kill on average. Misconception Bullseye makes it safe to shoot past my brothersCalling this a common misconception is an exaggeration, but I have seen people say things like Bullseye makes it less risky to hit your own guys as a defense for it. Even if you miss your Stun you can use wait turn and theres a pretty good chance the Hexe will go for you since you are right next to her. You want a very dodgy bro to make this work, and given Swords low damage vs. armor you will need some backup Swords or a different option against heavily armored foes. This is great if you want to skip the first perk line or if you want to take a large number of perks from the bottom half of the tree. However, Pathfinder is so nice to have in rough terrain that it can be worth taking even if it has low value sometimes. All of the MDF perks benefit from this interaction, and there is no such thing as too much defense. Non-Fleeing brothers face a distance penalty of 10 per tile, which can make it somewhat unreliable trying to raise Wavering brothers 3 or 4 tiles away. If you have Resilient as well then the Charm will wear off without ever actually doing anything. You arent a real adventurer unless you are carrying a hundred things that you will never use.. Better armor for less Nimble worth considering with lower HPGoing above 40% Nimble is better in some cases and worse in others.Generally speaking, 40% Nimble is recommended with high HP.For HP values of 80 or less, more durable armor performs slightly better, as long as it is still efficient. 120/115/42% (Sallet/Mail) makes a good starting basis. 120/160/47% (Sallet/Noble) sometimes wins, sometimes loses, so Noble Mail is not a must buy. Assassin Robes are generally preferred if available.As a rule, the higher Nimble value options do slightly better against weak fire (from Goblin Ambushers, for instance) and weapons causing bleeds, while the 40% Nimble setups get the edge against heavy attackers like Chosen. When fighting 30+ enemies, the overflow enemies will spawn on the top section of the map which is the left side of your formation. The Gilded weapons are more threatening to Nimble units than Forge units. Finally, your back line is unlikely going to take any significant damage in a fight. Would love to do the same with some better talents if I find another decent candidate as I have another piece of close to min max nimble armour. The damage potential here is lower than the old Indom 2Handers. Check thiswiki page to know more about damage calculation. Single target 2Hander (not 2H Cleaver): High damage, low FAT costSingle target 2Hander has the best damage per Fatigue spent ratio in the game. Rotation is not a silver bulletRotation isnt perfect however. HH is mitigated by BrowAnother problem with HH is Steel Brow, and a decent chunk of enemies have it. Therefore, you dont have to compare it to other perks except in the short term, but that short term cannot be fully ignored. NetsNets are great. Shield Bearers Backup shieldsBarbarians and Orcs tend to smash shields and this can be taken advantage of. A 80 HP BF guy isn't going to perform much better than an 80 HP nimble guy. HH is useful against Goblins, low armor or naked Orc Young/Berserker, most human range enemies, and the not too uncommon human melee units who deploy with weak hats. Just keep in mind that Chosen have Crippling Strikes so even if you do survive you are going to get injured. Recover is recommended for continued tanking, as Indom and incoming attacks will fill your tanks Fatigue quickly. Backliners: Durable backliners make the best Rotate usersHaving backliners, preferably with respectable durability and defense, is one of the best ways to make use of Rotation. Given that enemies have defense and some of them high, it is hard to have too much SKL. Vs. Lash can also fish for the desirable Fractured Skull or Concussion injuries (CS would help here). Recover is a good pickup if you intend to spam, but may not be needed if you intend to just have Indom as insurance or an opener. Every turn they spend doing so is a turn bros themselves arent smashed. This means on flat normal tiles Athletic + Pathfinder can move for free. Misconception Dodge is married to Relentless/Overwhelm/NimbleNo, you can build a Nimble unit without Dodge, and you can build a Dodge unit without Relentless or Overwhelm. Good pickup for all Hammer users. Skills build up 25% less Fatigue. They want Underdog to help protect them when they do get surrounded. The harder Barb fights will also have Unholds in the mix. The single target attacks also do more base damage than the AoE attacks. Shamshir is also slightly weaker than a Noble Sword, trading 10% armor damage and Riposte for the ability to Gash. For this reason, Duelist tends to work best on weapons with higher innate Ignore%. I used to do it too until someone pointed out to me that the perk is bad. Isnt really the way you should not be trying to miss to get injured is lower than AoE... 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